The Better for America Podcast

The Medical Cost of DEI: Prioritizing Activism Over Patient Care | Do No Harm

Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2024
by Rebecca Weber
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BFA Podcast EP 314 | Beth Serio, Do No Harm 

In this episode of Better for America, Rebecca Weber is joined by Beth Serio from Do No Harm to discuss the alarming rise of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) in medicine and how it is undermining patient care. A nurse by training, Beth highlights the dangers of prioritizing gender identity over biological sex in healthcare, stating, “When we allow ourselves to get led astray in these kinds of areas of social activism, we’re doing that at the expense of best practices for our patients.” She warns that such practices, once grounded in science, are now being replaced by political agendas. She reveals how medical schools are training doctors to prioritize identity politics over patient care. Beth emphasizes that confusing a child’s sex and allowing them to choose their gender, instead of focusing on biological facts, leads to dangerous consequences in medicine. “We follow the science,” she asserts, urging parents and grandparents to protect their children from harmful ideologies.

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Full Episode Transcript:

Beth Serio: Since the dawn of time, it’s been accepted that there are men and there are women, there are boys, there are girls. These are just a simple basic fact of life. Startlingly recent times that we’re told, no, those are not, that’s a social construct. when we are prioritizing information such as their gender identity over their actual sex creates all kinds of problems in, in the medical world.

Being doctors and nurses. They’ve always been so well trusted in their professions because, we, follow the science. That’s all I have to love to say. We follow the science. We, that’s what we’re supposed to do in healthcare. And when we allow ourselves to get led astray in these kinds of areas of social activism, we’re doing that at the expense of best practices for our patients.

Rebecca Weber: Hello, everyone. I’m Rebecca Weber. You’re watching AMAC’s podcast, Better for America. more and more these days, AMAC members are so concerned about the welfare of their children and their children’s children. Joining me now is a real warrior. Her name is Beth Serio. Beth is the executive director of AMAC.

I’m sorry, Beth oversees external relations with an organization that is doing incredible work. They’re named Do No Harm. Beth, thank you so much for joining me today and welcome to the show.

Beth Serio: Thank you so much, Rebecca. It’s wonderful to be here.

Rebecca Weber: It really is great to have you, Beth, and I would love to really start with an overview of the mission behind Do No Harm.

Do No Harm is an incredible organization. Tell us a little bit about the key areas where your organization is currently focused, and then perhaps a little bit about what may have inspired you to join the organization because you are doing so much great work.

Beth Serio: Sure. Thank you so much. Do No Harm is, we’re a medical watchdog organization, and our two main issue areas are DEI in medicine, so we’re against DEI measures in, medical institutions and medical schools.

And then we’re also very against, gender ideology in the pediatric space, healthcare space. So we take a very multi pronged, approach, strategy to fighting these two areas. we, we do a lot, we try to influence policy when we can. we, sometimes are able to, Litigate. we exposed through, media through social media when we’re able to.

and we found that we have been very effective and just we are organization was founded about two years ago by Dr Stanley Goldfarb. He’s a nephrologist. And, Christina Rasmussen is our executive director. And it’s hard to believe that we’re only about two and a half years old organizationally. we’ve seen a lot of really major wins.

and we’re still growing.

Rebecca Weber: Beth, it is a terrific organization because we do need eyes and ears on what’s happening in the medical industry. I, want to talk a little bit more about that for our listeners, just to remind everybody that DEI is in my view, a very dangerous, tool that is used by the left.

and it goes against what I call the truth and science, essentially, a DEI stands for diversity, equity, and inclusion. If you could explain how this dangerous ideology, implementing DEI in our medical. How that’s impacting, both doctors, patients and our entire medical system as a whole.

Beth Serio: Yes. gosh, it’s honestly, it’s endemic in our healthcare system and it impacts, it impacts us all on every level, I always say we’re a membership based organization and, We’re a network of doctors, nurses, other practitioners, but also just patients and concerned citizens because everybody needs health care, and if you have never been a patient yourself, you certainly have loved ones who are impacted by it.

So it’s really an area that impacts all of us. And, you DEI measure is taking over in medical schools and in health care institutions is that. we’re taking a step away from teaching and training doctors and clinicians in just sound medicine and instead teaching them to be woke warriors for social justice causes.

It impacts the language, that they’re taught to use, in their schools and in their practice, and taught to see everything through this very racial lens, which is, it’s a huge, turn from, Decades and decades of what has always been, traditionally in medicine, not a politicized industry.

