This bill reinforces the prohibition against infringing on free speech that is already part of the Bill of Rights in our Constitution and also defines penalties and enforcement measures if the law is broken.
February 1, 2023
The Honorable James Comer
1st Congressional District of Kentucky
2410 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congressman Comer,
On behalf of the 2.1 million members of AMAC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, and over 5,100 members residing in KY-01, I am writing to convey our strong support for H.R. 140, the “Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act.”
The Executive Branch of government must operate within the law of the land, and within laws enacted by Congress; whose express job it is to create law. The Execute Branch has no authority to operate outside of the Constitution or the laws Congress makes. As Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, the Executive Branch has no authority to abridge free speech or the freedom of the press. When it does so, on its own accord at any level, or through a third party, it has violated the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States; and in this case, our sacred right to free speech. Any third party that agrees to censor free speech at the request, or coercion of the federal government becomes an agent of that government and is therefore complicit in the violation of the freedom of
speech, and in some cases, the freedom of the press.
This bill reinforces the prohibition against infringing on free speech that is already part of the Bill of Rights in our Constitution. It also defines penalties and enforcement measures if the law is broken. Similar legislation would do well to include federal contractors and other entities providing services to the federal government in addition to specifying penalties against federal agencies that violate the spirit and intent of this law.
AMAC thanks you, Representative Comer, and your cosponsors, for demonstrating how to support and defend the Constitution by protecting our First Amendment right to the freedom of speech at this critical time in our history.
Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action
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Excellent. Add my name.
Unless it’s book bans or various other things but yes you want government out of speech otherwise lol
I am all in on freedom of speech. The gov is trying to censor us exercising our costitutional right to voice our concerns and to disagree with policies