AMAC Exclusive – by Daniel Roman

While American credibility is in shreds following the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, Chinese leader Xi Jinping has moved in broad daylight to steal the intellectual property of Advanced RISC Machines (ARM)—a global technology giant valued at over $50 billion. Absent a major reversal on the part of the Chinese authorities, China will have effectively nationalized the Chinese branch of the U.K.-based company overnight, and with it, staked a claim to all of ARM’s intellectual property worldwide. If Biden and the West fail to stop this theft—which has titanic implications not just for the electronics, telecom, and high-tech manufacturing industries, but for national security itself—the Chinese move will go down as one of the greatest geopolitical coups of the last century.
The precise circumstances of this coup demonstrates both the Chinese approach to business — a process of “chopping,” where the Chinese government requires international firms that wish to operate within the People’s Republic of China to sell a majority stake to Chinese investors — and the Chinese government’s long-term ambition, which is to eventually turn every 51% stake into a totality. There is a direct analogy between the process by which Beijing is seeking to turn a 51% stake in ARM China into a 100% stake, and how they turned what could perhaps be termed a “51% stake” in Hong Kong’s governance into 100% domination.
In the case of ARM, in order to gain access to the Chinese market, the world’s largest in terms of smartphones, ARM was required to create a local subsidiary to which it would transfer rights to all IP it wished to license globally. Such subsidiaries are required to have a majority share owned by Chinese investors. In the case of ARM China, this was 51%, with Softbank, a Japanese conglomerate, holding the other 49%. On paper, the entity was to be independent of the Chinese government, as the Chinese share would be divided between different investors. Furthermore, a majority of the board would be nominated by the parent company. In the end, neither defense against Chinese domination held.
While the board was independent, its Chinese CEO, Allen Wu, was not. He played ball with ARM international as long as there was a prospect of him potentially rising to power at the global level. When ARM entered talks with the American company NVIDIA for a merger, he lost interest, and instead did what many other Chinese executives on joint ventures have done before him. He opened shop across the street at a new firm, Alphatecture, and began transferring ARM China’s assets to that company. When the Board of ARM found out, they voted 7-1 to remove him. This, however, is China, and Wu had the “corporate seal,” the physical stamp or “chop” that confers upon the bearer authority to make deals, transfers, and decisions about the company. In China, possession of the seal is nine tenths of the law (the remainder being the will of Xi Jinping). In this case, Wu used the seal to maintain access to ARM China’s assets, cutting off ARM’s board and employees not just from their accounts but also their own workplaces. The Chinese police looked on with wry amusement, a sentiment that is likely to be echoed by whatever Chinese judges hear the case against Wu.
It is unclear what ARM or anyone else can do, at least within China. It is unlikely Wu would have behaved in this manner without the foreknowledge and support of the CCP leadership. Rogue businessmen tend not to prosper in Xi Jinping’s China, as Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, found out the hard way.
Internationally, ARM will clearly refuse to transfer any further IP to ARM China, which thankfully, does not appear to possess the most recent designs. Western countries can and should move immediately to blacklist any products using designs licensed by ARM China or Alphatecture, but there is little they can do about the Chinese market, which is almost certain to be flooded with products using the now stolen IP. Nor is it clear how effective Western efforts will be against the flood of Chinese phones, tablets, and laptops which are likely to arrive in Asia and Africa. With time, and enforcement, the “real” ARM may be able to take advantage of the freer climate of the West to regain the technological lead lost, but it is hard to overstate the importance of what Xi has done. He has quite literally stolen one of the most important technology companies in the world, responsible for the most widely used processor designs on the planet and a firm that has sold over 180 billion processors worldwide for everything from superconductors to phones to computers to servers.
A Growing Threat
In a single move, Xi has emancipated China legally from any dependence on foreign technology for processors. Henceforth, China will be able to contest ownership of IP, thereby being able to claim with disingenuous innocence that China is legally licensing Alphatecture’s IP when challenged on piracy. On a wider level, this reinforces the threat China poses to global supply chains. China already has a stranglehold on iPhone production. And the microchips, whose limited supply are causing shortages in everything ranging from new game consoles to cars, are produced almost exclusively in Taiwan, making the island an even more tempting target for Xi.
