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Biden Bribery: Biden Collected Cash From a Foreigner for Policy Changes

Posted on Thursday, May 11, 2023
by AMAC, Parker Bono

It has been apparent since Joe Biden took office that he puts the interests of other nations above those of the United States. However, the American people have remained largely clueless as to why their own president would commit such actions due to the evidence against Biden being largely suppressed. That was until recently, when new details emerged indicating that Biden was directly involved in a pay-to-play bribery scheme with a foreign national. 

News of Biden’s involvement in the bribery was unveiled last week by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and Senator Chuck Grassley. Both Rep. Comer and Senator Grassley sent a scathing letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray, stating, “We have received legally protected and highly credible unclassified whistleblower disclosures. Based on those disclosures, it has come to our attention that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) possess an unclassified FD-1023 form that describes an alleged criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions.” It should be noted that FD-1023 forms are unclassified internal FBI records pertaining to interactions with confidential sources. It should also be noted that bribery is specifically mentioned in the Constitution as an impeachable offense, unlike the nefarious excuses used to unsuccessfully impeach President Trump.

Interestingly, the first failed impeachment effort against President Trump may very well have been a result of him trying to identify this exact issue in 2019. According to a statement made by Trump during his phone call with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy in September of 2019, “There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it…It sounds horrible to me.” Trump was referring to the now-infamous recording of Joe Biden bragging about withholding approximately $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if they fail to fire their Prosecutor General, Viktor Shokin. To quote Biden, “I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.” Moreover, thanks to the precedent established by Democrats in their second failed attempt to impeach President Trump, it would absolutely be possible to retroactively impeach Biden for this crime, even though it occurred when he was Obama’s Vice President.

Due to the severity of the allegations, a subpoena has been issued to the FBI with a deadline of May 10th to provide “All FD-1023 forms, including within any open, closed, or restricted access case files, created or modified in June 2020, containing the term ‘Biden’.” It is currently unclear why the FBI modified the FD-1023 document in June of 2020, but the timing is dubious, as this was mere months before the 2020 presidential election.

The nationality of the foreigner who allegedly made an illegal bribery deal with Biden is not yet known. Nevertheless, Biden is on record communicating with international associates of both his son Hunter and brother James throughout his vice presidency and beyond. This includes citizens of Ukraine, China, Russia, and Mexico. Consequently, it is speculated that the individual belongs to one of the aforementioned countries. 

Reports indicate that the individual associated with the bribery arrangement is most likely a Ukrainian national. Back in 2018, former federal prosecutor Bud Cummins presented bombshell allegations involving Joe Biden to Southern District of New York Attorney Geoff Berman. In an email sent to Berman on October 4, 2018, Cummins alleges “VP Biden exercised influence to protect Burisma Holdings in exchange for payments to Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, and Joe Biden.” To corroborate his claims, Cummins stated that the then-Ukraine Prosecutor General, Yuriy Lutsenko, was willing to travel to the United States to showcase evidence against the Bidens. Cummins also had at least two witnesses who were willing to testify in support of the allegations. In spite of these incredible claims, the Department of Justice refused to look further into the situation. To quote Cummins, “I can’t really imagine a legitimate reason for the DOJ not to follow up on an offer like that. I felt like it was stonewalled.” To make matters worse, after Cummins presented the allegations of Biden’s criminal activity to federal officials, data from his iPhone was secretly obtained by federal prosecutors through a subpoena in December of 2019. Cummins described the action as “retaliation” for coming forward with evidence against the Biden family. In an interview with The New York Post, Cummins added, “It doesn’t make much sense to investigate the guy who brings you the allegation rather than the allegation.”

This would not be the first time that a Biden has been part of a corrupt and illegal deal. Rep. Comer has previously claimed that multiple members of Biden’s family have directly profited from their family name and positions of influence. According to a March statement from Rep. Comer, “The Oversight Committee is concerned about the national security implications resulting from President Biden’s family receiving millions of dollars from foreign nationals. We will continue to follow the money trail and facts to determine if President Biden is compromised by his family’s business schemes and if there is a national security threat.” 

