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I am so pleased with this week’s subject. I read a bit about WWII. Current book is SPLENDID AND THE VILE by Erik Larson — a day by day account of Winston Churchill’s service as Britain’s Prime Minister. We must not forget!
Sad puzzle for me. The World experienced a victory, but our family lost two young men in the effort.
You finished the puzzle in 3:54
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 2
My Father George Jr. and his twin Brother Louis joined the Navy in 1944 at the age of 17. My Grandfather, George Sr., was awarded a Purple Heart as an infantryman in the Great War and did not want them to be drafted into the Army. They grew up in Crystal Falls – in the upper peninsula of Michigan. Until a few years ago, they still celebrated VJ Day with a parade and a weeklong festival. Unfortunately, they no longer do – God Bless our Military!!!!!
6:54 on bb with 0 missed
I remember the day. My family went outside with pots and pans and banged them while shouting and dancing.
You finished the puzzle in 6:11
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
Before my time, but it’s nice to think of people bound together to support our country and our military.
You finished the puzzle in 7:11
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
Pretty easy one today, still took me 2:08 to move all the pieces
8:13 on BB. No missed placements, no reveals.
Honoring all those who sacrificed something for liberty from the oppressors. God bless them one and all.
Yes, I remember the pots and pans too. What a day that was. I was 7 years old. My 3 older first cousins went to war. One in the Army Air Corps, one in the Navy and one in the Marines. Tommy, in the Army, was shot down in his plane on his last mission before he was to come home and was killed. My Aunt never recovered.
Keep ’em comin’!
9:26 on brain buster, with 1 misplaced.
Yes, what a happy time it must have been! So much detail in the photo to remember.
Thanks, AMAC…
1:35 with no misplaced.
Puzzle King 1:23
Thank you Marines in the Pacific, and the Army/AF in Europe.
A little bit before my time. I couldn’t get the pieces to move a couple of times, so my time is out of whack. I didn’t have any misplacements though.
0 Missed Pieces 0 Reveals Used 39:02 Time
I walked away and forgot about it
1:36….The same as Coco!
1:36 Ya can’t miss on this one.
2:33 no misses no help. Neat puzzle!
2:06 No Misses
AND the Navy, especially at Midway.
4:10, no misplacements, which was not easy. It helps to enlarge the image on my laptop as I need to do with most things due to multiple vision issues. But so enjoy these puzzles.
Liked this puzzle. 2:27 for me and no misses!
Finished in 2:52.
2:54 pretty good for me
2:58…the missed piece was pulled away from me? No, I don’t understand it either.
3.23 and 3 missed placements
2:45, with 1 misplacement.
3:27 Happy Labor Day!
Missed 1,which is a miracle for me.When I looked at it I thought oh no ,not again.
2:17 a little better than my normal times.
2:12 Good one.. today..