AMAC Exclusive – By Katie Sullivan

Many Americans are by now aware of the Biden administration’s plan to hire some 87,000 new IRS agents with $80 billion set aside for that purpose as part of Democrats’ misleadingly titled Inflation Reduction Act. But even more terrifying than this army of new “tax enforcers” prying into the finances of millions of ordinary Americans is the fact that, under the Biden administration’s “equity” agenda, all of them will be trained in the tenets of wokeism and ordered to advance Democrats’ far-left social agenda.
On day one of his administration, Joe Biden signed an Executive Order on “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government.” Specifically, the Order directed every federal agency to develop and implement an “ambitious whole-of-government equity agenda that matches the scale of the opportunities and challenges that we face.” Notably, Biden included the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Tax Policy in the “Equitable Data Working Group” that the Order established.
This move immediately raised the alarm for conservatives, who had by then become all-too familiar with the left-wing concept of “equity.” While the term sounds similar to “equality,” it in fact refers to the exact opposite approach – using government power to dispense unequal treatment among different groups in an attempt to force “equal” outcomes for all. As Vice President Kamala Harris explained in a tweet in November 2020, “equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place.”
The Treasury Department – which oversees the IRS – released its “Equity Action Plan” in accordance with Biden’s Executive Order in October 2021 to little fanfare. But contained within the document are hints at a scheme to radicalize the IRS in accordance with left-wing identity politics – a plan that the agency will soon have the manpower to implement.
Treasury’s Equity Action Plan makes several references to “taxation equity,” calling for a full-scale “detailed analysis” of what equity in tax policy would look like. Just as the federal government considers “equity” when distributing grants, taking into account whether or not an applicant is part of an “underserved community,” it is not difficult to imagine that the IRS may aim to do something similar with tax policy.
In other words, the IRS may soon move to codify a person’s race, gender, or sexual orientation as a determining factor in tax collection or enforcement actions. For those who remember the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups under the Obama administration, such a development likely doesn’t seem so far-fetched, as terrifying as it may be.
One alarming sign that such an effort is already underway are recent moves by the IRS to obtain taxpayer data regarding race, ethnicity, and sex. The Tax Code does not now and has not ever allowed the IRS to collect this data from other federal agencies – but in the name of equity, that may no longer be the case.
Treasury’s Equity Action Plan specifically states that “The imputed data [on taxpayer race and sex] will also allow [the Office of Tax Policy] to evaluate the equity implications of any tax policy proposal considered by the Administration. Other analyses will include assessments of statistical models used to identify potentially non-compliant tax returns for enforcement purposes to ensure the models are not subject to algorithmic bias.” This an astounding statement from the Biden administration – effectively admitting that tax policies will be designed to favor certain racial groups over others and that audits will be conducted not according to mathematical formulas that the agency has supposedly used for decades, but according to enforcing “equity.”
Some left-wing groups that have the ear of the Biden administration have already laid out what this new “equitable” tax regime might look like. For instance, Arnold Ventures Group – a notorious liberal dark money organization – has published a report bemoaning the difficulty illegal migrants have in filing taxes because they don’t have a social security number, further arguing that illegal immigrants should not even be subjected to taxes if they are not eligible for social security. In 2016, the Black Lives Matter organization released its tax plan, which called for “a full scale overhaul on tax policy that increases equity, and is particularly sensitive to racial equity.”
With a gigantic influx of new employees, the IRS will be more than capable of putting such schemes into action. Like every other federal employee, all 87,000 new agents will be subjected to so-called “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) training, the left’s terminology for its indoctrination workshops. Part of the IRS’s DEI training includes a two-hour course in “understanding bias in data” – asserting that even hard empirical data is infected by “systemic racism” if it reflects unfavorably on “underserved communities.”
Since day one, the Biden administration has “gone for woke” in the day-to-day operations of every executive agency of the federal government. Buts its budding efforts to turn the IRS into an enforcement tool for the far-left’s social agenda may just be the most destructive such effort to date.
