AMAC in the Media

Questioning the FBI Equals Domestic Terrorism

Posted on Sunday, August 21, 2022
The Association of Mature American Citizens
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2 years ago

Legitimate questioning of the FBI or any other government agency or government officials is proper and correct as long as it’s done with the proper respect. The problem today is that our elected officials and bureaucrats don’t want to be questioned. One reason is they may not know the answer. Probably the real reason is that they don’t want to answer our questions is because what they are doing is probably illegal and immoral. A government run in the dark without having to answer for their actions is a government that loses all respect and trust of the governed. It now appears the FBI is no longer fair and honest so when they appear to be not fair and their actions not legal the questioning of the FBI is reasonable and proper. If the FBI and the government is able to label anyone who legitimately questions it as domestic terrorists when we become alarmed by their actions and this label causes us not to question them we will then only be a dictatorship. We will cease to exist as a nation that our founding fathers envisioned us to be. The FBI’s latest actions are definitely open to questions and the leadership of the FBI and the Biden Administration needs to be held accountable. Dictatorships rule through fear and intimidation. Our government appears to want to be a dictatorship under the Biden Administration.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

WHY isn’t the FBI going after DICTATOR Beijing biden for Violating the National Security Act, U.S. Constitution, and Presidential Oath of Office with his Open Borders of ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION?
WHY isn’t the FBI going after Hunter biden when they have had the laptop for a Very Long Time?
WHY isn’t the FBI going after Hillary Clinton?
WHY isn’t the FBI going after SWAMP QUEEN pelosi and her husband?
WHY isn’t the FBI going after antifa?
WHY isn’t the FBI going after blm?
These named above ARE DOMESTIC TERRORIST including the FBI.
Remember, the FBI RAIDED PRESIDENT TRUMP’s home.
AMERICAN Citizen’s ARE PATRIOT’S which is more than I can say for those mentioned above.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

WHY isn’t the FBI going after DICTATOR Beijing biden for Violating the National Security Act, U.S. Constitution, and Presidential Oath of Office with his Open Borders of ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION?
WHY isn’t the FBI going after Hunter biden when they have had the laptop for a Very Long Time?
WHY isn’t the FBI going after Hillary Clinton?
WHY isn’t the FBI going after SWAMP QUEEN pelosi and her husband?
WHY isn’t the FBI going after antifa?
WHY isn’t the FBI going after blm?
These named above ARE DOMESTIC TERRORIST including the FBI.
Remember, the FBI RAIDED PRESIDENT TRUMP’s home.
AMERICAN Citizen’s ARE PATRIOT’S which is more than I can say for those mentioned above.

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