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Alvin Bragg’s Great Shame

Posted on Monday, April 3, 2023
by Shane Harris

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris


Last January, Dominique Luzuriaga, the widow of slain NYPD officer Jason Rivera, delivered gut-wrenching testimony at her husband’s funeral that captured the pain felt by many New Yorkers as a result of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s soft-on-crime policies and complete failure to prosecute murderers, rapists, and career criminals. Yet now, as New York City descends further into chaos, the George Soros-backed prosecutor is leveraging every resource at his disposal to pursue a transparently political and legally dubious indictment of former President Donald Trump, drawing loud condemnations from even fellow Democrats.

In a tearful eulogy of her husband, Luzuriaga, ripped Bragg for a slate of far-left policies that include not prosecuting certain crimes, reducing many felony charges to misdemeanors, pre-trial release of violent criminals without bail, and dramatically reducing prison time for virtually all crimes. Lashawn McNeil, the man who killed Rivera, was a career criminal out on probation.

“This system continues to fail us,” Luzuriaga said to the crowd of mourners. “We are not safe anymore, not even the members of the service. I know you were tired of these laws, especially the ones from the new DA. I hope he’s watching you speak through me right now.”

But if Bragg was watching, he did not heed Luzuriaga’s pleas. Instead, he seemingly doubled down on his radicalism, blatantly disregarding the law in pursuit of his extreme criminal justice “reform” agenda.

Last September, for instance, Bragg cut a sweetheart deal to Justin Washington, promising him a mere 30 days in jail after he allegedly raped a teenage relative – a crime that normally carries a 25-year jail sentence. Just days before Washington was set to start his sentence (he was out on bail thanks to a lenient $12,000 bond requested by Bragg’s office) Washington went on a spree of sexual assaults, attacking five other people before police arrested him.

Two months earlier, Bragg’s office released a teenager involved in a violent robbery case without bail. Three days later, the same teen assaulted a police officer in a subway station.

But as Bragg had already made clear, assaulting cops was of little concern to his office. Last June, Bragg dropped all charges against one woman caught on video attacking an NYPD officer, and reduced felony charges against a second attacker to third-degree misdemeanor charges.

Just days before that assault, a woman was attacked at random in Chelsea while talking on her phone. The culprit in that case, 37-year-old Marcus Wright, had no less than 36 busts on his rap sheet, including many that could have been felonies but were prosecuted as misdemeanors by Bragg’s office, allowing Wright to escape jail time. Yet even after assaulting an innocent woman for his 37th offense, Wright was freed without bail.

Thieves have enjoyed particularly lax treatment from Bragg. Last January, Bragg reduced charges for a knife-wielding suspect in a convenience store theft from felony robbery to misdemeanor petit larceny, allowing the career criminal with more than 20 arrests to be released without bail. Bragg’s office has also repeatedly downgraded charges for Nolan Gonzalez, a “serial shoplifter” with more than a dozen arrests.

Hate crimes also apparently aren’t of much concern for Bragg – just so long as they’re not perpetrated against a “marginalized” community. In February, Bragg’s office offered a plea deal of just six months in jail for a man involved in a vicious anti-Semitic attack near Times Square. Two other offenders were offered three years and 15 years in jail – still relatively light sentences for a violent hate crime.

Even murder isn’t enough to convince Bragg that someone should be behind bars. In December, Bragg’s office announced that they would be seeking clemency for rapper Trevell Coleman, who is serving 15 years to life for a brutal 1993 killing.

But while criminals get a free pass from Bragg, New Yorkers who defend themselves from those criminals can’t expect the same leniency. Just last week, Bragg charged a parking garage attendant named Moussa Diarra with attempted murder after Diarra confronted a thief who had shot Diarra twice before Diarra turned the criminal’s gun on him (Bragg eventually backed down amid public outrage). Last July, Bragg also charged Jose Alba, a worker at a local bodega, with murder after Alba killed a career criminal who attacked him behind the counter.

All of this has added up to a far more dangerous New York City. In total, major crimes rose 22 percent last year in the Big Apple.

