
National Security , Newsline

Biden Sells Oil to China – Big Questions

Posted on Monday, July 11, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

The Biden Administration, already in left field on energy, spending, and national security – is now headed into the bleachers. Having amputated US fossil fuel production (60 percent of power grid), then (unsuccessfully) begged Mideast allies for oil, they tapped the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (reserved for national crises), and we NOW learn they are selling oil to China.

You are probably thinking, with me:  Let me get this right…Biden reversed US energy independence, consciously drove up prices for heating oil and gas, tapped oil reserved for national security (reserve now low), and today is selling that oil to China – AND to a company in which his son has interests?

If writing a script for Hollywood on the take-down of America, punishing us from within, hammering average people, empowering enemies to gain from our pain, endangering national security by syphoning reserves and selling them to China – plus a company tied to the president’s son, movie producers would say, “Nah, too unrealistic.”  No “Manchurian Candidate 2.0.”

Truth is, most of this is incompetence, arrogance, pro-socialism, anti-free market naïveté, and blithely imperceptive, elitist, out-of-touch leadership – not an intent to crater America, but the outcome is the same, dangerous.

Americans are starting to speak out and – from liberal, center, and right – saying: Stop this insanity, get back to basics, empower and protect those who elected you, not Communist nation.

Last week, Republican members of Congress sought an end to the sanity, a return to rule of law, free market economics, supply-and-demand – not government mandates, overspending, market distortions for climate Nirvana.

After all, China produces 27 percent of the world’s pollution, while suppressing 20 percent of the world’s population. The US produces 11 percent of emissions. How endangering America by selling oil we do not have to Communist China helps anyone – except China – is a mystery.

But Republicans pushed harder, because Americans deserve answers. They want an accounting, an understanding of why this is happening. “More than five million barrels of oil released from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve have been diverted to European and Asian nations instead of U.S. refiners,” says Reuters, using data from the Biden Administration. The question is, why?

Wrote House Energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Member Cathy McMorris Rodgers: “The American people deserve answers as to why our emergency energy reserves are being sent to foreign adversaries like the Chinese Communist Party, compromising our energy security and national security…President Biden needs to remember that our strategic energy reserves are for emergencies, not to cover-up bad policies.”

She added, “America needs to flip the switch and increase our capacity to produce and refine oil here at home…Now is not the time to use our strategic stockpile.” She made clear this issue is not vanishing, and bluntly asked: “

“What do they have to hide?”

Her inference – that all is not “above board” – is supported by facts and logic. For whatever reason, the Biden team is endangering the wider US economy, average Americans’ wellbeing, and our national security in obvious ways, catering to China while reducing our own preparation for a major crisis.

Today, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is indefensibly low, with no replenishment on the horizon. It has fallen 492 million barrels, lowest level since more than 35 years – and it is 20 percent lower today than before Biden’s release of oil in late November. 

In the end, big questions demand big answers. How and when will Biden and the Democrats restore America’s energy independence? How will they bring down energy-driven inflation? How will they replace – in immediate outyears – tens of thousands of US jobs lost in energy? How will they replenish the strategic oil reserve? How will they prepare to confront China? How do they defend selling precious American oil to the Chinese, as oil and gas go sky high? And how do they justify selling it to a Chinese company toed to Biden’s son? 

Other than that, we are all good, right? “Other than that, Mr. Lincoln, how was the play?” Oh, one last question: What are all those Democrats going to do when American vote in droves, and sweep them out next November? That is for them to answer. Meantime, sanity must return.

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David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

DICTATOR Beijing biden DESTROYS our ENERGY INDEPENDENCE and BEGS foreign countries for OIL.
Our Strategic Oil Reserves are NOW EMPTY and a MAJOR THREAT to National Security.
Another TREASONOUS ACT by DICTATOR Beijing biden.
Don’t forget that his Electric vehicles are MORE DANGEROUS and MORE HAZARDOUS to the Environment than Gasoline/Diesel and ALL other PETROLEUM from Study just released.

