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Democrats’ Cringe-Worthy Swearing Epidemic

Posted on Saturday, March 22, 2025
by Andrew Shirley

Earlier this month, 22 Senate Democrats simultaneously released TikTok videos in which they read the exact same script, verbatim, blaming Donald Trump for the increase in egg prices. The script began with the jarring sentence, “s***t that ain’t true.”

Democrats were roundly mocked online for this stunt, which became emblematic of the party’s struggles to appear authentic and genuine to everyday voters. But it also highlighted another puzzling and cringe-worthy trend emerging among liberal politicians – a growing swearing epidemic.

Of course, American politics has never been very “PG.” Behind the scenes, Capitol Hill has long been known for notoriously foul-mouthed staffers and legislators. President Lyndon Johnson was famous for being a “particularly creative curser.”

Skillful politicians – President Donald Trump included – have also publicly deployed a swear word here and there for dramatic effect. When done tastefully, it’s a powerful rhetorical tool to bring home an important point.

But Democrats’ increasingly frequent expletive-laden outbursts feel more like a desperate cry for attention from politicians struggling to stay relevant.

A recent article from Politico titled “Frustrated Dems unleash the F-bombs” captures the swearing epidemic sweeping the party. “The breadth of swearing is unmistakable, newly fashionable among members of a party in the wilderness who are looking for shortcuts to authenticity to channel voters’ rage,” the outlet notes.

Undoubtedly the worst offender is Texas Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett. Following President Trump’s joint address on March 4, Crockett publicly stated: “Somebody slap me and wake me the f*** up because I’m ready to get on with it.” A few days before that, when a reporter asked her what her message was to Elon Musk, she responded, “F*** off.”

Senator Ruben Gallego of Arizona also got in on the fun in recent days, saying that he wanted the “intern” at the National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee who posted “racist s***” on X fired. Senator Brian Schatz of Hawaii, meanwhile, recently stated that the “stock market is down but at least everything is more expensive and services are getting s***tier.”

Undoubtedly the worst swearing attempt came from Representative Maxine Dexter of Oregon who, after acknowledging “I don’t swear in public very well,” declared “we have to f*** Trump.” The comment, which came during a union rally protesting DOGE cuts, clearly confused the onlookers.

“Please don’t tell my children that I just did that,” Dexter awkwardly added.

Even some Democrat operatives are shaking their heads at the cursing bonanza. “Some of it is genuine, some of it is people trying to seem faux-edgy authentic,” Democrat adviser Lis Smith – herself a famous swearer – told Politico. “If the first time you’ve used a cuss word in public is reading off a script, it’s probably not authentic and not something you should do.”

But Democrats’ cringe-worthy swearing isn’t the only recent example of the party’s mounting inability to connect with everyday Americans. Some congressional Democrats have also begun posting and reposting a series of TikToks to appeal to younger audiences that have only earned them more mockery and scorn.

One of the most laughable was a “choose your fighter” video that portrayed several Democrat female representatives as characters in a video game. This particular TikTok trend went viral over a year ago, so Democrats were late to the party to begin with. Even friendly CNN host Abby Phillip said, “I don’t get it. Like, I don’t get it. I mean, maybe you will get seven million eyeballs, but, like, what is the point?”

Shortly after that, 82-year-old Democrat Representative Rosa DeLauro posted a lengthy TikTok cramming in as many Gen Alpha slang terms as possible in which she referred to herself as the “ranking rizzler on Appropriations.” DeLauro also stated that “Democrats are making life smoother through government funding. It’s giving skibidi,” and “So sigma, main character energy” and “Eliminating the Department of Education? Negative aura points. Basically, the biggest fanum tax on the environment, education, your rights.”

One can only assume that DeLauro was just as clueless about what she was saying as the vast majority of people who saw her video.

While Democrats are apparently willing to try any messaging strategy to break through with the public, the one thing they have thus far refused to do is moderate their far-left policies that alienated voters in the first place.

CNN commentator Scott Jennings recently suggested that President Trump’s “superpower” is “finding a bunch of 80-20 issues, getting on the 80, and everybody who’s sort of reflexively against him gets on the 20.” That’s why, Jennings said, the Democrat Party’s approval rating has been plummeting.

Indeed, issues like cutting waste, fraud, and abuse in government and keeping men out of women’s sports have strong support among the American people. Democrats can swear up a storm and film all the TikTok videos they want, but until they align with the American people on policy, they will continue to lose elections and embarrass themselves.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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Michael J
Michael J
3 days ago

It doesn’t matter who’s swearing, the lack of education exposes a locked step mentality that can’t be reasoned with. Foul language makes people look stupid and doesn’t improve their cause.

