Alaska Wilderness
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You finished the puzzle in 7:17
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 1
Reveals Used: 0
Great picture of an Alaskan town, but would anyone consider that “wilderness”?
The typical Alaskan slough. A shame the photo didn’t portray the Real Alaskan Wilderness 🙁 Denali, Seward Glacier and the Iditarod Trail hold the real beauty of Alaska. My home state, Seldovia Village is home and our Blueberry patches aer amazing ♥
I was cruising right along on brain buster, without a single miss, when all of a sudden I was attacked with multiple pop ups that covered up the loose pieces and interferred with my placements, so the final result was 12:35 with 7 misplaced.
7:29 on bb with 0 missed
You finished the puzzle in 4:11
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 3
You finished the puzzle in 6:03
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 2
You finished the puzzle in 5:41
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 2
Reveals Used: 0
A little faster this time
9:07 on bb with 3 misses. SKY AND WATER got the misses!!!
5:10 expert
Enjoyed others’ comments as I’ve never been to Alaska. Creek STREET is a river?
Creek Street in Ketchikan Alaska. The old red light district. Spent 21 years in this town and loved every minute of it.
3:14 Good one
Going again and this time to explore Creek Street.
1:53 A lot easier than I thought it was going to be.
3:35 It took awhile, but I figured it out. Little details in each piece helped. Only 3 misses. Happy Monday everyone. Have a great week.
2;27 3 misses not so good this morning.. – bad day ha ha
2:42 for me.
Have a great week everyone!
Never been, but sure looks like an interesting town.
Much easier than I expected.
1:55…no misses on easy. I needed to give myself a break today.(-:
Great picture — I appreciate those of you in the know identifying the location. Being a general aviation pilot, I love reading about Alaska. I will really enjoy this week’s puzzles!
3:05 I’d hate to fall in that water it looks really COLD !!
2:18,,with 2 missed placements.It looks like a fun week for us .I hope you guys enjoy it and have a blessed day today.
2:49 w/4 missed pieces. Should have gone slower.
done, in 2:30
3:12 been twice to Anchorage, don’t need to go again.
4;00 Pretty picture!
2:04, no misses!
2:46 no reveals or misses
2:36 no misses. I’ve been there, Creek Street of old Ketchikan. Population of about 8,000, so it’s not exactly “Alaska wilderness”.
3:18 Very nice picture.
2:38 with a few misses. Lovely photo
4:22. A really nice picture.
3:50 w/no missed. Great pic!
2:09 pretty fast for me. I loved Alaska but too cold for me.
A day late but 9:46 with five misplacements. Pretty tough on my iPhone. Looks like the edge of the frontier before stepping off into the wilderness.