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Trump Taps COVID Contrarian to Restore Trust in Science

Posted on Thursday, March 6, 2025
by Shane Harris

The start of the COVID-19 pandemic is now more than a half decade in the rearview mirror, but trust in public health institutions remains at a historic low. By nominating Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a top skeptic of lockdown policies and mask mandates, to lead the National Institutes of Health (NIH), President Trump is taking an important step toward restoring transparency and accountability in public health policy and the field of medical science more broadly.

Bhattacharya had his first hearing before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions this week, where he acknowledged the challenge of restoring public trust in science. “American biomedical sciences are at a crossroads,” he said. “A November 2024 Pew study reported that only 26 percent of the American public had a great deal of confidence in scientists to act in the public’s best interest, while 23 percent had not much or no confidence at all.”

Trust in science and in the NIH in particular collapsed in 2020 and 2021 amid lockdowns and mask guidance that appeared based more on politics than actual data about COVID-19. The agency was also mired in scandal following revelations that it provided funding to the lab in Wuhan, China from which the virus may have escaped – a theory that was initially discredited by top NIH officials like Dr. Anthony Fauci but later confirmed by the FBI as the most likely source of the virus.

Bhattacharya, a Stanford professor with an MD and a PhD, was an early critic of COVID-19 lockdowns, arguing that the virus was far less dangerous to healthy individuals than the public health establishment was suggesting. He was mercilessly criticized, mocked, and even threatened for his view that lockdowns were doing more harm than good.

On March 24, 2020, at the height of the early COVID-19 panic, Bhattacharya published an op-ed along with fellow Stanford professor Eran Bendavid in The Wall Street Journal where he stated his belief that “current estimates about the COVID-19 fatality rate may be too high by orders of magnitude.” Later research would prove him exactly correct.

“A universal quarantine may not be worth the costs it imposes on the economy, community, and individual mental and physical health,” Bhattacharya wrote. “We should undertake immediate steps to understand the empirical basis of the current lockdowns.”

History shows this warning was prescient – out of fear of COVID-19, patients canceled medical appointments and procedures that could have saved their lives. Suicide and opioid abuse skyrocketed, leading to hundreds of thousands of deaths of despair.

Bhattacharya was also a co-author along with Harvard’s Martin Kulldorff and Oxford’s Sunetra Gupta of the Great Barrington Declaration, a document published in October 2020 which challenged the wisdom of blanket COVID-19 lockdowns.

The declaration advocated for an approach called “focused protection,” warning that lockdowns would cause “irreparable damage” to public health, particularly for the working class and children. The authors emphasized that “keeping these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable harm, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed.”

Instead, they argued that younger, lower-risk individuals should “live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection,” while society took targeted steps to protect high-risk populations like the elderly and those with preexisting conditions. Their goal was to balance public health priorities, minimizing overall harm while allowing societies to function.

This was the approach that the first Trump administration had adopted by that time. But Democrat politicians and many in the public health establishment continued to insist on strict lockdowns despite emerging evidence that healthy individuals were at very low risk of hospitalization or death from the virus.

Bhattacharya penned another op-ed in July 2021 along with colleague Neeraj Sood opposing mandatory masking of children in schools. “The benefits of masks in preventing serious illness or death from COVID-19 among children are infinitesimally small,” he wrote. “At the same time they are disruptive to learning and communicating in classrooms.”

At any point during the pandemic, it would have been far easier for Bhattacharya to keep his reservations to himself and go along with the health establishment. He would have avoided conflict with his peers at Stanford, the World Health Organization, and political leaders. But instead, he boldly chose to challenge establishment thinking because he believed that science should be driven by data, not politics.

That is why Trump’s nomination of Bhattacharya to lead the NIH is so encouraging. Just as Trump appointed a critic of military wokeness to lead the Pentagon, an anti-Deep State crusader to be Director of National Intelligence, and a Big Pharma skeptic to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, he has nominated a top critic of NIH policy during the pandemic to reform the agency from the inside.

But as Bhattacharya said during his committee hearing, he still “loves” the NIH. To that end, outlined five specific steps he would take as director to “help the NIH better achieve its mission,” including focusing “on research that solves the American chronic disease crisis,” prioritizing research that is “replicable, reproducible, and generalizable,” establishing “a culture of respect for free speech in science and scientific dissent,” recommitting to the agency’s “mission to fund the most innovative biomedical research agenda possible,” and “embracing and vigorously regulating risky research that has the possibility of causing a pandemic.”

Bhattacharya’s confirmation process won’t get nearly the same media fanfare as the high-profile battles over Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth or Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. But as the case of Dr. Fauci shows, under-the-radar government officials can sometimes have a dramatic effect on the direction of the country.

Shane Harris is the Editor in Chief of AMAC Newsline. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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2 days ago

Another good personnel selection for the Trump administration.

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
2 days ago

I am convinced that Trump will get much, much more accomplished in two split terms than he would have in an 8-straight year presidency.

Terri Matson
Terri Matson
2 days ago

When COVID first showed up, people were terrified. Media quacked about getting a VAX, any VAX. Suddenly, there was a new VAX! Yippie. We’re saved!
Well, there had been no human trials. HHHmmm, I thought. Then I learned there was a vax trial on ferrets. Why ferrets? Apparently, they have immune systems that work similarlily like ours! Wow, who knew that? Bad news was all the ferrets died from the shiny new vax.No more trials on living creatures.
Terrified citizens of the world were the “Human Trials” for this new miracle VAX. I would say the trials did not go well.This shiny new VAX that changed our DNA became known as the Death JAB.
I also learned the VAX rushed to market changed our DNA. I am not a scientist or a doctor, but I paid attention in high school biology enough to know changing our DNA with an injection might not be a good idea.
My husband and I refused the VAX. I got COVID. I have serious and complicated respiratory issues from being a welder and working in refineries and metal shops. I didn’t die and all they did at our local small town hospital was give me a big shot of prednisone and some prednisone pills. I was fine in a couple days. I didn’t die from COVID!.
I do not trust Big Pharma not to murder us for profit.