2 years ago

The SPR, designed to be an emergency back-stop in times of war for national security purposes, has been bled down by approximately 50 percent by Joe Biden since he took office. At the current rate of draw down, it will be exhausted in less than a year. Approximately 288 days from now. All because Biden refuses to reverse his war on domestic oil and natural gas production in this country to push his Green New Deal agenda.

The oil in the SPR was last replenished by President Trump at an average price of $23 a barrell. It will soon need to be replenished at current market values of well over $100 a barrell. More if OPEC and our adversaries decide to trigger additional world conflicts to raise the price of oil higher. Again, all because the Biden administration is committed to its war on domestic oil and natural gas production.

I am NOT surprised that the Biden adminstration is selling oil from the SPR to China and other foreign countries around the world instead of using it strictly here domestically. Oil, like anything else, is used especially by Democrat administrations as a means to facilitate all kinds of deals around the world that the government thinks will be beneficial to them at the time. If Joe Biden, through one of Hunter’s sweetheart deals peddling access to his father’s office, happens to financially benefit from such transactions then I’m sure he’s all for it. He’s been selling his office, by various means, for years now. Which is how he went from near backruptcy when he left the Senate to being a multi-millionaire with 4 homes in so little time.

I don’t expect either Joe Biden or Hunter Biden will face any legal consequences from either the DOJ or the FBI. At this point, it is painfully obvious the Biden family is being given a full pass. Sure the DOJ and FBI may say that Hunter Biden is being investigated, but I seriously doubt anyone in the Biden family will ever be arrested, prosecuted or put in prison.

As for what will change should the Republicans take over both chambers of Congress, they can indeed hold hearings. What I call dog and pony shows for the public, that won’t alter team Biden’s approach to energy one bit. Remember, Congress has NO authority to prosecute anyone for anything. All they can do is refer the matter to the DOJ, who will do nothing as discussed above. A sane American energy policy will return in 2.5 years, when hopefully the American people elect a Republican President truly committed to cleaning up the huge mess left by Biden.

2 years ago

Drain the general population of any savings. Force them to be dependent on the government. That way, our government will have a payable people that can be incorporated into a one world plan, controlled by an elitist governing class who dicate freedoms. That’s the George Soros utopian vision that he would be set to control.As far as Biden, he knows his term as president was a one time event and he is using his power to secure his son and family interest. Biden fears China and has been doing business with them for many years and with them plans to surrender America to their version of a one world government. China is why Biden and other want to take away the 2nd ammendment to disarm Americans. That too is why our teleprompter president is selling our security to China with our oil reserves.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Screw China WE need our OIL

2 years ago

A Traitor. To let America starve, bring immigrants and force shortage on oil, food to his own nation …. Is clearly demonstrating
Treason. As the J6 circus ???? uses our tax dollars.
Vote! Vote for American First! ????????

2 years ago


William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

Why is it possible for one individual to sell off one of the nation’s national security resources to a country probably developing into a threat to our collective well-being and probably our fiercest enemy? How does such an individual acquire such unregulated, unchecked power? The vigilance of citizens and immediate outrage expressed is required. Contact your representatives and demand accountability.

Truth man
Truth man
2 years ago

Biden is a puppet of Obama and traitors in Washington as well as Gates, Suckerberg, and elite leftists. They seek to destroy America in order to usher in a one world government. Don’t believe it? Do research on “The Great Reset.” The W.H.O., the world bank, Soros, etc.

2 years ago

Republican members of Congress sought an end to the sanity??

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

To use US oil reserves to beef up the Communist Chinese is a mind boggling betrayal of America. It’s still hard for me to grasp the incompetence and treasonous actions of the Biden Administration.
Biden even had a second chance to abort the shipment of oil to our top enemy, but he didn’t lift a finger to change his heinous action. Again, is Biden actually acting in the best interests of the US?
Do the Communist Chinese actually own him?

Anne Simonetti
Anne Simonetti
2 years ago

This is treason. He is aiding and abetting our enemies. Why aren’t people on capital hill screaming their heads off. Oh, yes, I forgot. they are too busy trying to impeach a no-longer-president for doing nothing wrong. My, God, this is unbelievable.

