AMAC Exclusive

A prominent liberal think tank has discovered a glaring red flag at the heart of Biden’s $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill. In a report posted last week, Matt Bruenig, founder and director of the People’s Policy Project, revealed that the Democratic child care plan embedded in Biden’s “Build Back Better” bill would increase the cost of child care for millions of middle-class families by an average of more than $13,000 per year. In response, Democrats are now actively working to discredit Bruenig and his findings.
One of the supposed benefits of Biden’s multi-trillion dollar bill constantly touted by the administration has been the promise of expanded access to affordable child care for middle-class families with young children across the country. Simultaneously, they have also promised to improve wages for childcare workers. To that end, under the Democratic plan, child care workers would have their income increased, via taxpayer subsidies, to match that of elementary school teachers – amounting to a staggering 138 percent increase. In addition, middle-class families would also receive subsidies via a “sliding-scale income-based copayment.” Families who meet certain income criteria would pay a certain amount and the federal government would pay the rest.
According to the liberal think tank, this is where the problems arise. Under the Biden plan, if a family makes as much as one dollar above the median household income (roughly $67,000 in 2020), they will lose all subsidies. As a result, average families would be forced to pay unsubsidized and massively inflated prices for basic childcare. According to Bruenig, the unsubsidized price of childcare would go from $15,888 per year to $28,970 per year under the Biden plan. For families just above the median income level in their state, such an increase would be devastating, as they would be forced to pay the entire unsubsidized cost.
The “scale” would be removed three years after the plan is implemented, opening up subsidies to all families. Until that time, however, Bruenig predicts:
There will be many dual-earning couples who cannot afford child care if both of them continue to work but could afford childcare if one of them quit their job and thereby brought their family income below the eligibility cutoff. Normally people who quit jobs to take care of their kids do so in order to save the money they’d have to spend on child care. Under this plan, they have to quit their job in order to afford child care!
If the experience of Obamacare and subsequently skyrocketing healthcare premiums teaches us anything, it’s that whatever the government subsidizes to make it “affordable” soon becomes dramatically more expensive.
Bruenig, a leftist, does offer several “solutions” as to how Democrats could supposedly fix the issue he points out in their plan. Democrats, however, would have none of it. Apparently they want a quick political win now, even if it means catastrophe for American families later. Within days of Bruenig publishing his report, Democratic partisans pounced on him. A Politico story suggested Democrats were working to “dull a dagger aimed — from the left, of all places — at their much-touted plan to make child care more affordable for American families.” Advocates for the Biden plan called Bruenig’s argument “illogical” and “not based on a close reading.” Conservative think tanks, like the Heritage Foundation and CATO Institute, have raised similar concerns to Bruenig’s. Democrats have gotten away with summarily dismissing them as “partisan” – but they can’t do that so easily with one of their own.
Bruenig has faced such an extreme backlash to his report that he has been forced to write not one, but two follow-up pieces defending his argument. While he acknowledges the critics, he points out that no one has refuted the crux of his argument: that the Biden plan will increase the cost of child care for many middle class families
As negotiations drag on over the bill, Democrats may be forced to slash the $3.5 trillion price tag by as much as $1.6 trillion. While the child care credit will likely remain in the bill, some analysts predict that the size of the subsidies will decrease. However, the hostility Democrats have demonstrated toward a fellow progressive for even questioning the effectiveness of the program further calls into question just how much scrutiny the various provisions of the bill have faced. Other aspects of the bill may have similar issues. For months, Democrats have failed to effectively explain to the American people what exactly is in the bill. Perhaps major flaws like this one are the reason why.
Democrat social engineering programs always cost the American taxpayer more money in the end. As we used to say in the software industry “It’s NOT a bug, it’s a design feature.” Democrat social engineering policies never stand up well to close economic scrutiny, because they are NOT designed to reduce costs or yield higher returns through productivity. They’re all about “feel good” politics, that aims to induce a superficial emotional response in people that make decisions based on their emotions instead of thinking with their brain.
The only real surprise here is that a liberal think tank actually had the nerve (and honesty… at least temporarily) to put forth an honest assessment of this particular Democrat social engineering program. As the author describes, the left immediately went into full-on attack mode for the think tank having the nerve to tell the public the truth.
The last thing the left wants is an honest economical assessment of what their various programs will cost. Remember, Obamacare cost 3X more than the Democrats said it would and created a situation where medical care costs are still spiraling higher ever since ObamaCare was enacted. That is the reason why Democrats never talk in terms of specific numbers or provide a detailed breakdown of true costs in any legislation they put forward. Everything is discussed in terms of “new rights”, “social and economic justice”, “equality of outcome” and “equity and inclusion”. Vague terms that avoid discussing any specifics. I’ve seen how proponents of socialism have used the exact same phrases as part of their pitches to sell the masses on how socialism will deliver a better world through granting the government universal control over their lives. Once empowered, the reality of what socialism delivers doesn’t line up with the fantasy sold to the gullible public. The end result of living a life of misery, universal poverty and living off of eating grass and tree bark doesn’t align with what most people would think of as a better life.
