Wintertime Innovations
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Reveal Puzzle Used:
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Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Hint: The machine that makes your shovel jealous.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:21. Had to think hard about the first one; I kept seeing MOTHERS and couldn’t see it any other way, LOL.
A thermos keeps hot stuff hot, and cold stuff cold. How does it know the difference?
The very first word stumped me and I needed to reveal the first 4 letters. I got the remaining words. Good puzzle. Enjoyed it! Thank you AMAC!
Being a lifetime resident of Northeastern Illinois made unscrambling all of those wintertime innovations a snap: 37 seconds.
Ok so I didn’t get thermos
Wasted too much time on the first one. Had 1:27 after finding 4 but just couldn’t get the first. Then, after revealing it, I forgot to “check puzzle” again, in order to stop the timer, so I have no idea how long I spent on it.
Didn’t get heater. But then again, we don’t need heaters in Phoenix
4:10 Took a while on thermos.
4;04. No hints. Had to keep looking and moving letters around to figure out the words.
I put thermos for first word and it did not show it as correct.
2:32 slow time for an easy puzzle..Maybe I need a snowplow for the cobwebs in my head
HEATER is not necessary because it has no letters for the answer. The R could have been used instead of the R in THERMOS.
Sitting here needing most of the above mentioned! Stay warm thanks for the Puzzel.
7.5min…time to be put out to pasture.
2:09 With several hints.
4:25 several hints on the first one
Knew the “Hint:” with no letters. The rest I had to get at least the first letter. 2:54
2:07…couple hints on thermos….