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Hint: A baseball field is often referred to as a what?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
3:20 way too many interruptions.
2:31 Took a while to get peanuts.
2:11 Of all the words, peanuts threw me for a little bit.
2:48 Not sure why outfield took me so long.. I spent too much time in left field.
It took me a while and I used a few first letter reveals for some words but I did solve the puzzle. Sometimes I make it hard for myself because I develop a mental block. Great puzzle. Not hard but challenging. Thank you.
2:07. Got stuck on peanuts
The 3rd puzzle word has no letters for the answer. It could have easily been done right.
haha.. not a huge fan of ball and stick sports – got this in 0:34…
39 seconds—I did play softball for 40 years–I think it made this easier!
:20 — My all time best! Go Brewers!
2:58. That’s quicker than I thought (I did). I kept making mistakes then had to correct them more than once.
OMG I finished the entire puzzle! That’s a first for me! I’m hooked.
2:04 with a few first letter reveals. Fun puzzle. Happy Thursday.
0:38…. easy peasy!
fun puzzle! love baseball…peanuts took me a long time…love these, keep them coming please!
24 seconds. Take me out to the ball game – PLEASE take me out to the ball game.
1:09 w/3 letter hints.
1:38. Had some trouble with peanuts and stadium.
2:47 I had to take 3 letter hints for ‘Peanuts’. I had no problem with the rest of the words.
Surprising results for me. I generally do very badly on word jumbles and I don’t even like baseball
Congratulations! You finished the puzzle in 1:32
Stats:Hints Used on Letters: 0
Hints Used on Words: 0
Reveal Puzzle Used: No
Incorrect Letters after Check: 0
Incorrect Words after Check: 0
Check Attempts: 1
3:42 with 4 hints! definitely not my game this time.
Surprised by 1:32, but I always do the quizzes first which helps with this one. Still no baseball fan.
I usually struggle with word jumble; enough so that I rarely bother. Other than a few seconds of staring at the first word in this puzzle, the words just stood-out to me. 0:35 with no hints or reveals.
1:20…I enjoyed playing baseball.
No hints or letters
Stadium – kicked my butt!!
24 seconds.