Yet in spite of this alarming trend, Bragg downgraded more than half of all felony cases to misdemeanors over his first year in office, and still lost half of the felony cases that did reach court. According to NYPD data, more than 20% of criminals arrested and freed under Bragg’s “bail reform” policies went on to be arrested for more serious crimes within two months of their first offense.

Bragg’s indictment of Trump stands as just his latest abuse of the criminal justice system. This time, however, instead of reducing charges to allow an actual criminal to walk free, Bragg is manufacturing more serious charges over alleged hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels in 2016 to unfairly prosecute a political enemy.

Even some of the most vehement Trump critics recognize Bragg’s persecution of Trump as a sham. Elie Mystal, a longtime detractor of the 45th president, described Bragg’s case as “trying to bank in a half-court heave off the backboard after the shot clock buzzer has already sounded.” Fellow Trump Derangement Syndrome suffer David French called Bragg’s indictment “unwise,” going so far as to rebuke Bragg directly for forcing Trump to “face the potential loss of liberty on a case that requires so much acrobatics to make.”

Bragg’s predecessor, Cyrus Vance, also concluded he didn’t have a case against Trump after a years-long investigation into the matter. Mark Pomerantz, a prosecutor under Vance, described the Daniels case as “too risky under New York law.”

Bragg’s persecution of Trump has also largely shattered what little was left of civility and decorum in American politics. For all the left-wing fretting about “democratic norms,” it is Democrats who have now thrust the country one step closer to authoritarianism by weaponizing the justice system against their chief political rival.

Yet for Bragg, the case has never been about even the pretext of punishing Trump for an actual crime. It was always about fulfilling a campaign promise to “get Trump” and realize the liberal fantasy of removing their greatest political threat from the playing field – no matter how frivolous the charges required to do so.

Nor will this indictment likely be the last. With numerous other ambitious Democrat elected officials eager to steal some of the spotlight, Bragg’s indictment looks to be just another chapter in a political witch hunt that began as soon as Trump came down the golden escalator in 2015.

But while Trump takes on the wrath of Bragg and the entire liberal establishment, the people of New York – and the country – will continue to suffer.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @Shane_Harris_.

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Jonathan Sommer
Jonathan Sommer
5 months ago

Alvin Briggs, you need to leave Trump alone and worry about what you’ve done wrong about letting the illegal immigrants through the border

Jonathan Sommer
Jonathan Sommer
8 months ago

I think Alvin Briggs should be charged with letting citizens assault police officers

Jonathan Sommer
Jonathan Sommer
1 year ago

I totally agree that lawyers need to go after Briggs

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

Total disgrace of justice.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

ALL of Soros DAs hurt America day 1
See George Gascon LA DA

1 year ago

Can anyone explain to me how the porn queen can sign an NDA and then brag (or Bragg) about what wasn’t supposed to be told without having to pay the money back? I thought “hush money” (if it was that and not for “services rendered”) was paid as a legal contract between at least two parties that outlines confidential material, knowledge, or information that the parties wish to restrict access to.

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

The republican party needs to make ir a full time job to put braggs and his team in prison.

1 year ago

NYer’s love wallowing in their stupidity. I believe they enjoy watching their family, friends, neighbors, co-workers being raped, assaulted, murdered. If they didn’t like it they would have done something about it. Convince me otherwise, please…

1 year ago

If gun manufacturers can be held responsible for gun violence, then the likes of Braggs must also be held personally accountable for EVERY crime committed by someone they let free.

Cathy Q
Cathy Q
1 year ago

I totally agree with you!

Mike B.
Mike B.
1 year ago

I’m thinking that this is another example of why violating the “Oath of Office” should be made a (felony) crime at all levels of government.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

How in Hell does a guy like that stay in office. ?? New Yorkers needs som Vigalantes. And you anti gunners think its safe without guns. What criminals get’s killed deserve it. Killem and get rid of them. They are usuless. Kyle L.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Sorros needs to be done away with. Kyle L.

