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9:40 on bb with 3 misses
BB, no misses. 10:07
8:45 with 2 misses on the bb
8:27 BB 1 miss
11 minutes, 7 misplaced. Thought I was doing a little better than that, but still….. I’ll take it.
You finished the puzzle in 6:45
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 2
Reveals Used: 0
You finished the puzzle in 7:30
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 12
what theater is this?
2:44 with one careless slip of an error! Beautiful theater!
4:58 no reveals. and since I’m first to post, I’m the leader in the clubhouse! WooHoo!
2:22 No Misses!
2:40 no misses
5:31 hard – 1 misplacement
3:25 1 miss – beautiful opera house! Love that magic moment when the conductor raps his baton and you know the magic is about to happen 😉
3:04 – no helps.
3:34, but no misses. What a lovely opera house.
3:09 not the best … not the worst..I’m happy
3:17 have a good week
3:29..With 5 misses.Not on my game today. Still having trouble trying to figure out what it is.
2:55 3misses
2:14….2 misses….
4:12, with one miss. As usual, too slow for the puzzle speed demons.
The Royal Opera House in London
3:20 Very creative!
Interesting Puzzle, Thank you!
2:38 with 1 misplace… it slipped 🙂 very impressive opera house.
4:27 harder than usual but fun.
Beautiful picture. 8:52 with six missed placements on my phone. Initially had the image rolled up too high and therefore couldn’t see the upper part of the photo resulting in not seeing where some pieces fit into the image. Always enjoy the challenge even when sometimes frustrating.
4:33 with no reveals. Fun!
3:10 Fun picture to put together. Beautiful building. I’ve never had an interest in opera except for the movie “The Phantom of the Opera”.
2:25 with no reveals. Beautiful
4:34 with 1 miss – thought I would have a lot of misses, so I’m okay with this.
3:29 w/5 misses. Oh, well.
3:50 no misses or reveals
3:37 no misses or reveals. Beautiful picture!
2:45 One miss, it was not as difficult as I thought it would be.
My parents were opera singers so we had opera music in the house all the time. Then I became a teenager and found Rock and Roll. Oh my.
2:05 with no misses. Amazing photo. Would love to visit there–wherever it is.
3:22. 1 miss placement.
8:21 My usual slowpoke. I was enjoying doing this until I realized how slow I was going. Inviting picture.
3:28, 2 misplaced.
2:42 4 missed placements
2:54, not too bad.
Nice lines in this. No misses. 2:54
2:54 Tied with two others!
2:33 – I feel like I have done this one before, or maybe it was just similar.
2:14, No misses, no reveals