Katharine “Katie” Sullivan was as an Acting Assistant Attorney General and a senior advisor to the White House Domestic Policy Council under President Trump. She previously served 11 years as a state trial court judge in Colorado.
Some people are so ignorant they blindly support the marxist democrat party, who have LIED to them for 50 years????
Wake up a look at the truth once!
This is really scary … it reeks of Communism in its worst form. It appears that if this Nation is to stabilize the future of this heretofore Constitutional Democracy, then several things are needed. First, get the DemocRat Party out of power at all levels of governance by an honest vote. Of course, the DemocRats sense this, and getting an honest vote will be very difficult. The DemocRat party is driving this Nations control to a Communistic format … and getting rid of it now is a strong MUST.
How did the marxist party decide on the 87,000 number
Meanwhile every commiecrat running for re-election should be asked why they voted to enable the is gestapo thugs to assault working Americans
Too prosecute ALL under 400K??
There will not be 87,000 new agent hired with this money. There will be many new accountants and auditors but no where near 87,000. In the next few years, like other federal agencies, those that can retire will do so as fast as they are eligible and the projections are for about 50,000 vacancies due to retirements in the next 10 years. Reality meets woeness and politically correctness. Much of the money will be spent on modernization (technology).
This is definitely a “Gestapo” tactic. When will the “Sheeple” in this country wake up ?
You people that voted Democrat are traitors to America !
Finally, a central issue the “out” party can rally around. I’m actually in favor of the IRS hiring 87,000 more new agents. There will then be no excuse for one of them not looking at my file and returning the $11.87 erroneously charged on my 2020 tax return. Every time a reminder is sent to one field office, a response is received from a field office in some other remote national location.
The realistic expectation of 87,000 radicalized new IRS agents is that no matter who is audited, they will find “something wrong” in your tax return to contest, with the result that you will be levied for more taxes, plus (of course) penalties and usurious interest. Warning, folks, better start keeping very detailed written records for every item (both income and deductions) showing up on your tax return. You will need such records so that you will be in a position to “disallow” their “disallowance” of items in your tax return, if and when you are audited.
Let it happen so that it can fail..or not. Nobody really knows what this will do other than replace many retiring workers and upgrade out of date technology. I wish everyone could file their taxes on a postcard but then CPAs would not want that.
It’s about time I get to be treated “equally” with ALL THE MINORITIES since I’m an oppressed “Caucasian”!
The left constantly and deliberately uses the word “equity” because many are deluded into believing that it is synonymous with “equality”. In reality the two definitions are lightyears apart. For all intents and purposes, they’re antonyms. “Equity” is another way of saying, producers are stolen from and non-producers are given what was stolen. “Equity” can’t exist if someone wasn’t cheated…the complete opposite of “equality”. “Equality” is a starting line. “Equity” is a rigged finish line.
how many of you that voted for Biden now see what a horrible mistake you made?
If we went to a flat tax we could get rid of about 90% of the IRS agents and collect more money. But that would make sense so they’ll never do it
America is becoming a Communist State thanks to the Democrats. They are so power hungry they are blind to anything else. Please tell your friends what’s going on as many do not even read the news and don’t know what’s going on….We need them to vote conservative…
Did you know that IRS Agents that carry guns get an additional 25% added to their pay. I knew one what had a gun, worked in an office and kept it in the drawer — never had to actually wear it but still got the extra money….another Govt way to tax the masses.
The bill was signed into law but can’t actually be implemented until an appropriation is passed, If Republicans take control of the House this fall, there will not be an appropriation bill to fund it so the Administration won’t be able to implement it.
For those of you using the terms like “marxist party”, “Gestapo” tactic, “Communistic format”, gestapo thugs. Keep in mind, the original ad for these new IRS people. Looking for people that are familiar and willing to use firearms. WTF! We as a free country are allowing this to happen.
