Christmas Decorations
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Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Hint: These are hung from the Christmas tree and can be many different shapes.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
okie dokie then! 43 seconds & no hints. This was an easy one. HO HO HO
:50 for me! Merry Christmas — in the spirit!
:48 A good time for me.
2:22 good time for me.
53 sec 🙂
55 seconds
1:05; this is one of my best times for this type puzzle!
How do yall think of “garland”? I spent more time on that than the rest of the words combined.
53 seconds
43 seconds with one oops.
1:09 w/2 letter hints. Never did it so fast and the letters were on mistletoe.
1:03….MERRY BLESSED CHRISTMAS TO MY AMAC FRIENDS! May God bless us all in 2023!!
Haven’t used tinsel since I was a kid. lol
:41 clean…
Merry Christmas!
:52 – fun one…do they even make tinsel anymore? we used to have such arguments over how to apply it…one strand at a time placed on a brand or stand and throw it at the tree 🙂
1;46 – no help. This was very easy but I have to go slowly and be very careful so the screen does not jump up and down.
1:39!! Fastest time EVER!! Must have been all the HUMBUG CRUD!!!
Embarrassing. Did the puzzle this morning in :38 and now 1:03 after misspelling mistletoe. And, stumbled on garland though.
31 seconds. Very easy and cheerful
48 seconds. My best.
2:08 Not a great time, but got them all without any hints, which is a first for me.
Merry Christmas to all.
42 seconds Easy ones! (:-))
1:24 Good for me!
:27 for me —- easier when I do it as the last quiz
2:26. Got hung up on garland. I was well under a minute before that. Had to try the a,r,and n, that were missing from the last word jumble, into the various circles until I finally got it. Tinsel jumped out immediately, for me, but when my wife did the puzzle, she put in silent, and couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her answer.
1 minute 11 seconds with only one letter cheat on mistletoe
My best time ever. 44 seconds
22 seconds.
i got 1:36, really suprised because im not that great at these things
30 seconds. Fastest time ever. I usually stumble on at least one word. Does this mean it was too easy? LOL
First time I’ve ever played this game. What to you do when you’ve gotten all the words? I clicked “Check Puzzle” to get the clock to stop, but the I see I got charged with a “Check Attempt.” Is there a different way to stop the clock or is that what I’m supposed to do?
1.19 with no help. But I got help through the comments. Read them first and wised up to the answers. Good trick.