Back to School 2021
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Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Hint: The instructor of a class can also be known as an educator or a ...
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:09 – no hints…this one came easy and I am not in education
35 seconds, the faster I’ve ever completed one of these!!
2:26 These always take longer on my phone. I retired from teaching a few years ago and chalkboards have been replaced by whiteboards in every classroom I taught in for at least the last 15 years I taught.
Back to school Yea. Luckily, have no kids in school anymore.
for some reason the letters I got for the final were teabler. weird.
My brain is obviously not working as normal. 12 hints and a time of 1:50
1:21 – No hints
1:27…. No hints…. No reveals…. Brought back lots of good memories as a former teacher. I’m glad I’m not teaching today though! They’d fire me because I would refuse to teach CRT!!
1:09 no hints, reveals, incorrect and only the single check.
Oh no! Two of the puzzle words had no letters for the answer. That’s just not right.
I guess blackboard is racist…
1:38 not too bad!
i got it in… wait for it…. 2:22
Well, this one proved a bit tough. I initially could not seem to make any sense of the jumbled letters. First solved teacher. Thought chalkboard initially was blackboard and finally misspelled cafeteria. Final time, after a pause to let my wife tell me about a friend’s illness, 3:20. Still enjoy the challenge.
1:32 This was easy. Fast time for this slowpoke double-checker.
1:11 and that’s really good for me.
Stay safe out there.
3:17,Easy ,but not good timing.I too thought chalkboard was going to be blackboard and then I mispessed gymnasium.
I look forward to the puzzles. They relieve the stress of the news. It feels good to do something fun.
1:14 my fastest yet
57 seconds. I think that’s my best time for any of the AMAC puzzles!!
2:57 and that’s with 9 hints. Pretty bad, huh??
1:12….new record for me. They should’ve had one for “masks” or “vaccine”
“Chalkboard”, first of all when I was in school they were called blackboards. In reality, I have not seen one in a school room in 20 years or more. White board yes, chalk/blackboard no.
1:10 and it must be our generation, I also put blackboard.
1:01 Easy one.
I have done the puzzle 2 times and each time the last one has the letters “B L A R E T E” No way could I make the word “teacher” from that!
Finished this in 1.27 minutes. That’s a new one for me. I am not good at scrambled words.
1:16…could have been faster if I could keep my fingers on the right keys.
45 seconds, no hints – absolutely the quickest time ever for me on a word jumble! The words jumped out at me right away but I couldn’t type any faster on my iPhone.
1:41 challenging