Washington, DC — The nonpartisan Tax Foundation has found that Biden’s claims about the Trump tax cuts, specifically that the Trump tax cuts have only benefited the wealthy, are not based in fact. According the the analysis of Congressional Budget Office (CBO) data, the Republican passed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act cut taxes across the board while increasing the share of taxes paid by the top one percent.
The media and President Biden have consistently misrepresented President Trump’s signature tax reform legislation. During the 2020 campaign, candidate Biden promised to undo all of the Trump tax cuts on “day one”. Fortunately for the economy and country, Congress has not allowed the full Biden tax hike agenda to become law. The Biden tax plan if implemented would destroy millions of jobs while wiping out small businesses and family farms across the country.
According to a Republican press release on the study, other main points include:
Don’t expect to hear any of this information in the main stream media — stay tuned to AMAC media for more updates from our team in Washington DC.
It has been apparent for many, many years that Joe Hidin’ Biden has no feel for the difference twixt lies and truths. He just says what he wants you to believe regardless of the truth .. even if he knows it (which is rarely the case). He is the epitome of a corrupt politician
News flash – DEMOCRATS LIE!
These corrupt, power hungry, traitors have lied to the people who continue to vote for them, for 50+ Years!!
Why can’t these people see that all they are is USED by this failed,communist group of democrat politicians and some useless rino’s too!! WAKE UP PEOPLE – this SCUM is taking away your freedom while they divert your attention with covid, free stuff, green deal pretend infrastructure and a whole bunch of LIES!!!
GET SMART and see what these losers really are – WAKE UP!!
We must NEVER forget why Trump won the 2020 election in overwhelming numbers, for the nation did indeed go ALL red before midnight on Nov. 3, 2020…The real numbers stood at Trump 410 electoral & Biden at 127 electoral votes… This story on tax cuts is but a tiny sampling of the Trump administration’s overall accomplishments…I want him back, he earned & won his 2nd term in spades…
Bill on the Hill… :~)
Biden Lies….. and all those around him LIE! ….. LIARS & THIEVES! You have to be deaf, dumb, blind AND STUPID not to recognize it.
The Democrat party & their RINO cohorts continue their plan to establish a PERMANENT Communist “Dictatorship” here in OUR U.S.A. If they are not destroyed, WE WILL BE…. and our beloved FREE nation will become just another 3rd world “shit hole”!
In the near future, so many people are going to be sorry they voted for Biden the destroyer of freedom. A liar and fool.
We already knew this…
So what did anyone expect from Loopy Joe, the truth? That’s the demo/globalists total platform; lie, cheat, & misrepresent. This is the most corrupt, evil, wicked, & satanic administration in the history of America. Their goal is to get America into the one-world government, economy, & religion by 2030.
How many Americans are proud of THEIR president? Any?
Here’s a news flash, anyone that has been alive over the last 50+ knows that each new Demonrat President, lies just a little more than the last Demonrat President, it all started with Lyndon Brain Dead Johnson and each one becomes more of a socialist than the last one, just look at the progression of how much each one becomes more radical than the last, from the peanut brain Jimmy Carter, to Billary Clinton, to Barack Inane Obama and now Brain dead Biden, I have personal observed the decay of the Party of Truman and Kennedy to the Party of more inline with China and Russia, with only one desirer and that is to Control, Control, Control and deprive Law abiding Americans of their constitutional rights and tax them until they have no more to give.
Without a major change, Americans days are numbered.
Former Senator Joe Biden is fake news
Should we be surprised? He has lied about everything.
Just add this to the pile of lies that this fake person is responsible for. Needs to be removed from what he has stolen on a rail.
We just went thru 12-years in a row of increasing our Federal Debt & both Dem & Repub presidents. Do both parties think this is good economics. How can either party justify tax cuts with borrowed money. Do you realize a few foreign countries own some of this debt? So far, Biden is heading for 13th year of increasing debt. A company can go bankrupt & and the US govt. has bailed them out, but how can a major country go bankrupt. My opinion, we need to balance the budget , which I understand the last time was when Bill Clinton was in office.
This just goes to show that Biden does know the truth when faced with it. All he does is lie and spend our money. He needs to go!
As Ronald Reagan said: “There you go again.” O’Biden would lie about his underwear size if it meant scamming Americans. His Marxist Democrat administration wouldn’t know the truth about taxes if it him them collectively in the face. It is almost like they gather each and every day to plan their next lie to the public. They continue to face the disdain from Americans for everything that they do (or not do). I don’t know if it is just a power grab, their egos, or their ignorance. O’Biden said that there is not going to be a gas tax increase….but you will pay more because the tax is on the higher cost of fuel at the pump. The mere fact that you are paying more than one addition dollar for a gallon of fuel this year means that an incremental increase is another 18 cents per gallon. The same goes for inflation on food, housing, utilities, entertainment, and medical….the inflation because of the ineptitude of the administration is a “tax” on some Americans who can least afford the higher price increases right now.
I didn’t need some research group to tell me this! I am NOT rich (by American standards) and I definitely was helped by Trump’s tax cuts. That’s one reason (of many) why Trump gained 13 million votes and WON the election LEGALLY.
This fraud LIES ABOUT EVERYTHING. That is as immutable and undeniable as acceleration due to gravity is 32 ft/sec2 at sea level.
The top earners saw tax increases from 25.5 to 25.9 % during period 2017-18. That does not seem like much of an increase to someone making +$1 Million per year. This article should have covered a few examples of these top earners on how much more they paid cuz of tax increase.
Trump tax cuts were to increase Fed Debt about $1 Trillion & do not see results of that. A few of Corporations bought back stock (which Trump did not want them to do) instead of improving business or sharing with employees, the CEO’s at many companies were paid salaries/profit sharing of a few Million dollars more the last couple of years, and the top richest people saw their worth go up millions & billions due to stock market during this period. Looks like two sides to this story.
Why is this information kept from the public? Oh, I get it, so that the Dems can lie about it.
Would be great if you provided links to these reports AND a way to share articles.
Would be great if you provided links to these reports AND a way to share articles.