El Ey
El Ey
2 years ago

Where are the protests? How can the Biden administration get away with this?What are the Republican representatives doing to stop this INSANITY?
Lord, have mercy on us!

2 years ago

You asked, “one last question: What are all those Democrats going to do when American vote in droves, and sweep them out next November? That is for them to answer.” I believe it will be terrible, what the Democrats do with their one-vote majority (Senate) between the early November election and when the new Congress takes over in January, 2023. They will pass every radical idea in their playbook because they know it will be some time before they will control both houses plus the White House again.

2 years ago

Way before this administration, and the prior, we were dealing with the USA buying ( importing) a great deal of products from China—one of the reasons I don’t buy cheap) I especially noticed it when ( since I worked in a perishable food position) I was getting products processed from China, while we could just as easily gotten the products from here in the USA. I became extremely worried when I heard that chicken processing was being transferred out of the USA to China while we had processing plants here in the USA. Those in power are using the “excuse “ of labor costs here in the USA while pushing for increases in minimum wages. American workers are losing jobs because their wages are “too high”. Yet every other country has a priority to gain our resources. These people in power want to make the USA a third world country that will need to rely on outside help to survive while stripping/ giving away our resources. I am not asking for an isolationist viewpoint but we need to take care of our own before giving anything away.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Letting China have Oil from America’s Strategic Oil reserves is nothing more than a payback to China, at the expense of the American Taxpayer’s for the Millions of Dollars the Chinese, gave the Bidens, we have a very, very, very corrupt President and his family and the rest of the lying Democrats, News Media and RINO’s like Liz Cheney, and Adam kissmyzinger, that are aiding and abiding the downfall of America, but the American people are wising up, there is still time to Save America, Please vote this fall for the Republicans. but vote out the RINO’s.

George Morgan
George Morgan
2 years ago

How can this happen in America ? Why do we the People let this happen ? Those with a Voice do not speak up ! Where are our American Patriot’s ? Republicans just as Guilty for remaining Silent as our Great Nation is torn apart. God Help these United States of America ……

2 years ago

How does a president have that type of unilateral power? None should be able to open the reserve without congressional votes on it. Checks and balances. Even the lying cheating scumbag Democrats wouldn’t vote for that brain deadline dementia patient to sell oil to China from our strategic reserve. Biden needs to be tried for treason.

2 years ago

China is stockpiling the oil into their own reserves as we deplete ours. Only a fool and unpatriotic politician would place America at a security risk. The reserves are in place should there be an interruption of our oil supply and for no other reason. We have a dangerous fool in charge rearranging the chairs on the Titanic. Democrats a party of destruction. Energy, Food supply and the Economy!
One proud veteran

2 years ago

Not only selling oil to China!
Chinese owners owned about 192,000 acres of farmland in the U.S., according to the USDA. By 2019, the USDA says foreign ownership of U.S. acres exceeded 35.2 million acres, a 60 percent increase from the decade prior.Feb 4, 2022. China also owns Smithfield the major supplier of pork.
Control the energy, food supply without firing one shot?

2 years ago

Treason, this whole family belong in jail. They are selling our country to China to benefit themselves

2 years ago

IMPEACH the worthless POS. Should be illegal for anyone not a citizen to own property in the US.

2 years ago

IMPEACHMENT. No other event can compensate for this crime. But, everything starts on The House. I have heard crickets from Congress. Do your job Congress, Democrats must be with you on this or they to are complicit.

Laura Germani
Laura Germani
2 years ago

Sounds like some kind of payback to China, possibly relating to Hunter’s illegal dealings with them. I’ve never seen such a corrupt administration in my life, and I’m no kid! And the libs are pointing fingers at the previous Trump administration?

