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Durham Reveals Democrat-Linked Spying & Disinformation Campaigns Against Trump

Posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2022
by AMAC, Parker Bono

While most media outlets have been focused on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and America’s energy crisis, very little coverage has been given to the revelations that recently came from special counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the FBI’s extensive and intrusive investigation into Donald Trump and his campaign. While it was already known that the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign funded the fabricated Steele Dossier to the tune of potentially millions of dollars, according to Durham, Democrats can also be linked to extensive spying and disinformation operations that targeted both Trump and his campaign.

Michael Sussman is a cybersecurity lawyer who worked for Hillary Clinton’s campaign in 2016. Sussman was also an associate at the left-wing law firm Perkins Coie and represented the Democratic National Committee after they were hacked in 2016. Following the hacking of the DNC back in 2016, Sussman utilized communications with the FBI that stemmed from his representation of the DNC as their lawyer to peddle bold and baseless assertions about Trump. Back in September, Sussman was indicted for lying to the FBI. Durham states that Sussman concealed his political connections to Democrats while simultaneously pushing a since-debunked conspiracy to the FBI that Trump was connected to Russia’s Alfa Bank. Durham has also announced that Sussman was feeding the same false claims about Trump’s ties to Russia to the CIA in an obvious attempt to further smear his political adversary. 

Sussman and his lawyers have argued that the charges against him should be dropped due to claims that Durham’s indictments are politically motivated. However, special counsel Durham has denied these baseless allegations. To quote his most recent filing, “As an initial matter, defense counsel has presumed the Government’s bad faith and asserts the Special Counsel’s Office intentionally sought to politicize this case, inflame media coverage, and taint the jury pool. That is simply not true.” 

In February, Durham released another filing. This time, the primary focus of the filing was “Tech Executive-1,” Rodney Joffe. Joffe is a cybersecurity expert who formerly worked at Neustar, Inc. beginning in 2006 until suddenly retiring at the same time as the announcement of Sussman’s indictment in September of 2021. Among other partnerships, Neustar works with the government to monitor and secure servers for multiple federal agencies. Joffe’s employment at Neustar allowed him to access “DNS logs”, a secret archive of internet traffic records that contains both public and private data. Durham’s filing alleges that Sussman, Joffe, and Joffe’s associates at the Georgia Institute of Technology worked with Clinton’s campaign firm to “exploit” access to “non-public and/or proprietary internet data.” Leaked emails obtained by prosecutors from August of 2016 show that Joffe tasked a collection of contractors at the Georgia Institute of Technology to use their data access to find “anything” that could link Trump to Russia ahead of the November election. Joffe also told his group of associates that “the VIPs would be happy” if the operation was successful. Although many may think these actions are criminal, Joffe has yet to be indicted due to the fact that the aforementioned surveillance occurred as part of covert public-private agreements and contracts that the government has largely refused to reveal.

Among the data that Durham says was “exploited” is information from “a particular healthcare provider,” “Trump Tower,” and “Donald Trump’s Central Park West apartment building.” Most shockingly, Durham’s filing states that the sinister mission against Trump continued after he was sworn in as president and that “the Executive Office of the President of the United States (EOP)” was targeted. Notably, Joffe was offered a high-income job by Democrats if they were to have won in 2016. To quote another leaked email from Joffe, “I was tentatively offered the top [cybersecurity] job by the Democrats when it looked like they’d win.” Regardless of the fact that Democrats lost in 2016, documents obtained by Judicial Watch indicate that Joffe still managed to earn a lucrative contract with the Pentagon’s DARPA from 2016–2021, likely accessing highly sensitive information throughout the entirety of Trump’s administration. 

The infamous “Steele dossier,” which was funded by both the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign through radical lawyer Marc Elias and used as part of the basis for the wasteful FBI investigation into the Trump campaign’s alleged connections to Russia, has since been debunked. After being arrested back in 2017, Igor Danchenko, one of the primary sources of the Steele dossier itself, admitted that most of the information discussed in the Steele dossier was “rumor and speculation.” Danchenko is also a Russian citizen and a former employee of the Brookings Institution. Ironically, declassified CIA records state that Russians have attempted to infiltrate the Brookings Institute with operatives posing as “scholars” since the 1980s. The FBI was seemingly aware of this possibility back in 2017, with other declassified documents “indicating the potential for Russian disinformation influencing Steele’s election reporting.”

