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Hint: One of the most popular places to have a picnic would have to be a...
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:15. I usually do very badly on these types of puzzles. This one was very easy.
34 sec. Very easy this time.
1:02 is my best ever. I think I will celebrate with a picnic.
1:08 Happy with that
Thank you, would love to be where that picture was taken.
2:22, I think these are the more difficult of all the games. Oh well …
42 seconds this one was easy
:55…. Best time I’ve ever had on these! I guess if it involves food, I do better!?
Yea, 46 seconds. Must be an easy one.
That one was a breeze. 32 seconds.
Great puzzle. Great fun.
Very strange for me – it took me only 44 seconds to do this one. Must be too easy.
:38 Seconds, no misses. I feel good today! how about you? Best time EVER!
1:50 This was easy but fun because it brought back pleasant memories of the picnics I enjoyed at the park.
50 seconds; my personal best by far!
58 seconds! My best one yet!
2:46 with no hints! That’s good for me!
47 seconds…my best ever. Don’t you just love picnics?
52 seconds with 2 hints. Hints for me are usually 9 or 10.
Public was kind of weird. But this was an easy solution one 1:16
55 seconds…was an easy one.
1:10. No hints or reveals
0:35 … Easier this time
1:03 This was an easy one!
00:47 My best time ever.
37 seconds!!
1:44, stumbled on public and asked for reveal, luckily it didn’t happen and it suddenly clicked.
1:12 and no hints. Raining now, but would love a picnic in backyard on sunny, mildly warm day.
I’m usually horrible at this kind of puzzle, both timewise and how many cheats I have to use. This time I did it in :36, with no hints or wrong guesses
:56 good one for me!
0:33 ~ This one was easy for me.
2:33 I find this time pretty good for someone who went on a picnic once in his 78 years. Only the word ‘outdoors’ actually applied to the event. I’m guessing that people who go picnics likely live in urban or suburban areas.
Best score I’ve ever had. Lot of fun!!!
1:07, no hints, no reveals.
17 seconds.
That’s the first time I was able to figure all of them out.
1:12 for me