This bill, should it become law, will remove the third-party grifting by pharmacy benefit managers (PBM) that participate in the shameless reaping of profit from America’s elder citizens.
April 4, 2023
The Honorable Buddy Carter
1st Congressional District of Georgia
2432 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congressman Carter:
On behalf of the over two million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens, including over 5,800 members who live in GA-01; I write to offer our support for H.R. 1613, the “Drug Price Transparency in Medicaid Act”.
There is very little that senior Americans on a fixed income with medical conditions that require continual treatment can do when the price of medication and medical attention rises. In addition, the lifting tide of inflation brings with it a whole host of costs related to life affirming products and services. These relentlessly increasing costs for medicine, food, and the reality of a fixed income are a trifecta of misery for mature Americans that Congress can help alleviate.
Your legislation will help millions of Americans avoid the choice between food and medicine, between re-entering the workforce at low wages in jobs more likely to harm their health than defray the costs associated with maintaining it; or requiring social aid or welfare to remain independent and in some cases, to stay alive.
Should your bill become law, it will remove the third-party grifting by pharmacy benefit managers (PBM) that participate in the shameless reaping of profit from America’s elder citizens.
Thank you, Congressman Carter. AMAC appreciates your effort on behalf of price transparency and we are pleased to offer our organization’s full support for the “Drug Price Transparency in Medicaid Act”.
Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action
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Excellent support AMAC. The Bill would definitely help people.