Winter Activities
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Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Hint: This activity is done on a rink and can be recreational or competitive.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:55 with no hints – (meh)
1:32 no hints. Decorating slowed me down, too.
1:50 – no hints
Decorating definitely stumped me!
1:17 with one hint on Decorating. Good time for me.
2:34 Decorating took a more than a few letter hints. It doesn’t fit with the rest of the words. Happy Thursday and Merry Christmas everyone.
2:48 I took 3 letter hints for decorating, also. Merry Christmas everyone!
3:02 Decorating?!
What the heck does “decorating” have to do with winter activities?
1:29 Decorating stumped me for a few seconds
1:37. Used 4 letter hints on “decorating”. No sure what winter activity that is. Got the others with no problem.
Love word jumbles!!
1:56 needed 4 hints for decorating
Not so good today. These puzzles generally stump me.
I had a real problem with the word “decorating.” I did not consider this word associated with winter sports. Not a big issue. It was fun.
Apparently rearranging the furniture and painting the walls is a winter activity. Who knew?
3:59. Same confusion as the rest. Even though I guessed the last 5 letters of the 3rd word corectlly, I still had to use 3 letter reveals for the first 5 letters. My mind was trying to find another outdoor activity.
3:43!! Skiing got me. And like others I had to leave the site and return to enable a comment. Every week I have to go thru the same routine to leave a comment. This is the only puzzle that does this to me. Strange…..
It would go faster if I could just type the word instead of having to hit each letter on my phone
Decorating took awhile
Got all but “decorating” in less than 1 minute. “Decorating” is too general to call a “winter activity”.