In Ukraine, the natural gas company Burisma put Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, on the board of directors only months after Joe Biden was placed in control of the Obama administration’s Ukraine foreign policy in early 2014. Hunter’s position came with a hefty salary of up to $1 million per year. Following Hunter’s placement on the board of Burisma, then-vice presidential aide Jake Sullivan (who is now Biden’s national security advisor) claimed that Joe Biden would push to expand Ukraine’s natural gas industry. This was a completely accurate statement. In a blatant conflict of interest, Biden successfully lobbied Congress to provide tens of millions worth of dollars in assistance to Ukraine’s natural gas industry throughout Obama’s presidency. In 2014, Joe Biden met with Hunter’s partner at Burisma, Devon Archer, who is now a convicted felon. Later that year, Joe Biden made a peculiar visit to the tiny island of Cyprus, which so happens to be where Burisma’s corporate headquarters are located

In 2013, Joe Biden brought Hunter Biden to Beijing with him on Air Force Two. Only a few days after the trip, Hunter helped to register a Chinese-based organization that he had cofounded, named BHR Partners. During the trip to Beijing, Hunter introduced his father to Jonathan Li, the CEO of BHR Partners. Shortly thereafter, Joe Biden wrote multiple college recommendation letters to Li’s children. Hunter maintained his stake in BHR Partners for months following Joe Biden’s inauguration, allegedly selling all of his positions in November of 2021. Hunter and James Biden were also highly connected to CEFC, a Chinese energy company. Between 2017 and 2018, James and Hunter received at least $4.8 million in payments from CEFC. Furthermore, Hunter Biden maintained a 10 percent stake in CEFC “for the big guy.” The so-called big guy has since been identified as Joe Biden himself.

In April of 2015, Joe Biden secretly met with former Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov and his wife, Yelena Baturina. Both Luzhkov and Baturina are associates of Hunter Biden. In 2014, Baturina suspiciously wired approximately $3.5 million to a firm connected to Hunter. It is currently unclear what the exact motivations for the large money wire and subsequent meeting with Joe Biden were. However, considering the Biden family’s extensive corruption overseas, the meeting and transaction obviously raise many red flags.

While Joe Biden was still Vice President, Hunter Biden made visits to Mexico each year from 2011 to 2016. In November of 2015, Joe Biden hosted a meeting with Mexican associates of Hunter at the official vice presidential residence in Washington, D.C. At the meeting hosted by Joe, Hunter Biden sought investments in various ventures that he held a stake in from multiple prominent Mexican nationals. These included airline CEO Miguel Alemán Velasco and Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim. Despite Joe Biden previously claiming that he has “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings”, images were released last year from the 2015 business meeting showing both Joe and Hunter next to Slim and Velasco.

Given all of this information, Republicans in the Senate and House have expressed interest in impeaching Joe Biden. During an interview with Fox News’s Sean Hannity on May 3rd, Republican Texas Senator Ted Cruz stated that the accusations against Biden “absolutely” amount to a high crime or misdemeanor if verified as true. Similarly, Republican Rep. Nick Langworthy of New York recently claimed that the revelations involving Biden are the “textbook definition of a high crime that would demand impeachment.” Finally, Oversight Committee Member Rep. Tim Burchett has explained that “’If President Biden is in fact compromised…I don’t see how we could not look into impeachment.”

Joe Biden and his family have been unbelievably corrupt for many years. As a result of bold action from prominent Republicans in the House and Senate, this is being proven on a daily basis. The news of Biden’s bribery scheme is simply the next item added to the ever-expanding list of crimes committed by the Biden crime family. Now, it is time to hold all individuals involved accountable to the full extent of the law.

Parker Bono is an 18-year-old patriot from Southern California. Before joining AMAC, Parker wrote a total of 6 books as a teenager. Parker is also an active member of his community. He has worked on nearly a dozen different political campaigns and has helped get conservative candidates elected to an array of government positions.

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Ron St. Martin
Ron St. Martin
1 year ago

I challenge you to do push ups.

Troy Reagan
Troy Reagan
1 year ago

I love it, Lt Beale

Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

Who exactly is going to hold this senile man accountable when it appears every corrupt part of this nation is covering for him by aiding and abetting his past and present evildoings?

1 year ago

Both McCarthy and McConnell both stated multiple times before the midterms last year that if Republicans retook Congress neither would entertain the idea of impeaching Biden. Period. So there is NO SUPPORT from Republican Congressional leadership for impeachment of Joe Biden.

With the Senate under Democrat control, there is currently no way to get enough votes there to actually remove Biden from office even if the House decided to go forward. You can ignore the whole Harris would become President hysteria, because actual impeachment of Biden is NOT going to happen at this time. So I don’t care what Hannity says. It’s NOT going to happen as long as either the Democrats control the Senate or either McCarthy or McConnell are in Republican leadership roles in Congress. Yes, Biden and the people pulling his strings need to be removed from office ASAP, but the impeachment route is a non-starter.

