Spring Season
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Hint: The spring in many ways is a season of ________.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Got stuck on allergies. The rest were easy.
“Allergies” got ne. Maybe if I had them I would have gotten that 1 quicker.
WOW!!! Under 2 min.
3:48 – not my day, my mind just went to sleep. I managed allergies (I have them) & renewal. I took 9 hints, misspelled equinox, & then sat there for 45 secs, forgetting to click Check Puzzle, as I watched the time spinning.
Jumble is screwed up today. Not enough letters circled in the puzzle and no match between letters over the answer and the answer; plus some letters not scratched out over the answer.
1:51 spelt rebirth without an r at first lost minute there! oopsie
1:25 Needed the first letter for “growth.”
First word won’t stop changing! All other words work fine
2:41 & 4 letters used
Allergies did me in. 3:47 with 3 hints
46 seconds. Best ever for me.
1:28 with 4 letter hints on allergies.
4:56 Also got stuck on Allergies