Please tell me when any federal program intended to improve the cost of any public program ever succeeded in doing so! Any time there is a problem that needs improvement, and the government has a hand in it, it always ends up more complicated, and more expensive. It is somewhat encouraging to see any Left leaning organization actually point out a flaw in any Democrat plan.
Not to mention the staggering costs to now provide child care for all of those illegal aliens who have been flooding across our Southern border since February with more coming…plus those who have been illegally residing here for years…and the new Afghan refugees. I don’t think anyone knows the true cost this will have on us. Looks like the new job to seek will be…Subsidized Child Care Worker!
Prices for everything began rising as soon as Biden stole the WH and they’re not likely to stop going up. This administration is trying to turn us into just another third world nation with only the super rich and the super poor!!!
Article V Convention of States NOW! We need a way to recall this impostor lemon, and nullify every single bit of dirty dealing he’s done from every “executive action” to every forged signature by his “staff”, or whatever they call his handlers. Another month of this drama and there might be nothing left of our country, especially if his buddies the Chinese get involved.
Mr. Biden wants his legacy to be the most progressive president in the US of America. Everything this man does or will do; will cost EVERYONE more money. History will not be kind to this man, I hope…
Labor costs will increase, exactly as the educated work force is shrinking. Or do they intend to put all these new illegal immigrants into the day-care business? This is turning into 1922 Soviet Union.
America—–WAKEUP this is getting scary!!!!! We have clueless people running our great country!!!
Please don’t confuse liberals with facts. They just get angry.
Of course childcare will skyrocket. That’s what puppet Biden and all the string pullers want. Those communist swine know exactly what they are doing to bankrupt and destroy America.
Exempt child care from income tax and allow up to 4 kids without government regulations. If this was implemented the child care shortage would end within a year. Looking to cure a problem by having the government fix what has been caused by government is foolish.
This democrat clown show and destruction of Our Country must end!
They are pathetic failures with everything they touch.
So arrogant and greedy to recognize how useless they are.
So out of touch to see how depised they are by Citizens.
And you naysayers of Trump thought he was bad?! HA! Getting a real taste of the left now aren’t cha?!
this is insanity! Besides the incredible hardship on working parents in cost, why in the world would a babysitter/childcare provide get paid the same as a teacher who paid so much to go to college and more to be trained to handle/teach large groups of children!
I did not Know liberals could think let alone have a Think-Tank.
Looks to me like yet another Democrat sponsored plan to disrupt American Families, even more! I mean, how many families would just get a divorce, and keep working, in order to maintain their current lifestyle? Maybe the Democrats DO understand what they are doing to the American household… they just don’t care…
He’s correct the cost of child care will go up. Besides the pay increase for child care staffers, the additional demand will drive up the prices. Just look how free college tuition, and grants, and student loans resulted in fantastic increases in tuition.
Second, notice how they attempt to put “equity” in the salaries by paying child care workers the same as teachers. Never mind that the teachers have bachelor’s degrees and sometimes post graduate degrees and also a continuing education program. Compare that with non degree child care workers who are often little more qualified than domestic cooks, maids, and baby sitters. Every one thinks they should be paid $50, $75, $100 per hour, but are not willing to do the work to obtain the necessary skills that justify higher incomes.
They’re limiting skyrocketing to child care? If it increases at the rate gas has look out!
Americans are going to pay for the resettlement of the massive swarm of illegal immigrants (otherwise known as future DemocRat illegal voters). When it comes to DemocRats in charge of voting process and procedures, they will come in handy for them. And American citizens will foot the bill for their livelihood in the meantime.
Please quit using the word democratic, especially capitalized instead of saying Democrat plan or Democrat bill, etc. I don’t think the Democrats, including the President and Congress persons, know the meaning of Democracy; therefore their actions right now should not be called democratic, especially not Democratic!!!
This administration has brought us to the brink of destruction as a
republic. please pray for deliverance.
Stop calling them “democrats!” They have demonstrated all their policies are radical, communist and they do not believe in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights! The continual refusal to mention the elephant in the room by calling them what they truly are shows the republicans are worthless as an opposition party and don’t have the balls to attack them like they need to be attacked!
The Communist Party is spending America so far into debt we will never get out.
Every single illegal alien, and fake ‘refugee’ must be rounded up and sent back. Including the ones brought in since the 80s.
If we manage to honestly produce our way out of this bankruptcy, we cannot EVER pay for world.
