AMAC in the Media

Power of Attorney – You Don’t Need It, Until You Do.

Posted on Friday, July 29, 2022
Outside Contributor
power of attorney

Sponsored By: DrOwl

Most seniors know that having a power of attorney is crucial in order to have an advocate responsible for making important health decisions on your behalf. Many have taken this step and created such a document as well as an advanced directive in cases where the most difficult of decisions have to be made.

Sometimes these documents are created in conjunction with a will which helps families prepare for the time when their parents are no longer able to take care of themselves.

Unfortunately, these vital documents are often stored away in a secure place such as a safe deposit box or a safe. Although it is important to keep these documents secure, in the case of a medical emergency, having access to your power of attorney form can be the difference between life and death.

Having to search for a power of attorney when every second counts means that decisions may have to be made without the input of a person’s advocate. It is vital for seniors to carry this document with them in an accessible format so emergency personnel can find the necessary information and contact the appropriate person.

Current advances in technology have created the means for seniors to scan in their power of attorney and have it easily accessible along with their medical records and emergency contacts.  

Seniors can use the free DrOwl app to upload their documents, import their medical histories, and learn more about their health. Most importantly, they can include their healthcare advocate to help make better decisions and receive better care.

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2 years ago

I have been an advocate for a friend and have recently become the executor of her estate when she dies. There are many things I didn’t know – and am currently learning – about being an executor. One is that I’ll have responsibilities but not a lot of power to go with them. She doesn’t want me to have a Power of Attorney at this time. Although we’re very good friends, she has issues of trust from her childhood/young adult years. I have never given her reason to not trust me and she agrees with that! I am hoping I can convince her to give me her Power of Attorney while there is still time. She is divorced, no kids, and no siblings. I am trying to help her to understand that if it’s not me, it will be the State!

Jean in TN
Jean in TN
2 years ago

How do you choose someone to be your power of attorney when you’re single, never had kids, and have no siblings? My closest relatives are cousins. I don’t know if I want to trust any of them to have control over my money or not.

Jean in TN
Jean in TN
2 years ago

How do you choose someone to be your power of attorney when you’re single, never had kids, and have no siblings? My closest relatives are cousins. I don’t know if I want to trust any of them to have control over my money or not.

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