The FBI also used some of the sensational allegations made in the Democrat-funded Steele dossier to obtain a classified Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) warrant against Trump associate Carter Page back in 2016. Throughout the investigation into Page, there were “at least 17 significant errors or omissions” by the FBI, according to an Inspector General report from 2019. This led to Durham’s first indictment in his investigation being delivered to Kevin Clinesmith. Clinesmith pleaded guilty in August of 2020 to falsifying an email when he was working as a lawyer for the FBI back in 2016 in an effort to extend a secret FISA court warrant against Page. The above details caused the Justice Department to determine that two of the four FISA warrants utilized to surveil Page were invalid. In spite of these facts, Clinesmith was only sentenced to probation and community service. Sussman, and anyone else that Durham may indict, should not receive lenient sentences for such heinous crimes.

According to Durham, the primary goal of the Clinton-linked operation against Trump was “to establish an inference and narrative tying then-candidate Trump to Russia.” Sadly, this effort was successful in the left-wing media bubble. Buzzfeed, CNN, MSNBC, and other outlets each covered the details within the Steele dossier as if they were certified facts. Each of the above organizations, therefore, helped in the dissemination of Russian propaganda, whether willingly or unwillingly, in an ironic attempt to falsely tie Trump to Russia. Unsurprisingly, each of the above media groups has also been the quietest with regard to their coverage of the Durham investigation, and any limited coverage they do provide seems to be aimed at discrediting or downplaying the investigation.

In reality, Trump had no malicious connections to Russia and there was no evidence that his campaign colluded with the Russian government. Instead, it was the Democrats that created an artificial scandal by introducing the Russian collusion hoax as a deflection from the multiple scandals involving both Clinton and the DNC. Despite this fact, Democrats in both Congress and the media forced American taxpayers to waste millions of dollars on the Mueller investigation, which spent approximately $32 million in taxpayer funds looking into the largely fabricated allegations against Trump and his associates. Trump recently responded to the revelations from the Durham investigation by releasing a statement calling the situation “a far bigger crime than Watergate.” Senator Ted Cruz agreed with this claim in February, saying the operation directed at Trump was potentially even bigger than Watergate. To quote Cruz, “If this is true, it’s a lot bigger than Watergate. That was a bungled, third-rate burglary. It was wrong. People went to jail for Watergate. And people need to go to jail for this if these allegations are true.”

Due to the fact that Durham’s revelations are damaging to the left and their narrative, some Democrats have outlandishly begun to agree with Sussman’s claim that Durham is politicizing the investigation into the origins of the false Russian collusion allegations against Trump and his campaign. However, the truth is that Durham is not a politically motivated prosecutor. Durham has previously worked on investigations at the directive of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. If anything, Durham could be more accurately described as apolitical. 

To preserve Durham’s investigation and his apolitical status, 46 Republican senators recently sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding that he respect the independence of Durham’s investigation and provide Durham with all the resources necessary to complete his investigation. Durham’s investigation is currently fully operational, but Democrat attacks on Durham are sure to accelerate as the release of his final report approaches.

Given Durham’s history, nobody truly knows what will come next from his investigation. Still, two things are absolutely certain: Donald Trump and his campaign were targeted by Democrat-linked spying and disinformation campaigns, and Durham’s investigation into the origins of each is not yet over. 

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2 years ago

Thank God for a person that still abided by the constitution and law.

Barbara Struckmeyer
Barbara Struckmeyer
2 years ago

I appreciate your coverage of this news.

2 years ago

When in twenty years??We are afraid to impeach these traitors..In 1776 it would be no problem…

2 years ago

This news on the Durham investigation has already been released a while ago. That the Democrats want to shut everything down shouldn’t come as surprise to anyone. How about providing the names of the 4 GOP Senators that DIDN’T sign that letter to AG Garland to keep the investigation going. That would be useful information to have to ensure they are booted out at the next opportunity.

