Biden Sells Oil to China – Big Questions

Posted on Monday, July 11, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

The Biden Administration, already in left field on energy, spending, and national security – is now headed into the bleachers. Having amputated US fossil fuel production (60 percent of power grid), then (unsuccessfully) begged Mideast allies for oil, they tapped the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (reserved for national crises), and we NOW learn they are selling oil to China.

You are probably thinking, with me:  Let me get this right…Biden reversed US energy independence, consciously drove up prices for heating oil and gas, tapped oil reserved for national security (reserve now low), and today is selling that oil to China – AND to a company in which his son has interests?

If writing a script for Hollywood on the take-down of America, punishing us from within, hammering average people, empowering enemies to gain from our pain, endangering national security by syphoning reserves and selling them to China – plus a company tied to the president’s son, movie producers would say, “Nah, too unrealistic.”  No “Manchurian Candidate 2.0.”

Truth is, most of this is incompetence, arrogance, pro-socialism, anti-free market naïveté, and blithely imperceptive, elitist, out-of-touch leadership – not an intent to crater America, but the outcome is the same, dangerous.

Americans are starting to speak out and – from liberal, center, and right – saying: Stop this insanity, get back to basics, empower and protect those who elected you, not Communist nation.

Last week, Republican members of Congress sought an end to the sanity, a return to rule of law, free market economics, supply-and-demand – not government mandates, overspending, market distortions for climate Nirvana.

After all, China produces 27 percent of the world’s pollution, while suppressing 20 percent of the world’s population. The US produces 11 percent of emissions. How endangering America by selling oil we do not have to Communist China helps anyone – except China – is a mystery.

But Republicans pushed harder, because Americans deserve answers. They want an accounting, an understanding of why this is happening. “More than five million barrels of oil released from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve have been diverted to European and Asian nations instead of U.S. refiners,” says Reuters, using data from the Biden Administration. The question is, why?

Wrote House Energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Member Cathy McMorris Rodgers: “The American people deserve answers as to why our emergency energy reserves are being sent to foreign adversaries like the Chinese Communist Party, compromising our energy security and national security…President Biden needs to remember that our strategic energy reserves are for emergencies, not to cover-up bad policies.”

She added, “America needs to flip the switch and increase our capacity to produce and refine oil here at home…Now is not the time to use our strategic stockpile.” She made clear this issue is not vanishing, and bluntly asked: “

“What do they have to hide?”

Her inference – that all is not “above board” – is supported by facts and logic. For whatever reason, the Biden team is endangering the wider US economy, average Americans’ wellbeing, and our national security in obvious ways, catering to China while reducing our own preparation for a major crisis.

Today, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is indefensibly low, with no replenishment on the horizon. It has fallen 492 million barrels, lowest level since more than 35 years – and it is 20 percent lower today than before Biden’s release of oil in late November. 

In the end, big questions demand big answers. How and when will Biden and the Democrats restore America’s energy independence? How will they bring down energy-driven inflation? How will they replace – in immediate outyears – tens of thousands of US jobs lost in energy? How will they replenish the strategic oil reserve? How will they prepare to confront China? How do they defend selling precious American oil to the Chinese, as oil and gas go sky high? And how do they justify selling it to a Chinese company toed to Biden’s son? 

Other than that, we are all good, right? “Other than that, Mr. Lincoln, how was the play?” Oh, one last question: What are all those Democrats going to do when American vote in droves, and sweep them out next November? That is for them to answer. Meantime, sanity must return.