These resolutions bring a vital sense of order to any discussion related to gender identity.
June 30, 2022
The Honorable Debbie Lesko
8th Congressional District of Arizona
1214 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
The Honorable Cindy Hyde-Smith
Senator from Mississippi
702 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Congresswoman Lesko and Senator Hyde-Smith,
On behalf of the over 2.3 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens,
including nearly 11,800 residing in AZ-08, and over 21,000 members in Mississippi, I write to
offer our support for H.Res. 1136 and S.Res. 644, both intended to [establish] a Women’s Bill of
Rights to reaffirm legal protections afforded to women under federal law.
In an age when Supreme Court nominees cannot determine the definition of a man vs. a
woman because they are not qualified via a credential to do so, it is imperative to ensure that
these fundamental definitions are standard in our law and culture.
Your efforts with House Resolution 1136 and Senate Resolution 644 will ensure that standard
and bring a vital sense of order to any discussion related to gender identity. These definitions
will couch all future legislative discussions and policy decisions in a paradigm of respect for each
sex, resulting in policies that regard our differences and help prevent crimes such as sexual
harassment and assault.
It is a lamentable feature of our culture that leads to the necessity of these kinds of resolutions,
but know that AMAC applauds your efforts, and greatly appreciates your leadership. Thank you,
Congresswoman Lesko and Senator Hyde-Smith.
Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action
Thank God for AMAC!
Also wanted to mention that Roe kept her baby and is now a pro-lifer!
Thank God for AMAC!
Also wanted to mention that Roe kept her baby and is now a pro-lifer!