Isabella Mills
Isabella Mills
2 years ago

For all of dads and moms that love to stay home to take care of their loved ones, or rest of people on the search for an opportunity to pull in some extra income for their family month after month let me share a remarkable opportunity to explore.

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2 years ago

Nice one

2 years ago

This is a very thorough telling. I appreciate the rebuttal’s that are often left out of other sources. I mean if something is fabricated, then it’s fabricated!

2 years ago

How is it possible that Durham hasn’t been suicided yet?

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

I am sitting on pins and needles waiting what’ll happen next in this suspense drama will the villain hang or will he dodge the noose

2 years ago

Lot of house to clean after November elections.

2 years ago

They will die of old age before they are jailed. I have that much faith that Hillary will ever wear an orange jumpsuit government prosecuting the left moves slower than a snail

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Always remember: Any accusation which they fling at Republicans is EXACTLY what THEY (DIMMs) are doing. Russian collusion, voter suppression, censorship, ad infinitum.

2 years ago

Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk or you can say the same about reporting. Beyond that nothing ever happens. This is no different. Very sad.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

I’ll never forget how Comey openly bragged that he was doing illegal activities, because Trump’s administration was too trusting. It’s disgusting what was done and is still being done to undermine President Trump and his advisors. To this day, all of my friends, who only voted for Biden because of their deep hatred of President Trump, refuse to be logical and fair. They don’t care if President Trump was treated horribly. They would rather risk losing our country than admit to their ignorance and vitriol.

Paul Charles Burton
Paul Charles Burton
2 years ago

Indict The Dem Party Leader and HRC!!!

2 years ago

Durham has done a great job unveiling all of this But the question remains…… What if anything will be done about it? Words are easy, action is difficult

2 years ago

So, now we get a peak at the underbelly of our political system. Sadly, no one is exempt from this kind of activity, not the dems, the repubs, or any other political faction that has a moniker of power. This kind of revelation could have been seen any year, over the past 50 plus years of brokering of power on the national level…..everyone has a part, and I mean everyone! Durham is just showing us the tip of the iceberg and getting to the whole mess down deep will mean lots of embarasment, lots of scams, lots of dirty laundry across the board. I hope he can complete his mission, and from that a better Republic will emerge. Watching and waiting.

John A Bird
John A Bird
2 years ago

If our politicians are unable or won’t tend to business and clean up the swamp, Patriots and Americans should begin by shooting the tyrants as we can no longer depend on our legal system.

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
2 years ago

The Law of Moses states that a false accuser must suffer the penalty that would have been levied if the accusation was true. Hilary and Obama need to spend a lot of time in jail. May God protect John Durham. I fully expect the Democratic devils to assassinate him. They are from the pit of hell: Clinton, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, and the rest of the squad.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Everybody know that, even the Demonrats, my question is, What the hell are they going to do about, sweep it under the rug like they do everything else the left does, same old S##T, same old outcome, the weasels can do what every they want, and nothing happens.
Are you as tired of the double standard as I am?
November is coming, make the best of it!!!!!!!

2 years ago

Communist Washington is so corrupt, the truth will never come out, as you can bet every dime inyour pocket the clinton’s, obama and biden will never permit any truth. President Trump was attacked from day one and the people believed because they were fed lies daily. We have a banana republic, not a free thinking society

2 years ago

It is time to see some of these criminals take responsibility for their crimes and be punished to the full extent of the law. There also needs to be legislation passed that overrides the statute of limitations, in cases like this. so neither side can stall and stonewall long enough for them to escape prosecution….which is what will happen with Hillary and her accomplaces. But that has to stop. Too many times, and in lesser situations, government criminals just get reassigned, or go on PAID ( are you kidding me??) leave and disappear into the masses with little or no accountability or punishment for their crimes.

2 years ago

My question is why the person who filed for the survelience warrant from FISA Court is not in jail….intentional lying is a crime.