1 year ago

I suspect Bragg re-activated his suspended indictment of Trump because , on the same day the re-activation was announced , James O’keefe was exposing a democrat funding scheme on Twitter , Okeefe is exposing ACT BLUE for using small Democrat donors as cover for much larger Democrat donors . Appareltly ACT BLUE is hiding ‘over’ donations by wealthy Democrats . Those small donors might want to seek refunds from ACT BLUE for donations made illegally in their names . They may have a windfall coming . O’Keefe is using the public records of the FEC . Bragg may have pushed up his indictment show at the insistance of his puppet master to keep O’Keefe’s breaking exposee out of the news . It’s on Twitter . Check it out . So, Bragg may be indicting Trump as cover of the ACT BLUE story .

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

The “Deep State” has been after President Trump for 7 years, because he is his own man who wants what’s best for America. Bragg bragged that he was going to do his best in prosecuting President Trump, because Bragg is also part of the corrupt “Deep State.” Constitutionally speaking, for Bragg to go after the person, instead of the crime. is totally illegal. Bragg is nothing more than a cheap thug, who belongs in jail. It’s very ironic that our legal system is becoming more and more about dirty politics and less and less about justice. Every American who actually cares about our Constitutional Republic should be horrified that the Marxist Democrats are destroying our justice system, just to keep themselves in power. Even the people who are very anti-Trump should have enough respect for our Constitution to comprehend that once our justice system is destroyed, our country is not long for this world. President Trump’s courage and stamina are incredible.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

No honor no shame

1 year ago

Republican DA’s and AG’s in the state and cities they represent have to prosecute and indict progressive politicians and media personalities just like the Soros paid for DA’s and AG’s. There is a war going on in our country, and conservatives need to fight fire with fire, and stop capitulating to the evil that is destroying our Republic. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!!!!

1 year ago

Just trying to make a name for himself!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Bragg violated the law using Federal Funds ($5,000 Tax Payers Money) to investigate President Trump.
Prison time for Bragg and be disbarred.

1 year ago

The Democrat Party stands for nothing other than Globalism and Marxism. They support evil in its many forms. I do not understand how any real Christian can be a Democrat. As American citizens we must stand up against the Left and hold them accountable for their many crimes. The DA Bragg should be investigated and prosecuted for his crimes. He should be impeached. Bragg is the ultimate American embarrassment. May the fruits of his corruption haunt him and plague him all the days of his life.

1 year ago

When are voters going to get sick of this nefarious Bragg and get rid of him and his Soros support? He is the cherry on top of years of reducing NYC from the country’s once iconic city to the city that most want to stay away from. Haven’t seen tourism numbers for the past couple of years. They hide them so no one realizes how the AOCs, Letitia James and Braggs of NY have destroyed the once wonderful place and turned it into the Hell hole of the nation.

1 year ago

If I were in the NYPD, I would apply for another law enforcement job to a red state and move out. With no police department, let Bragg and his cronies walk the streets and then maybe only then things would change after Bragg gets mugged or worse. If I lived in NY and I couldn’t afford to move out of state to a red state, I’d make sure I could protect myself and my family at any cost.

1 year ago

Yeah, thanks for highlighting the fact that law-abiding residents of NY have to suffer the effects of making the criminal a victim and totally ignoring the real victims of the actions of criminals , because this DA uses political correctness to force his “viewpoint” across as a publicity stunt. Any disagreement with this person makes you feel like an obstacle and places you in a dangerous position.
But the real question is how do we find a better solution when so many “elitists” who control the money flow agree with this approach especially when they are kept away from personally facing the consequences of this approach—they have their own private NYPD department inside the regular NYPD —a taxpayer extra funded unit that keeps them safe. And they pay off anyone or eliminate the power of whoever questions this. It’s the SWAMP mat it’s best.
So don’t assume that everyone in NYS agrees with this individual, but forcing those trying to appear in wording to change it requires more pressure, especially when too many people accept it as a truth that it isn’t.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

What has this country come to lets do a background check on Bragg he is as corrupt as they get I bet backed by the Dems to get President Trump so he cannot run if we look closer Soros is backing this also anything dirty he backs it.

