Wonderful Winter Sports
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Hint: If hurtling headfirst down an icy track at 80 mph with no brakes or padding sounds like a bad idea—congratulations, you've just discovered this extreme winter sport!
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2:19…never heard of skeleton….
never heard of the last one. But according to the description, I can understand why it is called that.
DITTO — never heard of skeleton skiing….but I googled it and learned something. Thanks AMAC for pushing me to learn something new.
1:51. My time would have been better if I knew what skeleton was.
6:58 Skeleton???? The description sounded like Luge to me. Had to use the reveal to figure it out.
29 seconds, straight through, hit wrong key twice.
56 seconds Easy one.
I have not heard of the winter sport Skeleton. I will search to understand what Skeleton is.
Skeleton. Learn something new every day. I just learned the secrets of propane. Amazing.
I looked up the definition for this – it’s a sled. Shoot, I always rode my sled like this down icy hills! (And still alive to tell about it!)
Easy fun one!
1:44 not bad, I played the quiz game first had all winter sport games and then played this game, unscrabbling words. now i can play spot the difference !!
1:08 Not too shabby
37 seconds. Not too bad for an ol’ guy….
Wow…a new time for me. 34 seconds. I had never heard of Skeleton, but saw it on the quiz so was able to figure it out. A lot of new sports compared to years ago.
personal best
1:34 Had to come back to “curling”. The others were easy
2:04 Used most of my time on skeleton. Never heard of it. Rest easy.
1:11 and I have heard of skeleton
1:07. I, too, never heard of the sport Skeleton. Odd description. Love ice skating. Skated my last time 2 yrs ago-at age 68. Fun!
56 seconds with no hints. I think that is a record for me!
45 sec
Next Winter Olympics you can watch those crazy Skeleton competitors. It is done on bobsled course and very scary to see. To me it seems like an extreme sport. For some reason I do enjoy watching Curling, something different.
1:10, pretty easy, even for a desert dweller like me
46 seconds
24 seconds…easier one for me
Love it! 28 seconds. Some times, it’s nice to get a no-brainer. Only my lousy typing skills slowed my progress.
30 seconds
0:25 Personal best. Easy one this week.