3 days ago

Tantrum throwing toddlers in adult democrat bodies. Not a good look.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 days ago

Mental capacity is what it is , can’t change it. Swearing and abuse are weapons of those who have no other argument and know it, shut and shout down the other party by force, not by facts

3 days ago

Hard to believe the quality of articles here has degenerated down to discussing the foul-mouthed, incoherent rants of low IQ Democrat politicians. With all of the much more important issues out there that deserve our attention, focusing on the level of discourse coming from the Democrat Party is truly scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

Most of us are already well aware that the Democrat Party is completely bankrupt of any worthwhile ideas. The portion of the public that still finds the so-called policies of the Democrat Party inviting are honestly not much better than the Democrat politicians themselves, so let the idiot Democrat politicians rant however they wish to try and attract the idiot percentage of the public that still finds the siren call of Marxism attractive. The rest of us have much more important things to take care of in order to clean up the mess they have created.

1 day ago

I miss the days when cursing was bleeped out on the airways, and gentlemen were considerate and refrained from cursing in front of women. It hurts to know children are being exposed to this bad behavior and it’s being normalized in our society.

1 day ago

Democrats are enemies to America and the American people! They are no good loud mouths who want to say or do what they can to destroy our country!

1 day ago

Democrats are a tool of Satan. They are destroyers of America and they see they are going to lose. Their lies are no longer being believed. They act as children. And from Schumer on down they are throwing tantrums thinking the people will support them. The first thing they have to acknowledge their Satanic policies and platforms are against Trump. President Trump wants to save America. Their hatred for Trump is stronger than saving America. They’ll keep at it till they think the people will feel the same way. Schumer, I have a question for you who did the voters vote for in November?

1 day ago

big mouths, small minds

3 days ago

Republicans deserve a safe space where they don’t have to hear cursing.

1 day ago

Amen to that. Like they are lost in the past not knowing Americans aren’t fooled, or impressed by this anymore if some ever were. As long as they keep blindly slogging in the past most Americans will ignore them.

1 day ago

Can profanity ever be done “tastefully”? And, sad to say, it’s not just the Democrats. Did you see our Vice President’s interview with Joe Rogan? And how about the message his wife gave him under the table at an event? President Trump uses profanity with the best of them. Here’s my take, especially to those who profess to be wordsmiths. You have the entire beautifully expressive English language at your disposal. If you cannot get your point across without resorting to profanity, well … shame on you. What really irritates me is that these profanity-users are telling us how to live our lives!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 day ago

“Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh!” That’s what GOD has to say about these satanic DIMMs.

1 day ago

Going low by using foul language can only mean that what President Trump is doing is working!! Since November 5th the Democrats are acting like 2 year Olds in a grocery store after mommy told them that they can’t have any candy!! Think about it. 77 million people are the mommies telling these 2 year Olds that they can’t have the candy. For those who expected more, be patient. There’s more than 4 years of a major mess to clean up including both Bush, and O Rotten which by the way still waiting proof that he was actually born in this country by his birth certificate. Dems have had their wa:y all these years and Americans got tired of it!

1 day ago

“SWEARING” technically involves the name of G-D or one of the divine Persons of the Trinity. Your editorial staff should consider tasteless and brutish Democrat vocabulary as “VULGAR”. “Ex abundatia cords, os loquitur” (out of the abundance/overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks). The black and democrat use of “sh-t” simply illustrates that we are dealing with a sewer problem.

1 day ago

Hahaha Authentic Swearing ????
Not Authentic swearing ????
Either way… it’s All showing how unhinged the dems and deep state are at the idea of losing their gravy trains. YES MULTIPLE Gravy Trains!! And the fact they’re being exposed for THEIR excessive CORRUPTION!! So let them scream, shout, throw fits, and cuss all they want. In the meantime President Trump, Vice President JD Vance, Elon, and everyone on the side of America and the True American ???????? people, will keep moving forward to bring back the Constitution and our Country’s sovereignty. We don’t want traitors!

Paul W
Paul W
1 day ago

Not surprising since dims attempt to appeal to the lowest intel, classless rabble out there. The lowest common denominator. In other words, one of their own. The left side of the aisle has certainly cornered the market on the stupidest, most ignorant, crass politicians in office.

1 day ago

I have learned that public profanity was an indication of lack of education.

1 day ago

I once had a student speak to me using very fowl language. I told him I wouldn’t listen to him until he could speak like a gentleman and talk like the intelligent young man I knew him to be. When he organized his thoughts and figured out what he needed to say, it was eloquent. I also told him that swearing only made him look stupid and it didn’t impress anyone. Maybe someone should pass that little bit of information along to our politicians, no matter what side of the fence they are on.

