AMAC in the Media

Trans-Olympics, Hypocrisy, Danger

Posted on Friday, June 25, 2021
The Association of Mature American Citizens

The feminist movement is being tested; transgender women are allowed to participate in the Olympics, why are women not standing up for women? Biden’s faith has been under fire with his new “anti-life” abortion stance, and Ben tells you what the catholic church has to say. AMAC National Spokesman joins Ben to give AMAC members an essential update on foreign policy to close out this week.

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Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
3 years ago

This administration is purely Demonic

Robert XeLancy
Robert XeLancy
3 years ago

These idiots should be removed from the Olympics immediately. They are NOT a true representation of the USA.

Dave R
Dave R
3 years ago

For a man wannabe woman to compete in women’s sports is wrong because the wannabe, even though he is screwed up in the head is physically stronger. What confuses me when it comes to jobs, let’s say combat arms in the military or being a police officer where strength and endurance can mean life or death, it is ok if you do not have the body strength! As a matter of fact the standards are often lowered to make it ok. Just asking for a friend.

Mildred Palmer
Mildred Palmer
3 years ago

Absolutely disgusting this transgendered agenda which has invaded every aspect of life. Not strange that you ever see it the other way where biological women compete against men. It’s only one way, biological men competing against women. The US is a sick, sinful and dark country which will only continue to sink deeper and deeper into perversion without a return to The Word of God and Faith in God’s Son, Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin. May our Gracious God have mercy upon us through His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

3 years ago

So any man that couldn’t beat other men, now just “claims” to be a woman and maybe grows a pony tail so that they can beat up on girls that have been training and working hard their entire lives!?!?!?!?!? How did this ever get allowed to begin with? Can’t these people see how wrong this is and how utterly ridiculous it is? We are the worlds laughing stock, and rightfully so. We are being destroyed from within and the sheep just keep on following. The internet has given too much power to those that don’t deserve it and it has been used to destroy righteousness and common sense. All the heroes that have died for freedom were wasted if these types of things are allowed to continue. The lawyers and judges that permitted this and the destruction of the BOY SCOUTS and those with similar decision making “wrongs” need to be held seriously accountable.

3 years ago

GOD is watching.

3 years ago

These men cannot win in the men’s division so they make believe they are girls as the only they can win is by cheating.

Roberto Gonzalez
Roberto Gonzalez
3 years ago

Biden is a man of Faith.? By the fruit you are known.

3 years ago

Wher is Gloria Allred on the TRANS subject does she not recognize gender anymore/

3 years ago

Congress will not do anything to stop these people. Just as the Supreme Court has done nothing and allowed these incompetent puppets managed by Obama and the Deep State to come to power and ruin this magnificent country.
Our only hope is for us to stop S.1 from ever passing.
Then we must elect Club for Growth members to Congress and we must vote good Republicans into State Houses, D.A. offices, mayoral offices and governorships.
We have to destroy this present democrat party and make sure socialism and racism and revisionist history lose everywhere.
Capitalism – si, communism – no!

3 years ago


aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

Give AMAC memberships as gifts. It is a bargain just for the info from the website.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

A perfect America, in 2024, would be Rand Paul and Ben Carson in the White House. Why ? This nation is SICK. It needs DOCTORS.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

These turds account for less than one percent of America. Need to find out where they all live and act accordingly.

John Shipway
John Shipway
3 years ago

Why doesn’t someone find the board members that ok’d this sick pervert to compete against women in the olympics and just…….introduce them to the other side of the grass? Im sick of this and I swear if some guy EVER goes into a public restroom where one of my granddaughters happen to be it will be THE last place the creep ever ventures other than some morgue.

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

Social Marxists deny true science, true history, and proven economics. Why would 1/100 of 1% (one out of ten thousand) be allowed to dictate to the rest of us what we should do and what we should call them?
Are there ANY real old-time liberals left anywhere who stand for clear scientific FACTS?

3 years ago

I say all these “athletes” need a chromosome test to play in the Olympics if they THINK they are the opposite gender to which they were born. That would prove if they are male or female; you cannot change that!

3 years ago

we are appalled that the Olympics wlll allow MEN –even when they pretend to be women–or are transgendered–to compete in Women’s events—as the East Germans did that for years and they put the chromosome test into play–this is totally WRONG!

