Coffee Shop
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I put my beanie on and did it on bb in 9:24 with 1 miss
I’m not a beanbrain, but it took me 7:13 with 4 misses on expert
16:18 with 38 misses on brain buster. Coffee beans really got me! Love it.
14:17 on Brain Buster. Needed to do this a bit earlier in the day while my eyes were still functioning. 🙂
2:44 No misses. Will try again at a harder difficulty! I love these!
I don’t drink coffee so I imagined it was cocoa and black beans! 4:04 on hard level with 1 error.
11:44 with two misses on brain buster. Good puzzle!
I’m curious as to what level of difficulty everyone uses.
7:33 with no misses on expert
6:32 on bb with 1 miss
You finished the puzzle in 6:30
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0
You finished the puzzle in 5:42
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 3
You finished the puzzle in 6:32
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 7
just got here so no opinion yet.
2:32 with no missed clicks!
4:22 This was a good puzzle. A lot harder than most.
3:38 … Not an easy one. But loved the challenge.
2:37 no misses
3:50 not too bad…..
1:49 very easy. – love my coffee!
5 misses 4:23
1:56…1 miss…Wish I could drink coffee again! When I get to Heaven, I’ll have a big steaming mug!! ☕️ ?
3:19 no misses, love these puzzles!!
2:47 with 6 misplacements. Ugh. Fun though!
4:32, 2 misses
2:24 1 miss
2;55…2 misses. Easier than I thought it would be
5 misses. The photo squares kept getting stuck midway into the puzzle. 3:27 and I’m glad I got through it. Really good puzzle today. Oh those delicious dark roasted coffee beans. YUM! into
Only 34 minutes and 37 seconds! Darn interruptions! Nu
5:19. That was really difficult for me, what with all those coffee beans lying around.
2:41 with 1 miss, but fun! Love puzzles!
3:33 no misses. Decent for me… I’ve never been the best at puzzles
2:09 Cool puzzle today. Thanks
I appreciate the occasional easy one folks but, come on.
6:10 Do you suppose it had anything to do with my not liking coffee? I was adverse to the coffee beans or something? Oh well. I enjoyed the puzzle anyway as usual.
This one was tough, 25 missed pieces, two reveals and 9:19 before I gave up. Still enjoyed the challenge but very hard on my phone.
4:03 Awesome coffee picture!
4:17! Loved the details tho’ it made it tough with the beans. The first four or five pieces were easy!
Thank you made my day!
3:11, and I agree that the beans were the most challenging part. Lots of fun, though.
2:49 with no misses. Lazy today and didn’t want to rush
2:46 Another nice puzzle.
1:49. No missed placements or reveals
No misses
Made me want to get another cup – Love all these puzzles 2.27 1 miss
2:31 with 1 miss
I enjoy the challenges. Thank you.????
You finished the puzzle in 6:15
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 0
Reveals Used: 0