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
2 years ago

So tell me something I don’t know. I have but one question, what’s going to be done about it? I’ll tell you…just like in the past when it’s found out one of our elected officials have commited a crime…NOTHING, NADA, ZIP, BIG GOOSE EGG! Until the American people get fed up or get some b@lls, not a damn thing will ever happen! I’m still waiting for Hillary to go to prison. I don’t want to hear that once again the Democrats have been caught with their hands in the proverbial cookie jar, unless something is going to be done about it.

God Bless the USA

2 years ago

Lets see if I remember what we already know and have evidence of;

  1. We have Hillary maintaining an illegal server full of classified documents outside federal security – This in itself was noted to violate half a dozen plus federal laws. All Felonies
  2. We have Hillary refusing to turn the server over and then wiping the data clean before she did – Evidence tampering – a 3rd degree felony (BTW, she admitted to this on TV)
  3. We have Schiff caught very recently tampering with evidence (changing the contents of an email) presented to the Jan 6 committee – a 3rd degree felony
  4. We have Hillary, the democrats, and federal agents presenting known false information to a FISA court and spying on Trump personally and as a candidate – more felonies
  5. Ditto #4 except they carried that spying into the sitting presidents office once trump was elected in an attempt to unseat the current POTUS. I’m no lawyer, but that sounds like felonies, espionage, and treason.
  6. We have the AG telling teachers unions to send him a letter so he could have a basis to “go after” irate parents who disagree with CRT
  7. We have a Hunter Biden laptop chock full of blatant evidence that the ENTIRE Biden family has been bought and paid for by China, Ukraine, and Russia. Lots of federal crimes here.
  8. We have Biden breaking the very laws he’s sworn to uphold on our southern border.
  9. We have Biden directing human trafficking as his admin ships illegals across the country into unsuspecting states under cover of darkness.

I know there’s probably a LOT more that I’m forgetting, but it seems like there’s already an overabundance of evidence that this lot is guilty of a multitude of felonies. And for some reason, none of these crimes are being prosecuted.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
2 years ago

The question is what will be done about this very real “collusion” and the attempt to bring down an American president by DEMOCRATS. The answer is, nothing. Sadly, nothing will come of this. The people involved with a very real sedition will never be held accountable making this likely to happen again. Hillary Clinton and her co-conspirators will thumb their noses at justice for the crimes they have committed and elements within the government have been stonewalling the investigation since 2016 and still are. Some have even been immune to clear perjury charges. How the people have allowed this level of corruption is an indictment of the people who elect these criminals and the declining morality throughout or society. Our future looks very bleak these days. I fear for my grandkids’ futures..

2 years ago


2 years ago

This all is treason. Treason is a death sentence. When will THE PEOPLE take action? If you’re not willing to then don’t expect the DC Cartel and associates to stand trial. What is justice worth?
There should be no hiding place for FBI CIA NSA or the rest. Respect them? Thank them for their service? Every last one of them is to stand trial. Severe and swift punishment till it’s all clean up and cleaned out. Is America worth it? Or was America worth it?

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

THIS we already knew, and like Sussman, anyone arrested will be given a hand slap.
Why doesn’t Durham investigate how the Commies stole our 2020 election? Now THAT would be worth all the gold in Texas!!

Gary Kitzmann
Gary Kitzmann
2 years ago

My take away from all of this is that Durham should be an ideal candidate for the Supreme court. Actions speak louder than words.

USN Retired
USN Retired
2 years ago

Our wonderful politicians and the corrupt news media will turn a blind eye to this. And of course nothing will come of it . . . If you or I did anything near this kind of thing we would spend time in prison. Double standards, one for “Elites,” one for “Peasants,” almost looks as if we are already a communist country . . .

2 years ago

Oh beautiful for spacious lies, for amber communist waves on the brain, for multi-colored-inclusivity above the fruit-looped plain, America, America, God removes his grace from thee, through college campuses and socialist gangs, from sea to shining sea.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Take them ALL down Hooray

2 years ago

What’s the point of investigating ‘til the cows come home’ or “forever”, whichever comes first … by uncovering & proving all manner of CRIMINAL ACTS… if there is no penalty for the CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST WE, THE PEOPLE, … BY POLITICALLY AFFILIATED CRIMINALS ?

