Amusement Parks
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Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Hint: What city in Florida is home to 2 major amusement parks: Walt Disney World and Universal Studios?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
2:43**No reveals.
Okay, I don’t know how to spell carousel. it is okay
A first: 1:03, with no hints, no reveals, no incorrect letters or words.
Great puzzle. Loved every moment in solving it. Thank you.
I look forward to your puzzles everyday and repeat my favorites on week-ends. I prefer the old format of ONE detailed and informational story even though there are more stories to choose from now.
1:29 This one was straightforward and fairly easy. I’ve rarely attended amusement parks in my life, but they are a part of our cultural heritage.
Four words and only two of them contain circled letters.
Correction to my below comment: Tried it again and this time three of the words had circles. Obviously the puzzle is random.
Missed easy Disneyland because I assumed it was the name of one of the new fancy rides and I’d never get it. Lesson: Don’t assume. Other than that twas easy. Enjoyed as usual.
Loved it the second time around!
I finished and it keeps counting as if there are more words. Very strange.
1:51, one letter hint.
had a problem with entertainment…duh!!! 3:01 with 2 letter hints
Needed two letter hints on carousel. The others were easy. Finished in 2:01.
3;37 and needed 2 reveals on the longest word ~ DUH!
0:34, probably wasted 3 seconds trying to move my cursor to the “check puzzle” button. No reveals!
Personal best!
The fun in these puzzles is getting the right answers. Long or unusual words become a guessing game unless you are familiar with the theme. It would be nice to have some kind of small hint for each word, such as: Noun, City, a Location, Person, Place, etc. so we have some idea of what we are looking for. Personally, guessing games are not nearly as fun as getting the right answers because you either know or take advantage of a hint. I play these games every Saturday morning and get a kick out of “winning.”
confusing ddirections I had Disneyland, thought I did the puzzle right and it revealed ALL the answers…..ARGHHH
1:08. Needed two hints.
1:58 w/2 letter hints
You finished the puzzle in 1:22
1:53 was fun!
One typo. Not bad for an old duffer with ARMD (Age related Macular Degeneration.) 🙂
32 seconds.