And, it’s always been understood that doctors and nurses have always been so well trusted in their professions because we, and I’m a nurse. By training, so this is personal to me too, we follow the science. That’s the left loves to say, we follow the science. We, that’s what we’re supposed to do in, healthcare.

And, when we allow ourselves to get led astray in these kind of areas of social activism, we’re doing that at the expense of best practices for our patients. And that really trickles down, from the tops of these institutions that push these agendas down to your, It’s just your average doctor or nurse who probably it is not an activist, probably just became a doctor or a nurse because they care about health and they want to help people, they didn’t find activists.

and then obviously at the end of the day, it impacts the patients and that’s what We should care the most about as clinicians.

Rebecca Weber: So let me ask you to get a little bit more specific, because you are a nurse yourself and you’re involved with Do No Harm and I know that this is a passion for you.

you’ve probably seen some things firsthand. Can you give us an example of how DEI in our systems, in our schools, our medical schools, and such a strong focus on that, how that negatively impacts Medicine, science, the way we treat people.

Beth Serio: Sure. one, one thing I’ll say is that, again, it starts at the top.

so one specific way is in medical school admissions where there is an emphasis on, looking at, people by applicants, medical school applicants, by just by basic facets of their identity, So whether it’s their, their race, their skin color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity.

those things we’re finding in medical schools are often being given a much higher place of value than just simply their knowledge, expertise, basic things like their MCAT. Scores, and so when we’re doing that and we’re recruiting doctors based on superficial qualities, we’re doing that at the potential expense of, experience, knowledge, competence, not that these two things in any way have to be in conflict with each other, but it’s when we prioritize one thing over the other, and then it creates a trickle down impact.

Rebecca Weber: Yes. So essentially what we’re seeing is that, it’s, we’re moving away from merit and, people’s actual abilities, experience, and instead, we’re making decisions, who should be operating in the operating room based on, meeting certain identity quotas, which sounds ridiculous and, absolutely insane.

it does seem to me, Beth, that the left and our members agree that they are not following the science when it comes to gender identity. what is your response to the assertion that there are 64 plus genders and growing? and how is Do No Harm trying to counter those scientific, because they’re saying that no, people are, really coming out and saying, arguing the point that, men can be women.

Beth Serio: So again, this goes back to, completely discarding. Generations of just simple knowledge and basic wisdom and common sense in pursuit of, these woke ideologies and the gender issue is in some ways it’s two sides of the same coin when it comes to DEI. It’s really very similar at its roots, in my opinion.

and Of course, for ever, since the dawn of time, it’s been accepted that there are men and there are women, there are boys, there are girls, these are just a simple, basic fact of life, and it’s only been just very, in a very sudden, startlingly recent times that we’re told, no, those are not, that’s a social construct.

And that, boys can become girls, can become boys. and that, we can conflate the sex and gender. and again, we can do this at the potential expense of patient safety. when we are prioritizing information such as their gender identity over, their actual, sex, then, and worrying about how this child identifies versus what they were born as, and what we know their sex to be, is creates all kinds of problems in, in the medical world.

Rebecca Weber: Yeah. It certainly can. And, we’ve heard so many other stories from parents themselves, from grandparents who have said, my child should not be, this is something that’s running throughout all of our institutions, right? It’s not just in our medical field, which is really, that’s where it’s so dangerous because, you may not have the right person operating on you.

You may have a doctor operating on a minor, and that minor can never reverse those surgeries. Yes. It’s a big, in a big way impacting other areas though, including our military, our public school system, and Do No Harm has done so much to really build coalitions. And you’re very focused on doing that.

How do you plan to engage concerned grandparents and concerned citizens in really advocating against radical gender ideology?

Beth Serio: in my opinion, concerned citizens, grandparents, parents are the most important part of this puzzle, We can talk all day long about the truth about sex and gender and, the associated issues.

radical gender ideology that’s pervasive in our, culture and in our schools. And of course, most importantly for our healthcare institutions, but, you is the ones, listening and watching this right now are the ones who are there. With these children every day, you have the opportunity to, teach your Children kind of these basic truths, and also protect them from the gender ideologues that really earlier and earlier age are seeking to, rob them of this innocence and teach them a completely false ideology that ends in just simple, pain and suffering, and

Rebecca Weber: Yeah, it is.

It is so sad. It breaks my heart. And I do believe that this is part of, it’s a move towards Marxism. And here’s how I see it. When you try to strip individuals of their identity, right? and you say you’re, you are no, you don’t have to be a woman. If you don’t want to be a woman, you don’t have to be a man.

If you don’t want to be a man. and then you set up a system whereby you’re either an oppressor or the oppressed. what you’re doing is you’re creating, you’re sowing division, you’re creating division and you’re, sowing confusion. And it starts in the schools with the young people.

