AMAC strongly supports legislation to ban federal funds from being sent to K-12 schools and colleges and universities that require promoting Critical Race Theory.
July 19, 2021
The Honorable Tom Cotton
Senator from Arkansas
326 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Senator Cotton,
On behalf of the more than 2.3 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens, I write to offer our support for S. 2346, the Stop CRT Act.
AMAC members are so concerned about Critical Race Theory (CRT) that they insisted we place this issue in our legislative portfolio. They clearly understand that school boards and college campuses across the nation are promoting this dangerous, divisive ideology that teaches young people to hate their country, and they want this propagandizing of their children and grandchildren stopped.
The Stop CRT Act would ban federal funds from being sent to K-12 schools that promote CRT. It would also block federal funds for colleges and universities that require students and professors to uphold the beliefs of CRT. Importantly, your bill would also codify a Trump Administration Executive Order that prohibits the federal government and contractors from indoctrinating employees with CRT.
It is important to highlight that your bill does not infringe on Americans’ First Amendment right to exercise lawful, protected speech.
Thank you, Senator Cotton, for leading the fight against Critical Race Theory. Your efforts to rid our Nation from the bane of CRT are greatly appreciated, and AMAC is pleased to offer our full support for S. 2346, the Stop CRT Act.
Bob Carlstrom
President, AMAC Action
Totally agree
Thank you for watching out for the kids.
Stop funding Idiocracy.
Thank you
Thank you.
CRT is a Marxist, Hate curriculum that has no place in a free society. Please help preserve our constitutional freedoms.
Thank you! Keep up the good fight!
Keep fighting
Keep up the good fight for the safety of our children and grandchildren’s future. Please help us keep them innocent and not brainwashed!
Thank you!
Stop teaching CRT and defund systems that teach it.
Thank you!
CRT is racism and handicaps minorities.
Thank you for working to ensure that our own taxes are not used to destroy our own youth and our great country. You are standing against this perverse tactic and I appreciate your representing those of us who love our Republic.
Thank you for working to ensure that our own taxes are not used to destroy our own youth and our great country. You are standing against this perverse tactic and I appreciate your representing those of us who love our Republic.