A Brand New Year
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You finished the puzzle in 8:01
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
God gave us President Donald J. Trump these last 4 years to wake this nation, to prove that with His guidance, our elected leader would bring us first and foremost Peace in the Middle East, an end to wars, strength in our military, a robust economy, and so much more. President Trump accomplished ALL of this and more while defending himself 24/7/365 against the EVILS of the leftist DemonRat party, the lying malicious media, members of his own party, the socialist liberals, ISIS and other evil forces of the world. He IS THE GREATEST PRESIDENT this country will ever know!! His LOVE of this country and the American People was unprecedented and Mr. President, WE LOVE YOU BACK!!
Cheers to 2021 and another 4 years of President Donald J. Trump!! You have fought the good fight and GOOD shall overcome EVIL in the name of Jesus!! May 2021 bring us more hope, prosperity and peace in our nation.
You finished the puzzle in 8:57
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
2:05 normal, : 8:10 brain buster Happy New Year everyone!!
You finished the puzzle in 6:25
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 3
You finished the puzzle in 6:07
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 2
2:48, not too bad. Happy New Year to all!
2:53 and 5 misses. My fingers were kind of stiff this morning but I got through…YAY! HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR ONE AND ALL!
2:43 correction, not 2:53… My mind is in a FOG!
2:25….2 misplaced…Praying 2021 is better than 2020!!! Ever hopeful because God is still on His throne!!
3:12 now onto a new year, hopefully covid will be controlled but IF Biden is POTUS, we’ll be wishing for the good year 2020! Stay safe!
kinda slow at 3:20 and had fumble fingers but it’s a pretty picture. Let’s pray 2021 is far better than 2020
5:23 hard, that was a fun one!
3:24 with a few misses but I finally got it. Happy New Year!
2:51 no misses
3:25 no misses
3:00 on the dot!
3:05 Can’t believe I had no misses!
2:19 and no misses. Happy New Year and as this one friend says don’t get all your spirits out of a bottle.
3:56. For the first time since playing this game, I had no misses nor asked for hints!
2:20 Not too bad. Happy New Year to all AMAC Members!
2:37, Happy New Year and Better Year!!
5:12 … no misses. Hope 2021 will be better than 2020.
3:48 Happy New Year!
2:58 with 7 misses. what is the matter with my brain. And, yes to the comment about a better 2021!!!
May you all be blessed with health and happiness in the New Year, remembering that God, through His Son, is the grantor of every blessing – great or small. Happy New Year my AMAC friends!
Once finished and trying to see the reveal, it flashes by in an instant, not enough time to see it.
AH….I remember when we used to be able to pop a cork and enjoy a little bubbly. When was that? 2018 2019, the good old days before 2020.
Thank you, God Bless You in the New Year!
3;09**2 misses Not my best, but not my worst either . Love thinking this year is over. Trump is still our President
5:03. A little slow a little hard, but I’m watching the Bills vs Patriots. Go Bills. So, I have an excuse for being so slow.
4:41 long way from my best time. Happy New year to All.
6:28 The slowest one of all I imagine. Enjoying the toast to the new year. Merry Christmas. A blessed New Year wished for all God’s children.
At Sunday mass Dec 27, our deacon opened his sermon with “ We’ll all be glad 2020 will be gone.” The congregation broke out in loud spontaneous clapping. Our congregation is not usually that spontaneous to sermons. (We do practice government mandated social distancing.)
5:39 with no misses. Wishing all of you a Blessed, Bright and Healthy New Year. Remember not to look back!
I am thankful for the year 2020 because it has focused our attention on the deep state and its vast infiltration into our country. Much of the country has awakened. I’m grateful for that. I’m grateful for our President Donald J Trump who is a brilliant leader who will lead us to victory in 2021 against our invisible enemy and its minions. Happy New Year to all!
2:08 no misses
3:00 A little slow for me but a fun puzzle to do and a great completed photo to look at. Happy New Year to all!!!
3:15 ok but need to do better..haha
I think this is a good feature.
Wow…4:27 and 3 missed placements. Worst I have ever done. Still, it was fun.
3:00 w/1 miss. Enjoyed this one.
You finished the puzzle in 3:49
Difficulty: Normal
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
8:16 on bb with 0 misses
You finished the puzzle in 4:46
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 3
You used to have the pictures side by side. That was much easier for these 88 yr. old fingers to handle. The same with the puzzel to find the difference. Is there any way they could be returned to that format? I love doing them but found the other way much easier to handle. Thank you so much for presenting these to us.
Tough one on my phone. 8:28 with 7 misses and 3 reveals though I never requested any reveals. Lifelong teetotaler and non-partier, I guess I don’t recognize all the images clearly enough. Had a heckuva time with the champagne flutes.
Keep ’em comin…!