And then in 10, 15, 20 years, we will look at the United States of America and say this is not the society that, this is not the America that we grew up in, this is not the country, I think that our founding fathers intended us to be because we’ve moved so far away from rugged individualism to merit based policies to the things that really Define us as the greatest nation on earth.

We are, we have so much ingenuity, so much, desire to pursue the American dream, but when you begin to strip away somebody’s actual, who they are at their core, it, it hits pits people against each other. It forces people to buy into a lie. And really redefines our society and who we are and how we operate.

DEI at its core, I believe, is evil. The work that you’re doing at Do No Harm is so good. You’re strengthening families, you’re supporting individuals, and you’re giving people the tools necessary to do Beth, I’d love for you to share with our listeners where they can find more resources. If it’s on your website, that’s great.

And then I want to talk a little bit about the October 21st event. We’re going to put some information here in the bio. Check us out at amac. us to learn more about a virtual webinar that everybody and anybody can participate in. I think that’s great because we’ll be really getting into more of the details on that call.

Beth Serio: yes, I’m very much looking forward to that. so you can go to our website, harmmedicine. org, and become a member. and we’ll keep you in the loop, on, developments that, that are happening in these, areas, and then what we’re doing about it, whether, it’s in your state or nationally.

So we encourage everyone to become a member. Again, you absolutely do not have to be a physician or a nurse or another type of practitioner. If you are a concerned citizen, a parent, a grandparent, a patient, healthcare impacts all of us, like I said before. So we would love to have you as a member. We have a lot of great resources, on our website, including a parent resource page, which is, of course, really great for grandparents as well.

definitely encourage you to check that out, and follow us on social media as well. So we can keep you informed. and then the webinar, we’re really looking forward to that. So again, October 24th. first. and I believe it’s going to be an evening. I think it’s an eight p. m. Eastern time event. So we’re gonna have a panel of experts from do no harm, who are going to really be able to get into the nitty gritty specifically on the gender ideology issue and give some very important updates about what is happening at hospitals across the country.

Rebecca Weber: Such an important topic. If you’re a mother, if you’re a father, a grandparent, if you know someone who’s a mother or a father or a grandparent, they have got to participate. We, it’s on us, it’s on our shoulders to make sure that we protect and defend future generations and that we teach them the truth.

Thank you so much, Beth Serio, for being a big part of this incredible movement. So much has happened over the last few, three, three and a half years, many of that great credit over to the entire team over at Do No Harm. Thanks again for being with me today and, I’ll see you on October 21st. Great.

Beth Serio: Thank you so much, Rebecca.

Rebecca Weber: Excellent. To everyone out there listening, please be sure to renew your membership with AMAC or join if you haven’t joined yet. Tell your friends and family all about AMAC. There is strength in numbers. That’s it for today, folks. Thanks for joining me. Have a great day, everyone.

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lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
4 months ago

The goal of the Left is to completely destroy our society. They are doing it in every imaginable sector and sphere of life. This is just another aspect of the overall process.

4 months ago

My son saw the beginning of this when he was in medical school in the early 2000’s. Currently, he practices clinical care of patients and is an academic associate professor. Even though our state has “ outlawed” DEI, it is there under different labels. He has to deal with the most ridiculous things and people you could imagine. It demoralizes him. He is trying to build his career as a white male where his demonstrated merit means nothing.

4 months ago

Instead of fixing what causes the discrepancy in the ability level, the progressive move is to lower the standard of entry knowledge, which means that the person has to be given extra development time to learn the total skills needed for the highly skilled medical field. Now if the instructors are willing to give these students the time to get themselves to the needed level of performance, that’s fine. Still, it can’t be acceptable for them to remain at the low-performing level if they are not developing their performance level too. All candidates regardless of starting level should graduate with the same required skill level. Race is not part of the development of these skills.

4 months ago

anyone with two working brain cells can figure out that you need QUALIFIED- WELL TRAINED people in medicine. When you dilute the pool with DEI you set yourself up for failure. Medicine- Military- Aerospace- Engineering- CPA- LEO- First Responders- They MUST be able to do the heavy lifting mentally or physically as the case demands. But, society has been dumbing down everything- education is the basics and it is the worst.

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
3 months ago

Important Better for America presentation Rebecca, Praise for Beth Serio for doing her bit to help save the. Medical profession from decay. Let us all be grateful for the intelligent people the Americans who have the courage and good character to take a stand for what is right. Praise for AMAC for all of the good work being done especially the work that defends fundamental good, common sense.

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