New York City
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Hint: The world famous theater district in midtown Manhattan is known as what?
Hints Used on Letters:
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1:09 for me this time
1:44 Took a few for the coffee to activate my brain this morning!
2:30, had a hard time with pedestrians
2:12 It took several letter hints for the first one but the rest were easy enough. Never visited the city just passed through on a road trip once. All I know about it is from TV. Never walked the streets so that first word was a total surprise.
Never expected pedestrian to be in the New York jumble. That one word took a minute. Still fun.
4:08 with three hints. I just was not focused today like I should have been.
1:01 for me, Didn’t spend time on the first one, asked for reveal, the rest were easy.
1:17 Took a gimme on “pedestrians” but got the rest.
1:43 with one letter hint. My best effort!!
Finished in 50 seconds, my best ever. But, admittedly this was my second attempt. The first time I couldn’t begin to solve anything but subway after initially trying a different word. And, Brooklyn was almost a no brainer. Broadway almost alluded me but suddenly clicked once I had more than one letter to work with.
28 seconds with 1 help. Hey! It’s Friday, y’all.
:39. No helps
Might be personal best
0:43. Thank you for an easy one.
I don’t want to admit I used 3 hints on “pedestrian” LOL. 1:55.
Who’d have thought? ‘pedestrians’, a unique feature of New York way back before the governor and mayor outlawed it.
Over 4 minutes!!! Pedestrians gave me such a hard time — never would have gotten it without 2 letter reveals.
pedestrians! PEDESTRIANS!!! Really? What makes NYC ‘pedestrians’? Do no other cities allow them?
Why all the fuss about pedestrians? That one jumped right out at me.
Alright, “pedestrians”? I understand a lot of people walk in the city. But that’s not unique to NYC. They are EVERYWHERE. The others I got with no difficulty.