1 year ago

Maybe crime will get so bad in NYC that someone eventually get Bragg or a member of his family in some violent way. Let’s see how soft on those criminals he is then!!!

1 year ago

New York tops my list of American cities I will not visit and where I will not spend my money.

Others on that list are Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, Oakland, Philadelphia, Portland, St. Louis, San Francisco, Seattle…

London Cook
London Cook
1 year ago

Big tall tree and a short piece of rope.

1 year ago

DA’s and AG’s in red cities and states should ‘T up’ the subpoenas for wray, garland, mayorkas and the biden crime family (RICO) before the end of the month!

1 year ago

The secret service should arrest Bragg for illegally leaking the indictments to the press

1 year ago

If Trump does is not the President after the POTUS election of 2024, then We The People will carry Trump to the Whitehouse! In other words I will exercise my 2nd Amendment rights! I am tired of the insurrection by the ….

1 year ago

Congressman Jim Jordan should immediately issue subpoenas to Bragg and his office over this inditement. Was federal monies used to paid for this witch hunt, what part did the Biden, DoJ and Democratic Party play. Especially since Biden’s asst Attorney General, #3, in the DOJ joined Bragg’s team in Dec 2022. When will Republicans come out swinging. Lock Hunter Biden up, now. Send a clear message to WH you have crossed the line. Subpoena Pelosi on insider trading the source of her personal fortune. Lock Fauci up for his role in the Covid-19 scandal and for the millions of deaths and injured. Start supporting the investigation and criminal prosecution of Pfizer and the FDA, NIH and CDC.

1 year ago

Why is he in office

1 year ago

Maybe we should look at the Billionaire behind all this and start investigating his dealings the way they are doing President Trump!

1 year ago

Just a game to get Trump in the open to kill him. Don’t expect him to live to leave the court house. Then give us a fairy tail story like JFK. When he dies AMerica dies with him. Better to die free than live under the commies. Seen it in east Berlin and Viet Nam. God bless America and Trump.

1 year ago

So… Joe Biden failing to protect border – he may in the future be indicted by a grand jury with a local prosecutor involved and ultimately a jury of 12 local ,say Texas, citizens would decide on his guilt or innocence ?

1 year ago

Commenting on the depravity of Bragg seems pointless, considering I’m just some guy living a thousand miles away. More to the point, why are the residents of New York tolerating this monster’s desecration of the city they love?
From another angle, it seems inevitable that the lawlessness he is practicing will spread and grow like a metastasizing cancer. Maybe a better comparison is the parasites that prey on the wildebeest herds of the African savanna. A few parasites are an irritation, but when the infestation crosses a threshold, they weaken the critter so it’s more vulnerable to predators. Too many parasites, and the host animal just stumbles, collapses, and dies.

1 year ago

Nationwide boycott of NYC starting with tourism.

1 year ago

Why hasn’t the BAR Association done anything with Bragg?!?!?!? How is he allowed to still act as a lawyer in any capacity?!?!?!? Evil is running rampant in our country – I guess maybe the Devil is getting in the last of its ‘harrahs’ – Lord Jesus come back soon!

William Wood
William Wood
1 year ago

Commie Democrats have no shame.

Jonathan Sommer
Jonathan Sommer
1 year ago

I support trump 1000% I do not support Alvin Briggs and Alvin Briggs needs to go to jail for

Jonathan Sommer
Jonathan Sommer
1 year ago

I think Alvin Briggs, of Manhattan attorney of New York, should be put in jail or resign for the witch hunt against Trump I support Trump 2000% so f you Alvin Briggs

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
1 year ago

We have a serious loophole in DA duty and power. An office that likely gets small voter turnout and now seriously derailed by evil interests with deep pockets. We need a serious systemic fix. No DA should be allowed to dictate justice in the manner we are experiencing.

George C.
George C.
1 year ago

People get the government they deserve…

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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