1 day ago

Part of the dem’s problem is that they AREN’T authentic or genuine, and people are picking up on it. Their values have eroded into the party of calling folks racist, facist and nazi and various profanities.. They have NO VALUES! I suspect their parents didn’t teach them anything about respect or manners. It sounds like most of them are having personal crises and don’t know where to turn. All they seem to know what to do is send out the bat signal…

Jane Dewberry
Jane Dewberry
1 day ago

When you feel you have to resort to foul language to make your point, you’ve already lost the argument. And pandering to various diverse groups by “getting down” with their jargon is equally pathetic. As a result of choosing to use such tactics, the progressive socialist Democrats are proverbially shooting themselves in the foot. Yet, they choose to do that rather than change one iota of their destructive agenda. Perhaps, if they weren’t so attached to their anti-Trump petty little hatreds, they’d see that their brand of divisive politics is no longer garnering the votes to which they feel they are entitled and they’d set about changing their message. But no, they will continue to attempt the same strategies over and over again, no matter how many times they fail…because in their mentally deranged minds, they have convinced themselves that eventually We, the People, will be dumb enough to fall for them.

1 day ago

I believe the demonrats think swearing makes them appear cool. This only shows their ignorance, lack of respect and contempt for American people. The left is evil and they act childish because they don’t know how to fight the moral and the good that is resonating so we’ll right now.

1 day ago

All these bad mouthed moron lib’s and protesters remind me of the wannabe tough guys you used to skip school and hang out at the 25 cent game stores and act tough till someone tougher and smarter them (like Trump) came around. Undoubtedly the worst offender is Texas Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett. Following President Trump’s joint address on March 4, Crockett publicly stated: “Somebody slap me and wake me the f*** up because I’m ready to get on with it.” A few days before that, when a reporter asked her what her message was to Elon Musk, she responded, “F*** off.” This lady needs to be on the street at night, maybe someone would like to be talked to like that then, huh?? True trash, her and her party!!

1 day ago


1 day ago

Democrats, Brits and Aussies believe that swearing makes one seem to be intelligent and an adult(female) or a MAN. reality- it just makes you look like you have no vocabulary and are uneducated OBTW I am no saint- Navy/Army Guard/USAFR.- I can blister the air. But ‘politicians’ make a living with words and how they appear. So far, Democrats cannot communicate and appear dumb as rocks

1 day ago

One way to curb this trend in the future is to not vote for any Democrats to get “Sworn” in the first place!

K Bailey
K Bailey
1 day ago

Swearing just shows an inability to make a point using appropriate language. Do they really believe they are looking educated using all the foul language? I can tolerate a lot of things but the f bomb is ridiculous!

1 day ago

Seriously! While countries all over the world are trying to go to war or stop wars, 22 Senators put out a ridiculous slam about eggs!!!!!! And they were voted into office!!!
People need other grow up and quit voting for their own “I want” and not what is best for our country. . . Stop with me, me, me, me!!!! This is ONE nation under God. . . That includes every citizen of the country – this ONE nation!

Al R
Al R
1 day ago

“Scrapping the bottom of the barrel?

22 hours ago

Considering the long past dubious history of the democrats, and the fact they’re incapable of speaking like educated intelligent adults…seems they may just be cementing the last of they’re “party” (see hanging) into the refuse barrel…and good riddance.
But in the same venue, thank God Trump is back in the White House. Perhaps the spineless, with few exceptions, Republicans might just grow that spine that’s been MIA for way to long. If anyone can wind them up it will be Trump. To long I’ve watched them stand back and “observe” instead of kicking democrat butt. In fact I sent an email asking if they hung they’re spines in the cloak room on the way in. I am a long time Republican but there were times I consider changing that nomenclature to “independent”. Welcome back President Trump…and thank God you’re not a politician.

1 day ago

My father taught me that people who use swear words in excess, are lacking in communication skills, on the lower end of the intelligence scale and missed a lot of their education. While, as the article cites, while a swear word “here and there” is an effective tool for getting a point across, even then, you can easily avoid such words with phrases. Example, in stead of h3ll, one could say the pit of fire below. It takes some creative thinking to come up with replacements but the point can still be made….like telling some one when their mother comes out from under the porch and bites you on the rear, you will know what you are (son of a bi–h). Articulation of the English language takes a certain mastering of a skill. But the dems. are a lost people and have no recourse, it’s just in their make-up. (not all dems., just the idiot ones). Foul language may have its place, but most of the time it’s just a sign of a poor vocabulary and lack of cleverness. Oh yes, I do swear on occasion, like when you smash your thumb with a hammer….but that’s not the same as standing in front of a mike and spewing filth for effect….the effect is lost.