2 years ago

The watergate burglary occurred in June 72. Nixon resigned in August 74 but he was crippled long before that. With attention spans near zero, by the time anything comes of this its going to seem like ancient history. Hmmm, i can almost hear the wisest woman ever saying “what difference at this point does this make”.

Larry Mace
Larry Mace
2 years ago

The 2016 “hacking” of the DNC has not, in fact, been established as factual. The DNC refused to allow the FBI access to it’s server. So, not even that event is certain to have occurred. The Democrap Party is almost totally corrupt.

2 years ago

Both parties should have their headquarters checked out for bugs and provide real security for themselves. At this point nothing is going to be proven about previous ballots or spying. These issues are dead issues and Congress needs to provide voting laws that make both parties feel secure with election results so the people feel like their votes will be counted honestly. We also need to vet candidates especially for POTUS in both parties and I hope we’ll see new faces for candidates in both parties for the next elections everywhere, both sides who are in their fifties and sixties at the outside–no more senility in government please.

THX 1138
THX 1138
2 years ago

One indictment of Hillary Diane Clinton, Mr. Durham, just one is really all it would take to permanently retire her political career path forever.
It could be on the intentional destruction of government property.
Or the loss of life in Benghazi, Libya.

A chess game is not won by chasing after the peons.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
2 years ago

AS Gomer Pyle would say–“Surprise, Surprise”– who would have “thunk” it? A Democrat LINKED!!

Bruce P
Bruce P
2 years ago

Durham needs to watch his back. These are unscrupulous people he’s exposing and “accidents” do happen.

2 years ago

Durham needs to stay strong and get the scum bag Hunter Biden and the major thief who is President of the USA//His name is Joe Biden and then put Hillary and Bill Clinton in jail for robbing the USA blind when she was Secretary of State and then trying to scheme against TRUMP///Barr got paid off , but the GOP can restore the faith of Americans by winning the Senate and the House this year and then impeach every thief in the Democrat Party// Even the senile old man=BIDEN////

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

The effort to paint Durham as political in his pursuit of truth is revealing. Lisa Murkowski, our current senator from Alaska, declines to respect the independence of Durham thus confirming she is no INDEPENDENT herself. She should not and may not be re-elected in the fall.

John Samples
John Samples
2 years ago

Later this year, We the People will have the opportunity to throw many of the derelicts out of office. I hope we do so. The America we know and love is at stake.

R. corcoran
R. corcoran
2 years ago

l please stay strong Mister Durham

2 years ago

So, in summary, the FBI, CIA, DNC, the Clintons, the Obamas and American media outlets ALL conspired AT THE SAME TIME to defraud the American taxpayer. Just once, I’d like to see one of those bastards held accountable. Just once. This was every bit the same as a coup in any 3rd world country to oust a leader selected by the people and to influence future elections. And, it worked flawlessly. I have to believe that Nancy Pelosi was complicit in ALL of it. And, that’s why we now have a useless administration composed of the most shallow, incompetent, ruthless and inept people. I’m done voting. I have no voice. And, I believe we’ve reached a point where American taxpayers cannot vote their way out of the corruption. Rule of law is dead if none of these people are convicted and sentenced. No guts, no republic, Folks.

2 years ago

So, when will some get prosecuted? Enough talk!

Jim Rizzo
Jim Rizzo
2 years ago

..keep digging..& make Sussman sqeal ..& make Hil liar y & the dem party pay the $32M

2 years ago

Insanity. If after all of this Hillary walks free, I will lose sll faith in our justice system. It’s as plain as the nose on your face. HILLARY is responsible for this.

2 years ago

A little street justice with some of these traitors hanging from yardarms as examples will send a stronger message than any words!

Carol Powell
Carol Powell
2 years ago

Put Trump back in! They stole the election anyway. Need to get the 40+ senators out.

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