Xi’s move against ARM also represents a truth about the new China. There is no place for divided loyalties or ownership in China. Gone is the time when foreigners could wield power in China through either political agreements or ownership. But for Xi, even that is not enough. For China in the 2020s, 51% control is not enough, not of ARM China, nor of Hong Kong. As long as individuals who are not subservient to the CCP exist on the boards of major companies in China, or in the legislative assemblies of Hong Kong, islands of foreign influence and power remain. It is probably not entirely a coincidence that on the same day Mr. Wu made his move to seize control of ARM’s Chinese operations, the last opposition member of the Hong Kong legislative assembly was expelled. Combined with moves against the foreign-dominated private education market, which this spring was legally required to be non-profit, it is clear that China no longer sees a need for foreign workers, or foreigners in general.
This is important. For decades, there was a dream that if capitalism developed in China due to trade and investment, China would democratize. For all but a few delusional fools, this dream died by 2009. For most, it was replaced by a much more modest hope that through investment in China, Western firms could at least gain access to the market and make some profits to balance the trade deficits and provide a limited incentive for Beijing to avoid open confrontation. Now that has been revealed as a false hope, or worse, a lie. In the long run, there is no place for any Western investment in China, or for Westerners. All investment will be allowed solely to serve the interests of the CCP, and when it no longer does so, it will be terminated with scant consideration for legal rights or promises.
A Bamboo Curtain
China’s actions are not without precedent in recent history. In 1946, Sir Winston Churchill similarly warned during a speech in Fulton, Mississippi that the Soviet Union, far from seeking security in the countries it dominated, sought domination, or so entirely associated security with total domination that there was no meaningful difference:
From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia, all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere, and all are subject in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and, in many cases, increasing measure of control from Moscow.
For Stalin, it was not enough that governments in the Soviet sphere of influence be friendly to the Soviet Union, or even Communist dominated. They had to be purely Communist, and furthermore, purely pro-Soviet Communist, with any hints of deviation crushed.
As the ARM affair starkly reveals, the efforts of Xi Jinping to expand China’s sphere of influence represent one of the greatest challenges of the 2020s, and U.S. policymakers of both parties have rightfully focused their attention on the problem. Joe Biden’s National Security Adviser, perhaps as an excuse, justified the withdrawal from Afghanistan on the basis that it allowed for a greater focus on the Chinese threat. But for all the attention levied on the spread of Chinese influence, far less attention is being paid to what is happening behind the “Bamboo Curtain.” For much as Stalin was not content merely to dominate within his zone of influence, but demanded absolute conformity, so too is Xi Jinping making clear that within China’s zone there is no room for anyone who is not Chinese. Nor for any Chinese individual who is not subservient to the CCP. This applies not just to politics but to economics and technology. For China, IP theft is not just about saving money and gaining a competitive advantage. It is about control. As long as China is forced to recognize the rights of any non-Chinese entities to any sort of property or technology within China, then China, in Xi’s view, is not sovereign.
The illusion is dead. It is time to heed Churchill’s call to face the new reality. The Bamboo Curtain is descending across the world.
Daniel Roman is the pen name of a frequent commentator and lecturer on foreign policy and political affairs, both nationally and internationally. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics.
I have been watching ARM since NVIDIA announced its intention to purchase the company some time ago. While most of the attention has been focused on various international players trying to prevent an American company from acquiring ARM, for various political purposes that are counter-intuitive at best and smell of collusion at worst, the Chinese CCP and their surrogates have been acting pretty much as expected. The article above is accurate to the level it goes and shows the lengths the CCP will go to in order to achieve their ultimate goals.
In the space of technology, the CCP have laid out their roadmap for global domination of the semiconductor space. The CCP, via Mr. Wu in this instance, is simply trying to ensure that they loot virtually every valuable IP asset from ARM should the international community currently aligned against NVIDIA actually allow the NVIDIA acquisition of ARM to go through. It’s the CCP’s back-up plan should their primary plan of international intimidation somehow fall apart regarding the merger. A combined NVIDIA / ARM would pose a serious threat to the plans of the CCP to achieve their goal of semiconductor dominance on the schedule they have committed to. The CCP plays hardball, while the many of our so-called leaders here just make pretty speeches.
China had Biden remove our forces from Afghanistan & they want Baghram Air Base & U think Biden will stop this??
joebiden,useless corrupt obama,soros, and the failed democrats have already been bought off by the Chinese communist government!
This is NOT a surprise at all.
It’s EXACTLY why these scum must all be removed from office and prosecuted as traitors to America!
It’s SO bad now that the Chinese don’t even care to hide their global corruption and walking over America.
