Thanksgiving History
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Hint: The place where the Pilgrims first landed after being blown off course from their original destination.
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Columbus was a democrat, PROOF:
When he started, he didn’t know where he was going.
When he got where he was going, he had no idea where he was.
When he got back, he had no idea where he had been.
He got the government to pay for several return trips.
This one bombed me out completely. The title of it was “Thanksgiving History.” Please explain how any one of the things listed has anything to do with Thanksgiving. The Pilgrims had been here for three years before the first Thanksgiving Proclamation, and even one full year before what most people think was the first Thanksgiving. They weren’t traveling, navigating, etc, just farming and surviving. This really fooled me because I was thinking totally along a different line. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE. Remember, we are supposed to be thanking God for His blessings today.
4:00 with 2 letter hints. These were not the type of words I was expecting.
Toughie today! Had to get lots of hints
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! We have much to be thankful for this year!!
Too many hints needed. Happy Thanksgiving!
wow…bombed….same here George…hahahaha…..Happy Thanksgiving to all….
If you are interested in reading about the trials and tribulations of the earliest Europeans to travel to America, I recommend Here Shall I Die Ashore by Caleb Johnson. Sadly the section about the first Thanksgiving was brief but, overall, this book is informative and interesting!
Bad job for me today. Too much cooking on my mind! Happy Thanksgiving to all!
My husband got it in a couple minutes after sat and stared at it for about 5 minutes. We live here!!! When I couldn’t fit Plymouth Rock into the last clue I gave up! These were NOT the words I was expecting either.
3:08 needed hints, not words that I expected. Happy Thanksgiving!
Flawed. Won’t show me my final time or results.
What do these words have to do with Thanksgiving?
why when you finish the puzzle, does it all go fuzzy and you can’t see your score?
not what I expected
1:47 Had a bit of trouble with destination, but didn’t use any hints. Not bad. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
1:59, with two letter hints on second word.
3:21 with 4 letter hints. I got “voyage” with no hints though. Not sure how that happened. I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving yesterday.
2:55, not too bad but not great either!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
AMAC, please fix the issue with the blur. Finished the puzzle and couldn’t get the results; the whole thing blurred and I had to start over. Happy Thanksgiving.