3 years ago

Needs a trans brain as does biden.

3 years ago

There is no such thing as a “trans gender” people. There are insane people and that is what these insane morons are.

Eamonn Thomas Smyth
Eamonn Thomas Smyth
3 years ago

Trans gender people are fooling themselves, but we are living a fools paradise thanks to Dems screw ball polices. On President Biden and his Catholic faith he is a hypocrite and shuold be excommnicated especial those Dems who are Catholics who support Abortion.

David P. Minato
David P. Minato
3 years ago

That is a good question. Why aren’t moms, sisters and women in general in an uproar over males invading women’s sports? And the feminist movement says we’re bigoted for not wanting males to compete against females? Why can’t there be a transgender section just for transgenders and leave girls and women sports alone?

3 years ago

The feminist movement, is that still around?

3 years ago

A FREAK SHOW olympics. More “sports” NOT to watch. BFD…

3 years ago

I won’t be watching any olympics with me competing with women just because they had some crack surgery they are still men .If any American in any way does one thing against my Country then forget it.

Michael l Javick
Michael l Javick
3 years ago

I will not be watching any Olympics that has any anti-American , woke or sodomite filth in it !

3 years ago


3 years ago

Remember the hell that was raised when it was found that Russia’s women were using steroids or other enhancement drugs? This goes far beyond the pale. Where is the outrage from the Olympic community?

3 years ago

Quoting from the left’s own wikipedia:
Trans- is a Latin prefix meaning “across”, “beyond”, or “on the other side of”.
Homo- Greek prefix expressing the notion of “same, identical”
Cis- Latin prefix cis means “on this side”,
Any Questions about Mis-Gendering?

3 years ago

I’ve never watched but one sport in my life and that was football, college & pro. Five years ago, after the creep kneeler Kaepernick, I quit watching pro football. The past two years I’ve given up on college football. Now, you couldn’t pay me to watch the olympics or any sport, period. I cannot stand to even look at the athletes who are so self-important and self-loving. All too many need to go play sports in Russia or China. They are not deserving of living in a free country.

3 years ago

People, I just thought of something which I was able to watch the whole video. I hope you all will have good luck. Go to the Internet Explorer and type AMAC Weekly News and there it is.

3 years ago

If you login to with your membership #, choose News or Weekly News and AMAC videos are all there. [They also have a cellphone app, but I’d need a magnifying glass to see my screen].

Steve Owen Scheiderer
Steve Owen Scheiderer
3 years ago

No audio.

Alex Balkcum
Alex Balkcum
3 years ago

I clicked on the trans-athlete to watch the video and the page it went to had everything but the video! I’ve been a member for close to 10 yrs and though I seldom get deep into the weeds for a lot of issues when I do go searching I expect better.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
3 years ago

Newsflash: AMAC has been declared a “white supremacist extremist” organization and is being banned from all social media & the internet. (sarcasm)

Morris Hewitt
Morris Hewitt
3 years ago

No Video

John scheel
John scheel
3 years ago

Why can’t we open the weekly news?

Fr. Demetri Carellas
Fr. Demetri Carellas
3 years ago

No video, folks!

3 years ago

It’s very frustrating, when you look forward to the weekly video, and then you are not able to access it! This has happened several times lately!

Margret Brogan
Margret Brogan
3 years ago

no video

Susan Lenarz
Susan Lenarz
3 years ago

What is going on. I can’t get my favorite selection from AMAC. Have tried repetedlyl

Duryea Desmarteau
Duryea Desmarteau
3 years ago

YouTube might be blocking AMAC feed?

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

” Female weight lifter suffers tragic testicular injury “, lol! At the 20:35 mark of the video link I’m leaving here will show one example of what the title of this non-story is supposed to be conveying I believe…
The entire RSB video presentation is excellent btw, I recommend watching it all…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

No video again

Randy Miller
Randy Miller
3 years ago

I do not see any video. What’s up?

Ronald D Shaffer
Ronald D Shaffer
3 years ago

Duryea Desmarteau
Duryea Desmarteau
3 years ago

It’s playing on YouTube!

Delwin Hyatt
Delwin Hyatt
3 years ago


3 years ago

Is it the cameraman or the projectionist that’s keeping Ben from his weekly rounds two out of the last three weeks?

3 years ago

where is the video?

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