So nice piece on the fact that yes Joe Biden has been obviously selling his office to the highest bidder for years and doing so in an incredibly inept fashion. The Clintons at least went about essentially doing the same thing, but were smart enough to setup a bogus foundation with all the administrative structure that it could pass muster from which they could launder the hundreds of millions of dollars in “donations” they received over the years. The Bidens on the other hand seem to be so inept that they just literally created dozens upon dozens of LLCs, with similar sounding names and nothing behind the facades, that it all just screams influence buying scam. Unfortunately, with the DOJ and the FBI in Biden’s corner, there isn’t much any of these investigations into the real family business will accomplish, if the public isn’t way more motivated than they currently are.

1 year ago

McCarthy and McConnell are gutless wind bags. The bidens are so well insulated by the corrupt media and the federal bureau of idiots and pouty faced cry baby garland that nothing will ever happen to useless crime family. Revelation or revolution. Take your choice.

1 year ago

Of course Biden is compromised. How much more proof do you idiots need. Lock him up already.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Where are all the Highly Sensitive Classified Documents Beijing biden
STOLE from the White House without National Security Clearance?
WHY is the DOJ and FBI protecting a Treasonous Criminal who SELLS OUT the United States to COMMUNIST CHINA and is in COMMUNIST CHINA’S back pocket?
WHY isn’t Beijing biden arrested for Corruption, Election Fraud, Election Interference, Accepting Bribes, Allowing ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION, Espionage, and Treason? WHY isn’t Hunter arrested for similar crimes including Falsifying Documents for buying a gun?
WHY hasn’t Beijing biden been Impeached and thrown in prison along with his son for CRIMES against the United States?
WHY wasn’t Beijing biden Arrested and Impeached on 1-20-21?
WHY are Beijing biden and Communist harris who are BOTH Treasonous Criminal’s still sitting in OUR White House?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Been bad since his Senate years to date

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

What “business” or “skill” are all these Bidens doing that makes them worth millions of dollars? They are a white trash bunch who make the Sopranos look good. A reincarnation of Billary and the “Clinton Foundation.”

1 year ago

Hmmm. I always thought people like Biden set up shell companies so that they could launder money. Oh wait! That’s what they did!
No surprise here.
The surprise will be if anything is done to this treasonous piece of s**t.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

When he is arrested and charged I will be shocked until then it is only the same old

David Hertzberg
David Hertzberg
1 year ago

So glad to read the work you are doing to help wake people up !!!!!!!

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

Parker I hope you go far. You researched the facts and wrote a well thought out article. You don’t follow the propaganda that the woke follow every day.
What they have accused Trump off is nothing compared to what Biden has done. Destroying America and him and his family got rich in the process.
Would love to see more of your articles.

1 year ago

So when is he going to jail, be impeached, etc!! Everything he, the fbi, etc have done is way worse than watergate ever was, yet crickets from the pravda media.

Michael Stertz
Michael Stertz
1 year ago


Broccoli Free Zone
Broccoli Free Zone
1 year ago

It’s bribery season already? I need to take down my bank failure, Ohio train wreck, open border, inflation, and give 700,000 fully automatic rifles to the Taliban: decorations down now.

1 year ago


Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
1 year ago

Is there a legal reason members of the Biden family would be exempt from The Foreign Agent Registration Act? The act requires citizens that are employed by or paid to influence congress on behalf of foreign governments to register and report their activities. Has Hunter Biden or other members of the Biden Family registered as foreign agents?

If a seated member of Congress a seated Vice President or a President supported the goals of a foreign government in a manner that required them to register as a foreign agent, they would do so in violation of their oath of office. I would say they committed treason.

1 year ago

We knew this all along he is controlled by China, China helped him win the elections by massive fraud. Pray that finally this something is done about this. True impeachment and prison time!!!!

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

biden has been corrupt for 50 years. he needs to be in prison now.

1 year ago

We will continue to lose our “Land of the Free” and the “Home of the Brave” due to the uni-party and our nation putting personal greed, corruption, and political power before our faith in God. We need to use our voices and legal means to push back on the evident corruption and lies being told by the left controlled fake media and inept politicians and let everyone know the truth. Our collective truthful voices outnumber the corrupted politicians and left media. We have to be factual and voiceful and continue to peacefully push back in a manner that honors God and Country.
Very impressed with this article written by 18 year old Parker Bono. There is hope for our country with more and more young people getting involved in telling the truth for all so see and hear!.

