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Hint: A short nap taken in the early afternoon, often after the midday meal. Such a period of sleep is a common in Spain and other countries, in warm-weather zones.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Not bad – 1:43. I just couldn’t remember how to exactly spell a word I always just scan over since I know what it is. OOF!
57 seconds. Not too bad
38 seconds. Easy peasy.
27 seconds and only 4 word reveals! 🙂
I must be Spain illiterate! I don’t even know what the first three words are! )-:
There are a couple words I don’t even know what they are and needed lots of hints while I guessed and got one of them correct. Hard to do when you don’t know the language or customes.
Many letter reveals and even a word reveal, my first, but I did know the last one. I have a son-in-law whose family is from Spain but I know very little about the country. Happy Thursday, everyone.
completely evil PASTA
Tough one for me today. 4 letter and 1 word reveal. Tomorrow’s Friday!!
1:29 misspelled Ibiza.
4:58; several clues. I never heard of some of these words!
you gotta be kidding me. :58 seconds and no Reveals. I’ve never had a Spanish lesson and I sure don’t speak it. WAAAAY better than I’ve ever done in English.
2:35,, With no help.I remembered some from the word game which helped. Hope you guys are having a blessed day . It’s Rainey and dreary here. My bones are feeling it too.
5:20. Too many word hints to write down. And I’ve never heard of any of these words. I did know the last word with no letters to unscramble. LOL
1:12, but the last word was already completed. Hmmm. But thank you!
Seville, has a wonderful barber shop.
1:07, never been to Spain but this was still an easy one.
2:06 with no hints but did have to correct the first word. I truly don’t know a lot about Spain.
3:41 Two letter hints
Didn’t know the first word…took me 3 tries to get it correct.
Thought I zipped right through, but it kept telling me I had a word wrong. It wasn’t until I realized that
I had the wrong letters showing for the last clue, that I didn’t have the last word wrong, but rather, an earlier one. I, too, had pasta, even though I had seen the word tapas before, I didn’t know what it was, so I didn’t think of it. End result was : 6:43 with 5 word checks, 4 incorrect letters after check, 1 incorrect word after check. All because I thought they were all correct, but checked the four I had correct, before finding the culprit on the fifth attempt. And I really loved my many visits to various Spanish ports, while in the USNavy.
35 seconds. Love me some Spain.