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Hint: What is the state flower of Tennessee?
Hints Used on Letters:
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Incorrect Letters after Check:
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4:49 No reveals ..Great score for me.
:55 got hung up on mockingbird and the letters for state flower were iins instead of iirs.
2:27… mockingbird must be state bird?
2:08. Spelled Appalachian wrong, first time or would have been even quicker.
Did it with no help in 1:02 minutes. By far the best time, unaided, on any of this word game in the past. I have to be careful not to bruise my shoulder while patting myself on the back!!!! lol
55 seconds. But I was born and raised in in Tennessee
54 seconds. Also a Tennessean.
2:01 4 letter hints. That was fun. Not familiar with Tennessee except Nashvile is the home of country music and Memphis is where Elvis lived. I have ancestors that settled there, too way back when. Chief John Ross of the Cherokees is one of the more famous ones.
Didn’t know Mockingbird. Is that a city? Never been to Tennessee. Enjoyed the puzzle tho.
2:14 I’m transplant to Nashville from the North. Lots of us in Nashville. Moved down here about 14 years ago when it was nice. People were polite and friendly and easy going. Nashville is getting like other big cities now—rude drivers and property taxes going up by Democrat mayor. Hey you northerners and Californians and East coasters—quit bringing your politics and rudeness down here.
If I could only spell :)…
3:52..It took me a long time. Used 6 hints, and finally got them.
How does a mockingbird connect to TN? Got the rest fairly (for me) quickly though.
The mockingbird is the state and the dwarf iris is the state flower, at least one of them
1:57 with 5 hints on mockingbird.
1:32…had to have a hint on mockingbird.
55 seconds
56 seconds