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Biden’s Anti-Liberty Speech

Posted on Thursday, September 8, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

President Biden delivered a stunning, historically unhinged, breathtakingly shallow, objectively hateful speech last week to the Nation. The speech will be long remembered. It will be studied – assuming the Republic remains free – as one of the darkest moments in an unusually dark political era. Here is why.

Beyond making a mockery of presidential leadership, misstating American history, bathing himself in bizarre red light, using US Marines like nutcrackers at Christmas (disgraceful), and having shivering overtones of speeches given by genuinely fascist leaders in 1930s Italy and Germany, there is more.

This is a study on how to offend and politically disown more than half of the nation you lead, how to chill and cheapen political dialogue, miscast facts, intimidate, and freeze out opposition, casting law-abiding voters as enemies of the state. It is arresting and abnormal for many reasons. 

Shiveringly, it is similar in form and content to intimidating speeches given by authoritarians around the world, back to the likes of early Communist and Fascist leaders. Whoever filled the teleprompter – and it surely was not the President – the message more than spreading fear, pandering for votes, intimidating half the nation. It was to miseducate – as Communists do. 

Just as modern Democrats are increasingly comfortable with Marxism, political violence to hold power, and spreading sucker-punch hate, something odd resides in this glass-breaking, fear-no-blowback kind of political attack. Those pulling strings set Biden up as a propogandist.

How, you may ask, since those on the political left already see Republicans in a poor light, and those on the right – constitutionalists and traditionalists – were just rebranded as enemies? 

The answer is that this speech was more than a political overreach, more than name-calling, or anti-presidential. It was not just a collection of insults to get left-leaning Democrats to vote.

It was an attempt to redefine our Founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and larger Constitution – which all center on liberty. It was an attempt to remake those documents as promotors of federal power in the name of e equality, what Marx calls “equity.”

In other words, rather than restate reality – that our Founders and these documents are about liberty or freedom from an oppressive centralized power, about limited government and the People’s will, Biden and the left tried to pull a fast one, redefining them as about equality.

That is simply not true. While the 5th Amendment assures “equal protection” under law, meaning all citizens are treated equally before the law (something the Biden White House has not abided), and the 14th Amendment applies that same assurance to the States following the Civil War, the Republic was founded to allow self-determination – governance by and for the People – and to preserve individual liberties against concentrated power.

The point of the Founding documents Biden cited was never to bring everyone down to some “lowest common denominator,” not to push equality as a means for punishing, depriving, taxing, diminishing, or controlling the people with powerful government, but the reverse.

One half the nation, in a nation divided into roughly equal political factions since our beginning – some for more government, some for less – was never supposed to be condemned by the other half when in power, made enemies of the state, stripped of legitimacy, liberties threatened.

The opposite was intended by those liberty-loving documents, which set out a constitutional process for keeping ordered liberty – managing political differences without destroying the country – while protecting the core, the Bill of Rights and individual liberty. 

The idea was to allow elections to regulate strong differences, controlled at local, state, and federal levels – not to federalize everything, open the door to an all-powerful, one-party government, or turn half the country into enemies, undermining individual rights.

Biden’s speech pays lip service to individual liberties and makes equality the object of the founding documents, which is utterly false. He slams Americans who assert a constitutional right to disagree, making use of freedom of speech, protest, worship, travel, gun rights, and moral and political opposition to federal overreach. That is – by definition – anti-constitutional.

Thomas Jefferson insisted on the right of all Americans to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in the Declaration. All Founders supported the ten rights we call our Bill of Rights – and they all turn on freedom. Biden recast the documents as just “democracy and equality.”

To be clear, Articles I, II, and II are about how we govern ourselves – “separation of powers” co-equal branches, a vertical balance between states and federal government. But that is just a process for assuring – via elections and fidelity to the constitutional process –individual rights are preserved and the government kept limited. Equality does not trump liberty; the point is liberty with equality.

Main point: On top of being disrespectful, offensive, disgustingly staged, authoritarian and threatening to many Americans, Biden’s speech was a clumsy attempt – in alignment with Communist reeducation – to miscast our Founding documents. Do not let your mind be fooled or heart troubled. Those documents are about liberty, and that shall always be their centerpiece.

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2 years ago

Funny, you have a senile old S.O.B and an old has bin Hillary who need another facelift calling all republicans fascists. Look at Hitler’s speech on January 30, 1939. Bozo Biden sounds a lot like him.
Who are the real fascists. Sure sounds like the demorats not the republicans.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

His 2 PA speeches & MD speech were all the Same
Want War & Strife
NOT playing this Game

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

Very energized speech, Mr. Biden. Now, tie your shoelaces.

