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Hint: The first one of these was built in Boston in 1897.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Got the first one fairly quickly, but then bogged down. Even though that gave me B,U, and S, for the last word, I couldn’t figure it until I finished the other words. My results show 3 letter hints, but I actually thought I had more, and my final time was 5:13, one of my poorer efforts. And it seems everyone else just whizzed right through. And I’ve been to Boston, more than once. Just not my day, this time.
Here’s a hint. Do word search first and you’ll have an idea of what words you looking g for
I did horribly on this puzzle and do not want to show my score.
Oh my. 3:22. Nothing popped out except for Bruins and subway. The other words I used 11 letter hints altogether on. Duh. My brain not working.
1:39. I admit I had to reveal the first two letters for Beantown and the P for Patriots. Admittedly, I know almost nothing about Boston nor most of the Northeast as a product of the Deep South. I did get subway despite not knowing it was the first ever built, lucky guess I suppose.
2:06 w/3 hints
WOWZERS! 44 seconds – pretty darn good for this old geezer.
17 seconds
Well, THAT was embarrassing, on my part.
Best I’ve ever done. 51 seconds; no hints.
227 one letter reveal, wow 4 me.
1:40, pretty easy. But the first subway was part of the London Metropolitan Railway in 1863. It’s now part of the London Underground.
same for this old geezer as well. Put ‘er there, pal!
52 seconds
41 seconds. Anyone getting a tad tired of so many sports-related jumbles? Boston has a ton of other great things about it.
1:43 w/lots of help…my brain wouldn’t work…
39 seconds – maybe my best time yet. Never been to Boston
38 seconds, never that fast before !
Bang, the words seemed to stand out right away, 48 seconds!
1:28 extremely fast for me. Fenway, Bruins and subway jumped at me.