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Hint: The _________ Marathon is the oldest marathon in the world.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:28 not too bad.
1:35… I’m not a runner so I don’t understand the inclusion of the word rubber. Can anyone explain that to me?
3:33…Not too bad for me. You guys are keeping me on my toes. At one time it would take me 10 minutes or more to finish these.
Still need that one reveal.
0:44 seconds. My brain was connected today
1:43 no hints.
55 seconds
3:04 Hydration eluded me. The clue in the last word says its the oldest marathon in the WORD!?
2:30 “Rubber?! Tennis shoe soles? Where the rubber meets the road? Anyone know the real connection? I’m confused, never having been a runner.
0:41 – easy one today
1:31 Took almost a minute to get HYDRATION. (Hmmm!)
2:21 quick for me.Word is part of the test, who notices it, not me.
3:07. I had a lot of trouble with the word HYDRATION and had to ask for a hint for the entire word!
2:10 with 5 letter hints…4 of them on hydration.
:21 I used to run marathons. I miss eating 5000 calories a day.
2:35 with two letter hints to get hydration. Doubt I would have ever figured it out on my own. My mind just never went there ‘til I got the second hint. The others were easy.’
53 seconds! I really didn’t think I would do so well on this one.
2:08 with 3 checks – 2 letter checks and 1 word check. (hydration)
Got all the words except for hydration. I used 4 letter hints and still couldn’t get it.
41 seconds. The only running I have seriously is to avoid exercise.
1;15…I type too slow
1:34, good for me.. wanted a lot of time because I was trying to go too fast and kept having to go back to correct spelling..rubber confused me to for I bit!
Didn’t get hydration – the rest was easy. Tomorrow is another day.
53 seconds. Took a bit to figure hydration. Have a great day everyone!
You finished the puzzle in 1:03
Finished in 1:49 using 2 hints.