They gave 800 billion in weapons to Afghanistan terrorists too – what does it take for Citizens to DEMAND their gone???
Wake up this scum must be removed!
Stupid greed$ter$ are getting exactly what they deserve !
JP Morgan Chase CEO thinks his bank can open more branches inside China and there is no threat to the bank’s independence. Every head of every company needs to know ARM’s story and beware.
Joey will do nothing, maybe a little lip service. How can he? Remember Hunter and the laptop? Hear anything about that lately? Biden already bought off.
Nixon agreed to many things when he opened the door!
And the Chinese saw the way to control the world! THE FAST BUCK has changed the business world. A smart under Sam Walton, was giving West Virginia’hovels ways to make a living. But at Sam’s death, the kids took every piece of equipment and sent everything to China. Oregon lost the textile contracts. W.V. lost the manufacturing. And china got ALL the business from walmart! Even the vitamin business is now in the hands of China. Who want to POISON every American worker. Destruction of the USA is assured if we allow the DEMON RATS to stay in power. “biden the senile” is in debt to China in the BILLIONS.
It is sheer folly that the West’s tech-driven enterprises do not recognize that the CCP has but one purpose; to steal their IP and start their own domestic companies with their stolen Western R&D.
Note that NO China-HQ public companies on the US stock exchanges have been subjected to audits by the PCAOB; the auditing body of the SEC to assure that GAAP reporting on 10Ks is accurate…insane that investors have not been VERY weary of such lack of due diligence. So it is no surprise that Chinese stocks are tanking due to CCP actions, but also due to horrible management.
I would not be surprised that the CCP is ‘crashing’ their unicorn companies to ‘hurt’ US pension funds that employed these unicorns to prop-up previously poor investments….and now they will be screaming to their political allies (i.e. Dems) that they should be compensated for their poor decisions.
Should I be surprised? The only surprise is that Biden didn’t personally fly to China and hand deliver the rights to the company, then bow a couple of times and apologize that he couldn’t get there sooner. Biden will make up for his tardiness by giving China a bunch of other stuff. What a globalist loser.
That demented SOB is probably raking in millions of dollars to allow China to do what ever they want to do. He is a disgrace and a TRAITOR AND SHOLD BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE ALONG WITH HIS IDIOT VP
This is yet another block in the ongoing construction of the destruction of western power. One more step in the direction of world domination, politically, economically, and militarily……and even now, the American government is twiddling it’s thumbs, hum-hawing and even cooperating along the way. Add this to the list of “programmed” failures of the present administration …..along with the southern border mess, the Afghanistan fiasco, the continued lies and deceptions of dividing the nation racially, and promoting a nanny state. Given enough time, China will overtake us all in every aspect of life……
Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech occurred in Fulton, MISSOURI… not Mississippi.
For all of you that have been asleep or just don’t care this is but another move of the CCP to control the world and enslave all of those not in their Chinese circle to a lifetime of servitude if you make it to the second level of humanity that they determine otherwise you will work as a slave until dead or deemed of no further use to them. We are going to WW-III people so prepare yourselves.
Hack the Peking sewage system and literally muck it up.
While I understand the position of ARM, they are the ones that went to China to make the bucks, same as most American companies. I for one have no sympathy for these or the other
globalist companies, to heck with them all. I still try to buy American made goods but it is getting harder to find.
All Democrats are idiots that vote for their own enslavement
The EFFING chinks own the White House too!
Typical bought and paid for joe gifts his Chinese puppet masters. With another chip maker lost to China we are subject to another shortage along with the loss of the IP that the Chinese get to steal as they are either too lazy or too stupid to build themselves.
Article says, “This is important. For decades, there was a dream that if capitalism developed in China due to trade and investment, China would democratize. For all but a few delusional fools, this dream died by 2009. For most, it was replaced by a much more modest hope that through investment in China, Western firms could at least gain access to the market and make some profits to balance the trade deficits and provide a limited incentive for Beijing to avoid open confrontation.” As I recall, the earlier theory was that if you develop trade ties between nations, they will be less likely to go to war with each other. But, as it turned out, China is playing the long game while we play the short game. China is willing to sacrifice business now, in order to gain global domination in the long run. Trump tried to balance the trade deficits, and had some success with that, but got roasted for his efforts.
“Waiting” on Biden to stop it ????
That’s a joke that isn’t even almost funny. Joe is nothing but a ‘stage stooge’, enabling the furthering of America’s destruction by those “behind” the curtained staged.
