AMAC in the Media

Border, Clinton, AMAC Action

Posted on Friday, May 27, 2022
The Association of Mature American Citizens
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Lynne Pace
Lynne Pace
2 years ago

It is unforgivable, unbelievable, & un-American the amount of damage that has occurred in and to this country in the last 14 months. This administration needs to be overturned ASAP.

2 years ago

SAVE THE U.S.A…..arrest all demonrats, socialists, leftist loonies, and nazis and send them to GITMO FOR TREASON!!..

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Song of Today that fits is; ‘WHAT’S GOING ON’, By: 4 Non Blondes.
Take a break and listen. See for yourself.

2 years ago

Joe Biden’s amendment to give up our sovereignty at the WHO didn’t fly but on June 12 he will try again and if that doesn’t fly, then they will try again in August! Please be praying and don’t let up! We must not give our freedom to this evil WHO !

Gail Wright
Gail Wright
2 years ago

I want to see hillary in Federal Prison! They can’t get away with what they’re doing. We have to vote every democrat out of office!

2 years ago

Myorkas is a primary example of destructive incompetence. He is a huckster as every time his lips move he is lying. He doesn’t know the meaning of “control” and he also has that artificial intelligence look perfected. Thanks Joey.
Hillary is bullet and bombproof. NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. THE DECK IS STACKED.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Currently there is NO government department run by a competent, America-loving person. Senile Joe’s crew looks like the bar scene from Star Wars : freaks of all kinds.

Victoria Gardner
Victoria Gardner
2 years ago

The boarder and our safety is the most important issue. Joe Biden is incompetent and should be impeached.

Harris Faulkner is an exceptional reporter and commentator.

God Bless America!!!!

Terry Cooney
Terry Cooney
2 years ago

Assassination attempt? I do not like it when we (the “Right”) use hyperbole to describe events, any more than I like it when the other side does it. The weekly video is becoming a little too strident and hyperbolic in its descriptions of weekly events. Disrupting an alleged PLAN falls far short of an “attempt.”

2 years ago

The next census that will include illegals will give the marxist democrats the winning number of Senate and House representatives to win all elections from here on out. This is why they want open borders.

2 years ago

The next census that will include illegals will give the marxist democrats the winning number of Senate and House representatives to win all elections from here on out. This is why they want open borders.

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