1 day ago

People who cannot articulate their thoughts or express what they want to say resort to vulgarities and swearing. Teenagers often do that. The Democrat Party now — acting like a bunch of immature, unethical, violent people who encourage misbehavior and think it is the way to be the big shots. The Democrat Party as a group behave stupidly and in many cases have been voted into office by constituents who always vote Democrat no matter the policies, or who vote on promises ( usually empty) and not politics or ability.The fact that they think the public is with them on their “language” and think it is funny further delineates who is a Democrat and who deserves (or not) to hold public office. I’d guess that half of the Demos in Congress, both House and Senate, are poorly educated, inarticulate, culturally bound & historically ignorant brainwashed partisans. They have appealed to voters like themselves who voted for them via personality, not because of what they have accomplished or what their policies and goals are or even what potential they may have shown. Instead of behaving and being Leaders, they are “the great unwashed” as my mother would have described them. Proof: just listen to one of the late night “comedians” and hear what they say and how they say it– the example they model for their audiences and you’ll see why the “F” word is the most used these days.

1 day ago

The low-class, “educated” party. What a laugh.

1 day ago

Wow. The Dems are NO ROLE MODEL for ANYONE! They take everything to a new level of crap. Time for this party to wrap it up and retire to Epstein’s Island

William H Harris, Jr
William H Harris, Jr
1 day ago

Just consider the source… Democrats engaged in this are mentally challenged low grade morons with an IQ to match. Let them huff and puff on because they will become more irrelevant as time moves on without them. They can’t make a serious difference in discussion of important issues using gutter talk. Hopefully there are enough of the older mature Democrats left that will bring sanity and thoughtful discourse back to the important issues facing the United States.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
22 hours ago

These people are supposed to be educated but I think they were the lowest in the class that is why they get into government they do not have to be smart just have a nasty way of living. You can tell when a Dems is running for a local office they just have nothing but hate ads on the TV no message to help people just hate and back stabbing to get what they want. The still have such a high level of hate for President Trump that will always be there till he leaves office but I will never vote for a Dem again it will always be for the other party.I hope the Dems loose every race in every state there only message is HATE.

1 day ago

“Tasteful” swear words? That’s as far as I read.

52 seconds ago

Making fun of Texas Governor GREG ABBOT , was the worst think I ever heard . Someone CENSOR that clueless , uneducated person …

2 hours ago

They’re just showing how low class they are.
Nothing they do surprises me any more.
They are so filled with hatred that it is eating their brains away.

Carol A Arroyo
Carol A Arroyo
3 hours ago

I wish all these (PAID by DEMOCRATIC SLUSH FUND) DEMOCRATS, with their fake eyelashes, fake fingernails, fake hair, fake “stories” about how they care so much about what is going on in the White House would crawl back under the rocks they came out from. Where were they when a half-deranged, mentally incapable old man who did nothing for 34 years except pat butts and put money in his pockets (YES< BIDEN) was going off the deep end spending away millions and not being accountable AT ALL to the American People, To THE MILITARY, TO PARENTS, TO SENIORS OR TO ANYONE ELSE. ALL THEY WERE INTERESTED IN WAS KEEPING DONALD J. TRUMP OUT OF POLITICS. Why? Because they knew they would be “cut off” if Donald Trump was back in Washington? .THESE SAME BIG MOUTH, FINGER POINTING, IRATE DEMOCRATS had nothing to say that was good about Donald Trump and neither did the OVERPAID, PPMEDIA.(piss poor) Well,guess what? We have a True Leader now who LOVES America, is not a CCP advocate, does not take money under the table or any other way he can get it, who can speak without a monitor in front of him, and whose brain is firing on all braincells. NOW we are laughing at you…..How does that feel?
You could all move out of the United States because the other countries will just love having you there. Just pack up your ideologies and get on a deporting bus with the other criminals.

4 hours ago

With every low-IQ Democrat that get elected into office these day (AOC…Crockett…Talib…Omar) i just wanna cry.

4 hours ago

jasmine didn’t have this ghetto accent a few years ago. dies sounding “hood” give her street creds?

8 hours ago

Lack of morals and education such a wonderful example

Barb D
Barb D
11 hours ago

So, Maxine Dexter of Oregon, you’re saying without saying that these are your marching orders from on high? Swear in public, because those are your instructions now?

Barb R
Barb R
13 hours ago

If the only way a person can express themselves adequately is with vulgar language it shows a lack of education and intelligence.

Cheryl Murphy
Cheryl Murphy
16 hours ago

I’m from Michigan. In the previous election cycle, our governor’s campaign was “Fix the damn roads.” She’s still in office but the roads are still not fixed. I guess not enough people were put off by her foul language – which is not as bad as some. Maybe the next D candidate will try saying “Fix the f*****g roads.” Stupid Ds. What is wrong with people?? (Oh, that’s right. No God in schools.)

18 hours ago

It only shows where she comes from…

19 hours ago

This Insane Rhetoric from the Radical Democrats,is just another case of Blaming President Trump for Everything.

20 hours ago

As the Irish proverb goes: “Profanity is ignorance made audible.”

1 day ago

Let’s see if adults are controlling em!

1 day ago

Senator Ruben Gallego of Arizona is lying, he needs to go but they apparently just voted him in.

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