Diane Snyder
Diane Snyder
2 years ago

It has always bothered me as to why Obama selected Biden as a running mate. Could it have been that Biden had trolled the halls of Congress and knew where everything outside of normal was buried which gave him leverage over Biden? I have seen Biden as a user of his misfortune to varying degrees for most of his career. He has never been the good guy,he’s been using his misfortune as a scam. If this is the case, it is easy to understand how a team of selected users to change the norm of our government itself began. It as if we have had a bunch of trained actors running the government for both Obama’s terms and Joe Biden’s. No one spends the money that democrats have over, during, and after Trump chose to enter enter and won the presidency. Was no one watching where the money went in Obama’s presidencies? We have been sold a package of goods that began well before 2008. Now look where we are? It is no wonder people can’t trust people any longer, especially we deplorables who are being shafted to keep these power and money hungry, tax-dodging cheats.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

Absolute treason. Traitor to his country. This sets him up and wraps him up with a bow, it’s a very nice little present for our Congress and Senate, when they take the House in November. Not to mention, the over two million people who have come into this country illegally. Whatever happened to Title 8? I keep asking that question. You take refuge in the first safe country you come to, from whatever country you leave. Mexico is a safe country. So are most,Central American countries. These people do NOT have true cases to be here, at all. 42 terrorists have been let in already. KNOWN terrorists! This administration KNOWS it, and does NOTHING about it! IMPEACH, put him in jail, with most of his administration and throw away the key!

2 years ago

And why aren’t republicans in D.C. shouting at the top of the lungs about this? A few may say “we want an investigation” but to my knowledge not one of them sounds angry enough to do a damn thing about it. It’s sickening.

Robin Boyd
Robin Boyd
2 years ago

Communist China is a heavy influencer of the Biden administration, so it should come as no surprise that Biden is doing things to benefit China and his family over looking out for American citizens. We always knew Joe Biden was a puppet.

2 years ago

Biden sits comfortable and firmly in China’s pocket. His grifting for himself, son, brother made him beholden to them. His actions since entering the WH have ALL been to China’s benefit. He’s also beholden to the Ukraine, hence all the American $ sent to that country but the irony is that Biden also allowed a Russian pipeline while taking Keystone away from the U.S. all to Russia’s economical benefit. This article doesn’t seem to think any of the is purposeful but many, many of us do.

JR Fox
JR Fox
2 years ago

Payback for the millions the CCP funneled to the Biden family.

2 years ago

Biden’s is an stupid Moron! He’s going to ruin this country. More than he already has!!

Lynne Cowan
Lynne Cowan
2 years ago

Joe and Alfred E Neumann what me worry. Biden family should but won’t. Dumbest President ever plus VP right there with him.

2 years ago

Like in Ukraine, he has to keep his son on the government teet!

Jim Williams
Jim Williams
2 years ago

Why cant we impeach that stupid a** ??? I have no respect for his crooked a**. He has killed this country and made it the laughing stock of the world !!! GOD PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON US AND DO AWAY WITH HIM !!!!

2 years ago

This as bad if not worse than Hillary Clinton selling reagent grade Plutonium to Russia. This is more proof of the fact that he along with the rest of his administration and high level office holders in Congress HATE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. This is another example of how the demonrats are always getting away with sedition and treason and they have the nerve to pick out every single word that someone who does not share their same beliefs and instead have the conscience of conviction and they are not afraid to speak up and say what they believe in and that is the one true God. The demonrats are trying to persecute Christians at the same time as they are trying to throw The United States of America into a marxist/communist third world borderless mess.

Ronald E
Ronald E
2 years ago

This article covers and says a lot – but half of the country just doesn’t care or aren’t listening.

“November is coming!” It’s a resounding theme throughout the country. It’s coming from people who love God, love America, love freedom, respect our Constitution, support term limits, believe in Sovereignty, a strong military, the rule of law, the right to protect one’s self and their family, the sanctity of human life, energy independence, and so much more. Their voices will be heard and their votes will be correctly counted from now on.

2 years ago

It’s all part of the take over of the US. When it makes no sense, it makes perfect sense if you are taking over the country! They are the enemy within!

J Newman
J Newman
2 years ago

Is it permissible to copy and post of course giving credit to you?