2 years ago

So what did anyone expect? Balmy Biden is what he sounds like. A Godless, totally hateful, socialist/globalist sociopath. He hates all people regardless of ethnic origin or color. The communist and Chinese leaders are all like this. Simply shut your mouth and obey. Of course, two hours later he forgot what he said. The globalists are out to complete their agenda of one-world government by no later than 2030 or sooner, preferably. They will stop at nothing. They will censor or kill anyone they need to. Just look into the eyes of Hillary or Harris and you will see Satan looking back at you. The demo/Socialists are evil.

2 years ago

RBC, thanks again for your article. It just remains to be seen if the people WILL WAKE UP and SEE THE LIGHT instead of the darkness that is being spew by the Socialists as they continue to mislead the nation and attempt to change past history to fit their agenda.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

He is at his worst If he were only pathetic and ridiculous but he is dangerous What is it that his handlers know and are using to make him spew this venom

Irv C
Irv C
2 years ago

This biden joke is a solid JOKE! He hasn’t a clue what he says but then I’ve never seen a puppet with a brain except for Pinnochio. I’d vote for Pinnochio over biden

2 years ago

crazy lunatic screaming at a camera

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Joe Biden is the most Un-American person to occupy the Oval Office in my Lifetime, not because he was not dually Elected, (that’s another issue) but because he doesn’t have one value that supports the Constitution as it was written.
He does not support the First Amendment regarding Freedom of Religion, he supports freedom from religion, He only supports Freedom of Speech or Press when Speech or Press the Democrats like. He hates the Second Amendment unless his son Hunter can buy a Gun by Lying about his Drug use and then throwing the gun in a dumpster where any child or low life can get their hands on it and use it to harm another person. He doesn’t respect the 4th Amendment about illegal Search and Secure, of another’s home. He hates the 5th Amendment about the right to remain Silent (just ask General Flynn and others). He has no understanding of the 10th Amendment; in fact, I doubt if this low life who is keeping the office chair in the Oval Office for a Republican President know anything about our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
He does not have one value in keeping with mine or tradtional historical America.
It will be a great day when he is voted out of the office.

2 years ago

Excellent article and educational for people who don’t get it. I have never in my life seen or heard a President give such a hatefilled bunch of babble. Disgusting, evil and disrespectful.

2 years ago

I agree with J Farley 100 percent! I might add that Biden is a mentally ill man that is driving this country into the ground.
His ranting and rambling speech the other night reminded me of Adolf Hitler in the 1930’s trying to rally the German people to follow him into Hell!
I felt so sorry for those two Marines standing behind Biden and having to endure this hate filled rhetoric that had nothing to do with their patriotic service to this nation. May God bless all of our men and women in Uniform serving this once great nation!
I say once great nation because Biden has reduced this country to a laughing stock in the eyes of the world!!

Gail Tubbs
Gail Tubbs
2 years ago

We must remember that Biden is a puppet for the group sent by George Soros to get this country into socialism. Soros is the one running the country and anyone who cannot see that is blind. He has spent millions all over this country to control the U.S. He hates us.

2 years ago

In my opinion these “progressives” as they call themselves are actually reactionaries! They want to take the country back to the days before the Declaration, before the War of Independence and before the Constitution, to where a ruling class could rule by fiat with no consideration for the citizenry, especially the political minorities which the Constitution is framed to protect.

Biden and his handlers have done nothing to help conditions in this country. Every time Biden has reversed a Trump policy, disaster has followed starting with the cancellation of the Pipeline, the southern border crisis, uncontrolled printing of money that has led to high inflation etc, etc.

It all started with the BIG LIE–Biden saying that there was no hint of scandal in the Obama-Biden administration. Google “Obama” and “Scandal”. Lots of interesting reading!

John Hadden
John Hadden
2 years ago


Robin Boyd
Robin Boyd
2 years ago

While I could never be as concise as this author in describing “that speech”, I would like to address the fact that Biden is a puppet president in all aspects. That speech looked fascist because it was created by the fascists in control.

Tom Kendrick
Tom Kendrick
2 years ago

Biden and ALL Democrat politicians deserve the worst you could imagine. They are evil.

2 years ago

Didn’t Head of the Joint Chiefs, Mark Milley, oppose using two military men in the background as pawns in Biden’s attack speech? They kind of reminded me of the German Brown Shirts who supported Hitler. Biden sounded like Hitler, except he targeted half of America, the people he’s supposed care so much about. . Milley had a big problem when President Trump asked him to appear in a photo, but says nothing about this?! No wonder Westpoint’s suffering with “woke” propaganda. Milley, an Army man, is a DISGRACE!

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