History Of Coffee
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Love coffee!
…and once again, someone thinks it is funny to vote against comments. I saw 11 comments that had a “thumbs down”. I got them back to even. This is supposed to be fun.
2:32. Had to stop and kill a fly.
Not as easy as I thought it would be
You finished the puzzle in 5:48
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 5
Pour me another cup, please!
2:34 But first coffee.
Under 3 minutes. Pretty good since I am still in the middle of my second pot of coffee.
No sky, and no asphalt. Keep ’em comin’!
Nice hot “cup of Joe”, by the way, how did coffee get the nickname “cup of Joe”? Maybe from the Military?
2:38 & no misplacements. These are my best kinds of puzzles; I tend to be more detail oriented.
9:22 on BB
You finished the puzzle in 6:30
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 2
Reveals Used: 0
That was kinda sticky, love coffee
3;49 Refreshing picture!
7:28 on bb with 0 misses
Can’t do these on my phone. Can’t see the details since cataract surgery!
You finished the puzzle in 6:45
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
How do you publish the “stats”?
1:57 with one misplaced. I’m not a coffee drinker.
2:50 1 miss. Another good puzzle!
Today’s problem, for me, was that when I finished, nothing happened other than that the timer just kept ticking away. I clicked all around and nothing happened until I finally clicked on reveal and it said “congratulations……….” As it was, I was doing the brain buster, and I was probably around 10 minutes when I finished but the timer kept clicking until it reached 14:07. I only had 2 misses and of course, it charged me for 1 reveal, even though the only thing I revealed was that the puzzle was flawed.
3:38 this one was hard Lots of misses
3:52 with no misses.
3:38 with 7 misplacements. Not my best time but then I hate coffee so it’s OK.
3.14 and no misses lucky me
2:50 – 1 miss
2:56. Not my cup of tea! Ugh.
3:38. No missed pieces. O reveals.
2:47. 1 Miss. No difference in color. 🙁
1:26, 1 missed placement.
8:55 on “hard” for me. A record long time! Will be a fun week!
Pieces wouldn’t register.. had to drop them over and over??
5:25 no errors. Small puzzle was difficult to work with.
1:30… I wish I could still drink coffee! This puzzle seems cruel to me! Lol
2:28 Another good one.
2:58 with one miss. Happy Monday!