China’s theft of ARM’s intellectual property is as good as DONE!
It’s sad that the only recourse remaining to the American people is civil war. I wish it weren’t so, and (if it does have to happen) my hope is that posturing will be enough; unfortunately, the level of crazy from the anti-American populace has already crossed over into the territory of the psychotic.
If notna civil war or a type of revolution soon,this country will continue to go down the tubes. Kyle L.
china is going to “push the envelope” while they can get away with it. They would never have pulled this stunt with Trump in office but they have milque toast biden by the ya yas and will do whatever they want. The elites are probably for all this because they would like the U.S. to become like china since it would be easier for them to maintain their power(they think).
Biden can’t stop anything. He only wants to hurt the American tax payer. Close the pipeline, close small business, shut anything down that will hurt working people. He’ll never hurt CHINA. He is the WORST president ever!!!
This has always been about money. This is more like raiding of corporations instead of Socialism. The reason they went after Trump was because he was stopping the sell out to China. The Chinese have always been thiefs, stealing intelectual property at every turn. And the greed of the “American ” companies has enabled this to happen more easily. They all saw dollar signs when they thought they could buy into the Chinese market. But they got the American corporations to teach them how to design and build new products. Now the steal is getting real.
And this is all caused by the “New World Order” philosophy. The US, with Obama leading it, decided that it is the leader of the New World Order. But the Chinese think they should be the leader of the NWO. Trump threw a wrench into the works. That is why the Chinese wanted to get rid of him. The Europeans wanted to get rid of him because he was making NATO step up to the plate and pay their fair share.
The Chinese want world domination as much as the Democrats. This will cause war with China.
It is all about money and power!
“RISC” means “reduced instruction set computers. This is old technology. But it is used in semiconductor companies producing microcomputers. It looks like China is trying to get the ability to “license” the technology to all microprocessor companies to pay them for every microprocessor they build. Think of all of the microprocessors used in most electronics from cell phones to automobiles all over the world. One can see why they want to own this company, ARM. This is the kind of thing I would expect corporations to do, not governments. Hopefully there is a new technology that replaces RISC. I need to go research this.
The CCP is now going to get the “quid” for the multi-million $$$ “quo” which they provided meth head Hunter Biden! Biden is toothless even if he had a desire to do something. And he has ZERO desire to cross the Chinese!
Joey baby, the 50 year corrupt ,failed politician cannot do a thing, china OWNS him and the democrats.
Funny how we never counter punch by nationalizing any/all Chinese holdings in the US. But then again, that would mean nationalizing the president.
Communists have always had to steal intellect because communism by its very nature isn’t intellectual. It’s as brutal and incurious as any 7th century religion.
Biden and much of the Democrat Party hierarchy have been collaborators and enablers of Communist China for decades. Bill Clinton and Al Gore both received major contributions to their presidential campaign coffers, as well as unreported backroom support for their cooperation and enabling of Chinese procurement of American technology and military proprietary information. Hunter Biden has been a stooge and bag man for his father and foreign powers since Joe’s days as acting VP. Give the Chinese credit: they are experts at attaining political, economic and military advantage the old fashion way…. simply steal or extort it from the weak, greedy and gullible.
Biden will NOT stop anything where China is concerned, this is the reason why they, i.e. China put Biden into office as president of the United States… Has anyone actually come to terms with this reality yet? China, they move ever so slowly, inch by inch, stealing intellectual property with reckless abandon all around the world, America being their primary target for decades now…As stated in this article, once they achieve 51% majority in companies, it is simply a matter of time until they get 100% ownership, game over on that score, time to move on to the next one, decades later, they have a firm, iron clad grip on America’s industries, higher education of learning & currently all ( 3 ) branches of US government, as well as the US military under the jurisprudence of the US State Department, i.e. the Pentagon with it’s ( 2 ) WOKE generals being a good place to look where the influence of China is concerned, especially in light of the allegations leveled against General Mark Milley in aiding & abetting the enemy, i.e. China whilst he served under President Donald J. Trump.
Bill on the Hill… :~)
It’s not a DARE from China …. it is a quid pro quo payoff request from the China Commies in payback for the funds they have bought China Joe Hidin’ Biden in the past
i have constantly said that China is telling the Dem commies what to do. It’s time to fight back soon. We cannot let this happen. Time for letters, rallies, walks, runs, everything we can possibly think of. It’s happening very fast. WE HAVE TO GET Biden outta there.