AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports No Hearing, No Vote Act

Posted on Tuesday, October 12, 2021
AMAC Action
hospice-fraud-medicare money lawmakers liberal cash debt inequality economy congress America balancing books

This legislation would shine light on huge reconciliation bills and involve the American public in vetting them before any vote could take place.

October 12, 2021

The Honorable Mike Braun
Senator from Indiana
404 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Braun,

On behalf of the nearly 2.4 million members of the Association of Mature American Citizens – AMAC, I write to offer our support for S. 2823, the No Hearing, No Vote Act. As a seniors organization that upholds traditional American values, we support legislation that pushes back against attempts to raise taxes on seniors and hard-working small businesses.

Currently, Democrats are attempting to push through reckless spending before the American people have time to react. Your bill would ensure regular order and public input before committee hearings and floor votes. This legislation is long past due. In fact, Senator Schumer and 39 other Democrats previously supported the same legislative language of “no votes without hearings” during the previous administration. The Constitution must never be abandoned to accommodate the Majority’s legislative wish list.

The current policies being proposed are the opposite of what the country needs right now to recover economically. Continuing to advocate for the Green New Deal, permanent welfare, and tax hikes that hit all income groups will cost Americans of all ages. Our country cannot afford anymore reckless taxes and ideologically driven spending sprees. It’s time to stop the process in its tracks, and as a first step, demand hearings on the $3.5 trillion monstrosity of a bill currently being proposed.

Thank you, Senator Braun, for legislation that would shine light on huge, complicated bills and give Americans an important role in the legislative process. AMAC appreciates your efforts and is pleased to offer our organization’s full support for S. 2823, the No Hearing, No Vote Act.


Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action

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Jim I
Jim I
3 years ago

I agree wholeheartedly. I have no problem with the government spending funds, it just has to be in a sane and controlled manner that does not require the printing presses for the government’s money presses to run so much they melt down.

Jim I
Jim I
3 years ago

I agree wholeheartedly. I have no problem with the government spending funds, it just has to be in a sane and controlled manner that does not require the printing presses for the government’s money presses to run so much they melt down.

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