1 year ago

I have doubts that Biden will be impeached or even prosecuted given the corruption in our government. At the very least, he should lose the election if enough people are aware of his deceits (that’s doubtful too unless the MSM caves). Im usually optimistic, but this whole thing is too convoluted.

joe mchugh
joe mchugh
1 year ago

I have been a contributing citizen to this country for a few years now, and I have never been so
dismayed by a person who sat at the desk in the Oval Office. To say that I am embarrassed by this brain compromised shell of a man is an understatement.

That the Democrat Party has become a front for Marxism, is even more appalling. And the Republican Party? The ONLY thing that make them even look tolerable is that the Democrat’s behavior is beyond the pale.

The writings of the Founding Fathers indicated that they feared for the viability of the new nation that they provided for their progeny, (us). They worried that the people would vote for the candidates who promised to give them back some of their own tax money “to ease their financial burdens”. And starting with President Wilson, that’s just what the Democrats continue to promise. The only Republican that occupied the Oval Office, and could be described as being progressive, was Teddy Roosevelt.

I can’t be the only one that can see the dark clouds on our nation’s horizon. This approaching mortal storm will break over all of our heads if we continue down the road to the liberal Utopia called Perdition. I don’t presume to claim that I will survive the coming upheaval but I would contribute what I can toward the side that uses the Constitution as its guideline. The other side is obviously beguiled by the ideals of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels.

The civil act of voting was meant to settle our political path to the future. However, I don’t see how we, as a nation, can avoid the horrendous circumstance called civil war. The alternative to such resistance is worse, much worse. Only the elite enjoy a fully socialized society, The average subject of such abominations always live in abject misery. The liberals never learn from the awful history of past and present socialist societies.

1 year ago

I’ve said it before – I’ll say it again. Joe Biden and his corrupt family are among the most evil people on the planet. Joe does not care about Americans. He cares more about destroying the lives of normal hard working people than anything else. He is corrupt liar and a fraud and an embarrassment to office of the president.

Charlotte A Mahin
Charlotte A Mahin
1 year ago

Biden and Harris should have already been impeached for their dereliction of duty and for breaking their oaths of office. They have nearly destroyed our country in just over two years by making a full blown disaster of everything they have and have not touched. If Biden is not impeached and/or thrown in prison for TREASON, there just may be a march of enormous proportions on DC and the start of another revolutionary war in our country. We people who love our country and our Constitution are not going to let it become another Communist China!!

1 year ago

That’s ok, he’s a Democrat and they’re above the law. That was Santos biggest mistake, not being a Democrat. If he was then he would have gotten away with all of his lying and stealing too

1 year ago

People, if you are not familiar with the Conservative website: RedState Google it, it’s free and very informative!

1 year ago

A truly thought-provoking and brilliantly worded expose from a super young journalist who brings to shame all the fake journalists on the left. Parker will go far in his chosen profession. Keep up the good work!

1 year ago

What happens now as the FBI/DOJ has ignored the subpoena for the documents requested by the House Committee? What legal recourse does the Congress have to force this?

1 year ago

…”In a blatant conflict of interest, Biden successfully lobbied Congress to provide tens of millions worth of dollars in assistance to Ukraine’s natural gas industry throughout Obama’s presidency”…
Meanwhile, back in the good ol’ USA, Biden and the idiots (sounds like a rock band, right?) want to take away OUR right to use natural gas.

1 year ago

Thank you Parker Bono for your excellent work and for caring about our nation!

Alan Daniel
Alan Daniel
1 year ago

For many years these numerous crimes have been covered up even though it is impossible that the FBI and other law enforcement agencies did not know about them. The American press has consistently covered up these crimes as well as others. We know that both Republican and Democrat Congressmen, and Presidents, covered up the Saudi Arabian involvement in 911. Biden lies to our people every day. Is the entire government and the federal bureaucracy a criminal enterprise? It certainly appears to be true. Throw in that the elections can be fairly easily manipulated, and most likely have been, including presidential elections, plus those in power can simply ignore laws that have been on the books for years, and make their own laws anytime they want, and it is entirely possible that we will never be able to change this situation even if we try through legitimate means. The USA is in massive trouble from which recovery, without violence, is impossible. AD2

J Francis
J Francis
1 year ago

Therefore David inquired of the Lord, saying, “Shall I go and attack these Philistines?”And the Lord said to David, “Go and attack the Philistines, and save Keilah.