Look back at the rise of Hitler in mid-1930’s Germany. He also surrounded himself with “elite” groups and splinter groups to do the bidding of the NAZI party. The history of Heinrich Himmler, his SS, Waffen-SS, and Gestapo are examples of how government “law enforcement” can metastasize under one party rule. Why is it necessary for Biden’s IRS to carry weapons? Just curious.
87,000, IRS Agents, after they have squeezed every nickel, they can out of the taxpayers, they can easily be turned into a nice little Gestapo Agency and trained in how to combat Global Warming, to Stifle Free Speech, to intimidate Government Critics.
There is not one good thing that will come of 87,000 new IRS agents and there is not one thing you can do about it.
The mid-terms are going to be a disaster, the Republicans will be LUCKY to take the House and will not even come close to regaining the Senate, here is why. There are too many people on the take. To many RINO’s, to many Republicans switch to become Democrats for the free ride, the Number of people who will benefit from the $300,000,000,000-student loan for givenness, you have a weak leadership of the Republican Party at the National level, remember you have a Romney running the organization, and after the Government gives the Seniors a 9 to 10 %increase in Social Security cost of living this coming year will be more than happy to Kiss the Democrats back side, to many people want Abortion, Gun Control, Electric Cars, to many people don’t understand how illegal immigration is hurting our nation.
I am going to vote a straight Republican Ticket this fall, and hope I am wrong, I am going to vote like My Constitution depends on it because it does, You will see a new Supreme Court if the Democrats retain the Senate.
If the democrats retain power America will be no more on January 1st, 2023.
When the Republicans take power they need to cut all government employment by 70% and regulations by 90%
Joe Biden signed an Executive Order on “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government.”
Is “Underserved” a euphemism for “If you live in a left-leaning city, no one will object to the taxpayers’ money being flushed down your toilets”?
Wow, I read Underserved Communities as Undeserved Communities…that may be more accurate. What do all these IRS agents have to do with underserved communities? Help them file?
An honest, thorough and unbiased media would report that a disproportionate number of audits occur in the southeast states and are conducted against citizens earning far less than $100,000/year on average. How many more of these unfortunate folks will be subject audits with 87k more agents on board?
Of course, with a 15% flat tax on all income for everyone above the poverty line, we would need an IRS a fraction of the proposed size. The money would be withheld by employers, banks and investment firms, etc. and paid directly to the IRS. The agency would then be a fraction of the size it is today and save taxpayers billions of $$$!
If you are not afraid, you are a fool.
Why don’t we use the wasteful money for these agents to hire agents to solve the fentanyl problem that this president and it’s voters, who have blood on their hands, are killing 1,000s of children and adults throught the country. And hire agents to solve the problem of human trafficing, illegals migrants and the bill to pay for these illegals who are staying in these expensive hotels in NYC. Instead of footing the bill to us taxpayers.
Everybody better save now, so you can afford a high priced tax accountant to do your taxes next year, because EVERYBODY’S tax returns will be under the microscope.
Armed IRS agents? I guess now we know why the IRS was stockpiling ammo over the winter? Disgusting Democrats! Why didn’t they put 87, 000 people in our schools to keep our children safe?
I am not afraid of these communist nazis, let them come after me, they won’t take me alive, but I guarentee Ill take a few of those woke b*stards with me!!!!!!!!!
The article says there is a big difference between equality and equity. In the United States everyone should have the same opportunities to better themselves according to their abilities and talents. However, when the government guarantees the same outcome for everyone, that’s what’s called Communism. This new IRS tax “thing” seems to indicate that people will be taxed according to their race (gender) whatever. That’s scary!