Rick K
Rick K
2 years ago

Shouldn’t the word in the title “Oil” be “Out?” I’m not an editor, AND I’m just asking for a friend. Hello Borris.

2 years ago

When the new Congress is sworn in January 2023, immediately introduce Articles of Impeachment for both Joe AND Kamala.

Art Birx
Art Birx
2 years ago

Only a Clinton, Obama or an O’BIDEN could blatantly do the things they are doing and not be accountable to the US citizens. O’BIDEN is just settling debits owned by Hunter Biden to the Chinese.

Edward Lombard
Edward Lombard
2 years ago

Annnnnd, the republicans do nothing. As far as I’m concerned, the republic is finished. I have no voice, no representation and absolutely zero confidence in ANY government anywhere. I’ll just focus on being prepared for the worst and everybody else can pretend to vote and to believe that voting is the answer to anything. It’s not.

2 years ago

I believe you meant to say “an end to the insanity”, rather than sanity!

2 years ago

This is definitely a treasonous act!! There is no reason to buy from others…..we have enough oil and energy here to be independent. He is getting kick backs from everyone and destroying the country!! His family is selling out the country too!! The last time I checked I think the penalty for out right treason was death by hanging or by firing squad!! Your choice Crazy Joe!! He needs to be removed now…….Trump can fill in until 2024!! The whole democratic party astound be up on charges!!

Mark Hopper
Mark Hopper
2 years ago

I’m a late comer to this underground news. I definitely want more.

2 years ago

Why are we not removing them from office, why is no one even discussing Impeachment? They tried to Impeachment President Trump for puny stuff compared to this bologna.

2 years ago

Look at either of those smiling jacka**es- would you buy a used car from either one of them? But the only selling going on here is your oil reserves. And still, not a peep out of Mitch the B***h or any other of the Rinos in Crookongress. Repubs pushing harder? When and where are any tangible results? I call BS. To bad they didn’t catch Joey on a phone call, that may stir some action…ya think…nah. What a pile we’ve got stackin’ in Washington on both sides of the aisle.

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

All of this is answered in just two questions;

How far from God has this nation gotten?
And, what has to happen for a nation to be restored….to Him?

I do not see enough of this from representatives of which THIS should be their sole focus right now!


Dear Lord God Almighty, our sins have reached up to heaven. I know that all we can do is humble ourselves before You and with sincere hearts ask that you would forgive our nation of her wickedness and see fit to bring her back in your good graces. Lord, You have many in this country who are true and faithful to You, and we honor and glorify You for Your many mercies You have granted us. We ask, in the precious Saving grace of Your Son Jesus, to help us, and to intervene and show Your Mighty Power to those ruling our country right now who believe in their own power. Speak to their hearts dear Lord, and show them who You are.
We know who You are and we worship You in a way that is pleasing to You and that glorifies You.
In your precious Son’s name, and for His sake I ask it, Amen.
—Please pray for Israel.

2 years ago

Why is it not possible to SHARE your articles?

2 years ago

‘Why’ has been clear to the observant since the mid 70s when the Communist takedown of America became visible.
The Communist Globalists want America out of the way for their UN run Communist governance.
They are making it happen.
Next question…..

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

Our completely compromised POTUS isn’t hiding anything, being that he’s bought by our biggest and most dangerous enemies, and even before the election results were in he said this was the most fraudulent election in our county’s history, everything he promised the progressive socialist democrats he’d be doing is now a stark reality. This installed socialist puppet is taking marching orders from the worst socialist haters of our constitution and our country and enforcing them. He was extremely clear about destroying our fossil fuel industry, and it’s a total disaster. He’s literally leaving our jugular exposed to the Chinese and all other adversaries We have. He doesn’t have 3 estates and tens of millions of dollars by being paid an average of 100 dollars a year. The lap top information should have immediately put him up for treason and his son should have been locked up years ago. This installed fraud is the biggest and most dangerous enemy of our country and all our citizens ever. We’re literally living with the enemy right now. Simply cannot believe that this is actually happening. GOD HELP US ALL!

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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