But David’s men said to him, “Look, we are afraid here in Judah. How much more then if we go to Keilah against the armies of the Philistines?” Then David inquired of the Lord once again.And the Lord answered him and said, “Arise, go down to Keilah. For I will deliver the Philistines into your hand.” 1Sam.23.3-4

So David inquired of the Lord, saying, “Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?”And He answered him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.” 1Sam.30.8

So David inquired of the Lord, saying, “Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will You deliver them into my hand?”And the Lord said to David, “Go up, for I will doubtless deliver the Philistines into your hand. 2Sam.5.19

And David inquired of God, saying, “Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will You deliver them into my hand?”The Lord said to him, “Go up, for I will deliver them into your hand.”1Chr.14.10

Therefore David inquired again of God, and God said to him, “You shall not go up after them; circle around them, and come upon them in front of the mulberry trees. 1Chr.14.14

Slick Rick
Slick Rick
1 year ago

Can you imagine if this news was being discovered about a republican how the MSM would be going bonkers. Folks we are headed to destruction as a country if this corruption in our federal government is not stopped.

1 year ago

Our whole governmental system, down to the smallest communities, is corrupt. They violate our civil rights and can get away with it. We could sue them. But then they do not and would not have the money to pay when the lawsuits were successful. They confiscated my truck on false evidence and false reporting. I cannot sue the police. But I can sue others involved, like a local newspaper, that reported this false evidence. The problem is , my cousin, who the charges were brought against, has no money to hire a lawyer.

I have money to hire a lawyer. But it is very difficult for me to bring a lawsuit with no chance of getting payment if I win. But, maybe that is what God wants me to do, lose all of my earthly possesions to fix this corruption.

My cousin faught and won a lawsuit against a small community in Illinois. He got a brain disease from sewage overflow into his auto mechanics business. He spent weeks in the hospital. He had to have brain surgery to keep him alive. He is ok now. But he has never received a dime from the offending town. The sewage overflow was because the city refused to fix a problem with their sewer system. But they knew they would never have to pay.

1 year ago

It is so funny looking at the responses from the left, using Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals to attack the right. We need to use the same type of responses. But I am afraid to replying to him would give him a way to hack my system.

1 year ago

Brandon has never been anything but a grifter. His whole motivation of going to Washington was to get rich. The left plunder everyone and get away with it.

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
1 year ago

When all of this is illicit money laundering scheme by Hunter & Joe is finally ready for prosecution I also want to see every federal employee and official who aided and abetted in this act of treason indicted as well. The same for the media who purposely protects Biden by not reporting, covering up and plain lying about this important story.

1 year ago

Can’t a lawsuit be brought by the People to have him be IMPEACHED and also TRIED FOR TREASON? . . . And once this lawsuit is filed wouldn’t Jackass Joe be suspended from the Presidentcy until a judgment is rendered?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

…and not one peep from the self-titled “legacy” media. If a tree falls in the forest it does create sound but no one is there to hear it. Lying by omission is still lying. I’m just shocked 50 intelligence experts haven’t signed another letter swearing this is all “Russian dis-information” like Hunters computer.

1 year ago

I live in Southern California and just got back from shopping. My favorite men’s shampoo, a brand name, that I usually buy from a popular discount chain store is now $3.99 where it used to be $1.59 but instead of 28 Oz. It’s now 12.5 Oz.. . . That’s $2.40 more for less than half the size. . . . GEEZ, THANKS JACKASS JOE!

1 year ago

This administration appointed most of the key players to hopefully avoid any investigations into their corrupt family dealings and treason. The DOJ, FBI and that (sob) Mayorkas should be all be charged with Federal crimes. I can fully understand why they are scared to death of Donald Trump back in office. Joe Biden is an Adolf Hitler remake. Just look up the similarities.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

if the Trumps had done even a quarter of hat the Bidens are accused of, they would be in jail already.

1 year ago

What the press did this week by ignoring Biden and his dirty dealings for money while trying every which way to cover it up, makes me want to ….. . Please people, do not ever trust what the press is feeding us ever again, because the press definitely does not have our best interests in mind when reporting the news.

1 year ago

I really don’t understand why Republicans in the House of Representatives can’t muster a little intestinal fortitude and hold Garland and Wray in contempt of Congress for failing to summit to subpoenas. The old bag Nancy P would have done so so fast it would have made heads spins. The failure of Republicans to punch back is why I left the Republican Party after 48 years and became an independent.

Andrew P
Andrew P
1 year ago

Biden has always been a crook, and as dumb as a box of rocks. Yet he got elected, because swing voters in suburbia find him “likeable”.

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Demonstrators listen to the speaking program during an "Our Bodies, Our Sports" rally for the 50th anniversary of Title IX at Freedom Plaza on June 23, 2022 in Washington, DC. The rally, organized by multiple athletic women's groups was held to call on U.S. President Joe Biden to put restrictions on transgender females and "advocate to keep women's sports female."

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