My wife and I just refinanced our Home to pull out some Equity out so we can hang on a little longer and now this Slime-Bag of a Gutless Wonder, Moron Pimp of a Worthless Dirt-Bag Joe Biden, this Brain-dead Weasel just cancelled $300,000,000,000,000 of Student loan for Doctors, Attorney’s and who will be my future Lord and Master all the while sticking it Right up my Backside. my wife and I have been married over 55 years and paid for every Damn thing we own and now these Scum-Sucking Low Lifes are going to get a free Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner at Every Taxpayer’s Expense and Mine.
Hey Dim-wit Biden my wife’s and my vehicles are over 17 years old, how about we go down and mortgage an Electric car for her and a Gas Gassler pickup that gets 6feet to the gallon for me, and you forgive the loan, I am sure the rest of the Taxpayers will be more than happy to pay more for Taxes and Good and Service, while I get a free ride.
What an Idiot Joe Biden is and getting DUMBER everyday.
If we can take the house and the senate can we do away with all of these horrible bills that I’ve been passed?
There are millions of DEMOCRAT millionaires . And i don’t think a single one of them voted for this . Perhaps they feel that being a DEMOCRAT will immunize them from audits . And , if that is true , then we should all enroll in the DEMOCRAT party and start to vote in their Primary elections . After all they’ve been doing this to us for years . They’re the ones we refer to as RINOs . I call ’em RINOcrats .
I am very curious if Anyone on the left even has a English language dictionary? Equity the quality of being fair and impartial. How does that fit into a government agenda that serves Only the “underserved communities”? Being fair and impartial would necessitate being Equal and there is nothing equal about government equity.
There aren’t “87,000 new IRS agents” anywhere in the legislation. There are routine replacements for attrition in the IRS, and additional auditors to track down all the people who’ve been evading their taxes until now. If you want low taxes, everyone legally obligated to pay them must do so.
Biden’s very own Gestapo.
Yes – we all need to claim we are Democrats or Independent, and for sex put other and for race put other or African (as the first humans came from Africa). Don’t let them discriminate.
Republicans can quickly defund them when they take the house.
87K new IRS agents. Good luck. It will take 20 years to fill all the positions
This must be a good site as in putting up obstacles
This will no doubt bring Lois Lerner out of retirement.
IN the 80s after California passed the lotto. Gov Dukemajian reduced the school budgets by the same amount the lotto brought in to them.
$80B to hire new agents?
Pfffft. Next budget the Republicans pass once they gain control of the House should reduce the IRS budget by — $80B. COnverting the revenue from the Inflation Reduction Act to either the General Budget or used to pay down the National Debt.
That ought to upset “The Nuke and Pack Party”
We need 87,000 new border patrol agents.
Here you go America, time to choose.
The marxist democrat party to take away your freedom, God given Rights OR get off your behinds and THROW EVERY America hating democrat OUT OF OFFICE!
EVERY representative, senator, govenor, secretary of state or attorney general,, who is a marxist democrat supporting useless joebama and the destruction of America!
Currently they’re out buying votes with giveaways of OUR money,THROW THIS SCUM OUT!
2022 & 2024 Remove them.
Although I’m not in favor of the IRS transformation I can’t see what the problem is if you just pay your taxes that are due. Things will get better once the republicans take back the house, senate and the white house in 2024 provided if logic prevails over stupidity.
Harrison Bergeron is no longer science fiction.
Some of this agent hiring might be for the EO Biden signed in March to take effect this December 13th on the US currency. If this EO goes through everything changes in the what we knew in terms of economic freedom.
As with every policy advanced by this immoral administration, this becomes nothing more than a blatant power grab to take away more of our rights under the guise of equity, fairness, or whatever label of the day they choose to use. In reality, the IRS should be de-funded. The Democrats see it as another tool in their arsenal to force us into compliance to their sick world view.
The overriding question for me since this IRS expansion was first announced, is where are these 87,000 new hires coming from? At a time, when every business in America is struggling to hire workers, where do the Feds think they are going to find 87,000 people willing to work?
All registered Republicans get ready to be audited. They are coming after us. I feel like we live in Russia.