Nativity Scenes
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Why are there 2 babies?
You finished the puzzle in 4:34
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 9
I didn’t do the puzzle until today (Dec 26), and maybe they changed the picture. I only have one baby Jesus and one mother Mary.
1:54 Slow and steady…and yes Dawn, I have the same question…why?
2:34 for me….yes Dawn, why?….
You finished the puzzle in 10:17
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 1
Reveals Used: 0
8:06 on bb with 0 misses. A blessed and merry Christmas to all!!!
Two women also. Was John the Baptizer born before Jesus? But scripture doesn’t say she is at the Nativity.
What a way to spread “misinformation”! People are visual and likely to not read an article. People look at a pic and believe it is true, especially if they are not versed in the Bible. Just like “Three Wise Men” came to the stable. Also not true.
3:36 Slow but methodical, no misses!
2:50 There was only one Baby Jesus!
2:24, yeah 2 babies?
Why are there two babies?
If there was a 2nd baby, it has subsequently been removed. Perhaps they used A.I. to draw the initial scene and didn’t look at it too closely?
New picture (puzzle) and no second baby.
I haven’t ever seen a nativity with 2 babies either, so I looked it up. It is probably Jesus’ cousin, John the Baptist, and his mother Elizabeth. Since he was born not long before Jesus, he would have been a baby still too. I don’t see anywhere in the Bible that says Elizabeth and John were at Jesus’ birth, but it looks like an artist’s rendition that shows them together. Jesus has the halo glow around Him, and Mary is wearing the traditional light blue.
A gorgeous Nativity Scene! Mike, you are a really confused fellow over the Birth of Our Lord, Jesus. The birth is all recorded from day one by witnesses, the government at the time, etc. and written in 2 Gospels in the Bible. NOT fiction. Since Joseph received in a dream to flee due to Herod threatening to kill Jesus, the Wisemen very well must’ve visited Jesus at his HOME, where the star ‘rested’. You trying to be comical is almost blasphemous, and shouldn’t be done here or especially during the Christmas Season. So distasteful. Instead, educate yourself on the Birth. Yes, dust off your Bible. “Be good and you go to Heaven” isn’t a myth, but more of an incomplete statement.
To all who wondered about the 2 babies, yes, it could be John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin, who was 6 months older, or perhaps townspeople with children visiting after seeing this great star above where he laid,
Merry Christmas and may the blessings of Christmas continue throughout the year.
I nailed this puzzle in 4:45 with only 30 misplaced tiles! I usually just hit REVEAL as quickly as possible and get it done in 5 or 6 seconds. But this time I brilliantly decided to try to do it the normal way. It could be there were two babies in the picture that threw me off. I forgot about the story of Ralph and Evelyn who also were in Bethlehem for the big census and were expecting a child when they learned a local farmer had a perfectly fitted teeny tiny manger that a baby could fit in with no fear of some big cow coming along looking for some grass to munch on. so they swung in to join Joseph and Mary. Kathy W talked about how people get a picture in their mind and IT becomes fact, so here we go. By the way there was no innkeeper in Scripture even though you’ve seen him in every Sunday School Christmas Program or movie or TV show about the birth of Jesus. And THE THREE WISE MEN? Where do you get that? We don’t know how many there were, but we do it was more than one, because they are referred to as “Wise Men.” Could have been 20 of them. We do know their arrival stirred up the whole city of Jerusalem, which raises another question: What in the world were they doing in Jerusalem when Jesus was born in Bethlehem? Did the star mislead them? NO! They did not follow a star to Israel. Matthew 2 tells us they were from the east and they had seen the star IN THE EAST. Had they gone toward the star… They knew the Scriptures and were looking for the star prophesied by Balaam, they knew would signal the birth of Messiah, and they also knew they were within about 35 years of Daniel’s 70 Week Prophecy being fulfilled to the end of the 69th Week, so they were watching for it. The star reappeared after they departed Herod and then led them to the HOUSE in Bethlehem where they found the approximately two-year-old young child (read it for yourselves). How do we know how old Jesus was? Herod asked the Wise Men when they had seen that star, and after they did not return to him to tell him where the child was he ordered all the babies in Bethlehem TWO YEARS OLD AND YOUNGER to be killed. Whoever the artist was who painted this picture, which is a great job of artistry, but depicting fantasy, left the baby Jesus lying on the hay completely unwrapped. No swaddling clothes. Ralph and Evelyn faded into history and nothing more is known of them other than THIS PICTURE, and we don’t know their real names because they are fictional characters. And when one realizes how much fiction has become the story of the Birth of Jesus, it is no wonder that most people don’t know what the Bible teaches us about eternal salvation either. “Be good and you’ll go to Heaven” is a myth at best, a damnable lie at worst. Maybe for Christmas we should get the Bible off the shelves of the bookcases in our homes, dust them off and read them, huh? Merry Christmas!
3.35 Two babies and two Marys?
2:02 with 1 misss
2:58 1 miss. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and I wish everyone a very Happy and Blessed New Year!
1:33 no misses. Did this on the 28th and there is just one baby and Mary.
Why are some of the pieces white and some black? I do not know how to post a picture here.
2:51 with 1 missed placement.
2:24 good time for me
2:14!! Merry Christmas!
What a disappointment AMAC for having an inaccurate picture of Jesus’ birth.
2:56 today
Very slow at 4:15 with 1 miss. I was wondering, too, why two babies?
Beautiful! Merry Christmas!
Jesus was twins?
I wonder if it is a depiction of today’s article: The Christmas Paradox: “The God in the Cave” & the Transformative Beauty of Christ’s Nativity.
I just read the article and the picture seems to imply what the article writes about. Just a thought!
2:29…. 1 miss…. I thought I was seeing double. Two baby Jesus?
I think the artist was trying to portray fully God, fully man.