75 illegals for every house in America. Do you understand the concept of millions of people wanting OUR houses and what that will do to the cost?
Oh wait. Nevermind!
Our government is driving us out of our homes and stealing OUR property to build housing for all the world’s leeches.
Food. Same thing.
Clothing. Same thing.
Services. Same thing.
Cars. Same thing.
Trucks. Same thing.
Planned poverty for AMERICANS.
They are already forcing anyone who makes a penny over the limit of being subsidized to pay full costs. There’s no freebies for most of us who pay a Medicare premium. Childcare has always been a high cost in the US because it is ASSUMED that ALL women will stay home to take care of the children and all Households can live on ONE salary. That’s ASSUMING that the INCOME earned is over $200,000. Someone totally forgets that most jobs are not white collar jobs but blue collar jobs with average wages of maybe $30,000–$50,000/yearly. Meanwhile our Congress people feel underpaid with their $174,000/yearly salary for their 180 days of “work”. That’s about $966/day, more than most make in a month.
Just another increased cost thrust upon hardworking Citizens by joebama and democrats.
Look at everything, inflation is running rampant and these morons are still pushing a laughable infrastructure boondoggle to pay off their pals and destroy Our Country!
They ALL need to go and the party of anti freedom and America needs to be defeated so soundly that they take their socialist and communist garbage somewhere else.
The arrogance and greed of these failures must be CRUSHED and the Swamp completely drained.
Make every family dependent in some way on government subsidies to survive. Control is the goal.
Pretty scary that we have a POTUS that will sponsor changes based on whimsical libtard input from a jackass. Biden is widin’ his sidin’ with a bunch of Commie libtard idiots.
Biden’s handlers have done everything they could to give the middle finger to normal Americans. F them. Let’s Go Brandon.
WE dont need this for OUR kids? End it
This administration is so corrupt… it has been disheartening…I can’t stand to even watch the dysfunction…please pay attention…who are you voting for?…is this about feelings or what is good for the country that we all should love…pray for your country…
That’s an oxymoron, liberal- think tank. Phaq those sobs and daughters of white b’s.
Liberal-think tank now there’s an oxymoron
F the liberals sons and daughters of whores.
Biden’s going to cause ALL costs to skyrocket, at least! Not just childcare.
#MAGA2024! #TRUMP2024!
#FJB #FJBiden #FJoeBiden #LetsGoBrandon
This administration has been trying to destroy this country since the beginning
This information REALLY OPENS YOUR
I INVITE you to share this info NATIONALLY !!!!!
I would suggest if one wants to discredit Biden’s governance plans, just let him speak in public about them. It’s become obvious to any adult that Biden is not competent to be POTUS… or for any serious political or government related position at any level … except maybe dog catcher.
Remember, deficit spending by the government is just a subtle way to raise taxes. If the government functions on deficit taxes in dealing with its programs and governance needs, it is raising taxes without having to raise taxes as far as the public political propaganda is concerned.
Hmmm! Raising the cost of childcare. That’s right in align with the Commie policies. Commies see that as facilitating “early Commie training” or “early stages of Commie brain washing.” BTW … Joe Hidin’ Biden is a freak!!!
Raising costs of child care will also have working women either with a spouse/partner or single re- evaluate if they make enough money to even continue working or just pack it in an collect taxpayer money
So child care costs are going to skyrocket if Biden’s plan goes into effect? Might as well join the ‘party’, because all other costs everywhere have been skyrocketing for months.
The ultimate goal of this corrupt to be cared for from cradle to grave by creating one crisis after another for ones basic needs of food, shelter, healthcare> Promoters of “moral decay” in society!. When have we heard the words God, Family or Patriotism from this admin.?
God is now the Government, Family as they so define it to be, and Patriotism where one does not have to stand or recite the pledge and allow historic monuments to be destroyed while supporting an open door policy of come one, come all risking the security of this country and its people.
The fish stinks from the head down. One proud veteran.
I agree however, by doing nothing they win. Their goal is to demoralize those who care about the future of this country and simply give up and bow to submit to their agenda!
Simple call, your Representative, Senator or write a letter expressing your concerns or better yet your outrage of what is happening to this country under such reckless policies.
Everyone falls into one of these 3 categories:
1) Those who watch things happen.
2) Those who make things happen
3) Those who wonder what the hell happened
Hang on them like a cheap suit! Stay well and God Bless America
Destroy America tour!!!
Is anyone really shocked by this? Every time government gets involved in something supposedly in an attempt to “help” the middle class they either make things worse, more expensive or both. When Ronald Reagan said, “The nine most terrifying works in the English language are I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” he was absolutely right. Government can “help” us by staying in its constitutionally mandated lane and STAY OUT OF OUR LIVES when it comes to things they have no constitutional authority in which to get involved.