2 days ago

Since we know for certain that C-19 was a man-made, weaponized virus-of which “Fraudci” was a large part-we can react to the next “planned-demic” with increased skepticism. I’m glad President Trump is making it possible for this to not happen again. He was deceived in 2020 by Fraudci, et al. He won’t be fooled twice, and he has much better people around him now, including RFK, Jr.

2 days ago

YES!! I listened intently to Bhattacharya early on. He makes sense. Prayers his confirmation will go smoothly.

2 days ago

Another good selection.

2 days ago

If he was deplatformed by the liberal social media platforms for opposing the jab and exposing the CHINA VIRUS lies, he should make a good candidate.

Kay Brown
Kay Brown
2 days ago

So good to see this. The NIH needs someone with an open mind, instead of someone who was in there to make a name for himself. That is evident by all the tv appearances Fauci has made. I am a registered nurse. I’m not an epidemiologist, but I do know enough to know what they were selling was not true. I did not get the shot. I am a healthy person. I knew I would be better off with herd immunity than a disproved and tested vaccine. My elderly husband did get 2 vaccines, and he ended up in the hospital with COVID pneumonia, and nearly died. I did get COVID from him, but was able to fight it off, even though I was in my late 60s. I knew kids and younger people would not be affected like they claimed they would. Double masks were stupid, because unless you had an N95 mask, fitted to your face, those masks did absolutely nothing to protect you. 6 foot distancing was a joke, as the virus travels through air. Those shields that were put up around cash registers were idiotic, as the virus travel around them, as well as the ones worn by people. You would have had to be in a reverse isolation room, like is done with TB. I was in charge of preventing infections when I was a practicing nurse. I knew they were just blowing smoke and stroking fears. What I told my family and people I knew came to light after it was all said and done. It did do more harm than good, and Fauci, as a doctor, should be ashamed of himself.

Beth Fine
Beth Fine
2 days ago

This man seems to have a measured, reasonable approach to restoring science-based research and public comments instead of relying on political fanfare or questionable,secretive tactics. Thank you for a chance to respond to this AMAC selected article.

2 days ago

HMMMM….I guess “trust the Science” wasn’t the answer after all! I cannot bring myself or my husband to get any vaccinations at all after the health problems we both face because of the VAX

2 days ago

We will see who in the end is right Dr B or Fauci. Fauci was pardoned for his sins what does that tell you. Those families that lost loved ones will never get closure. Grandma or grandpa died alone in a nursing home. No no you can’t go in and if they found a way to see them it was like in a prison, through a glass door or window. No hugging. No touching. I think not all died of COVID but of stress and loneliness. Fauci knew all along masking and 6 feet apart wasn’t working. Masking children and separating them with plastic walls and then no school was the death knell for many teenagers. We are still feeling the effects of those mandates. Now we are finding cancer rates in children is rising and at an all time high. The vaccine diminishes your immune system. Nobel prize winning virologist from France, now diseased, was warning Europeans not to take the Vaccine. And yet here we are. People are still dying from the effects of the vaccine. But the Biden administration and Fauci made sure those figures are never published. I welcome Dr.B. He should have been brought in by Fauci. But then the COVID virus would not have been tested. It was an experiment to see how much depopulation would happen with this virus. Was every death a COVID death? That should be investigated. I welcome this appointment by president Trump. Maybe we will finally learn the honest Truth.

David Yborra
David Yborra
2 days ago

Great decision. Now let’s do part two – lock up Saint Fauci for crimes against humanity. If you think that is a bridge too far, may I recommend The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK Jr.

2 days ago

President Trump is kind of like President Eisenhower. He has chosen the best people he could find to help run these agencies and delegated the authority to them to do it. It’s called leadership, not political cronyism.

2 days ago

hooray! a REAL doctor!

Barbara Seling
Barbara Seling
2 days ago

I have not had a vaccination since Shingrix was first available. I refused to wear a mask unless I had to in order to see a doctor. I never had COVID. I will never ever have another vaccine or jab again. I am old and never even get a cold.

2 days ago

That is going to be an uphill battle for me. Science is nothing but politics. When they bought on to the global warming climate change hoax and censured anyone that did not agree, that was the death of science. I will never trust anything from a quote unquote scientist again. There is no such thing as honest science. That’s like saying Democrat intelligence. It doesn’t exist

Eileen Warren
Eileen Warren
2 days ago

I was most angered by the churches shutting down. Churches are protected by the constitution and cannot just be shut down by the government. I argued with one of my pastors about this several times. We have the freedom to worship in this country. Liquor stores were considered necessary, but not churches. How many people became alcoholics during covid? I’d like to know those statistics.How many people would have gone to church as a way of coping if they been allowed to? Shame on us and our religious leaders for going along with that.

2 days ago

I never had any doubt in sciences, just in how they were politicized. I know many of us will never trust the medical field ever again, not the way we used to.

2 days ago

It is “we” that have to “get things done” if there is a next scamdemic. closing small businesses and just handing over their customers to big box stores was ridiculous! People were not thinking logically. that is what fear , fear, does.

2 days ago

While ignorant people allowed themselves to be locked down and to wear masks I was one of the few driving around and refusing to wear a mask. I was verbally attacked by idiots and some store owners tried to throw me out of their stores of which I refuse to leave. It’s sad that others would not stand up for their rights and just go along with the insanity of the time.

2 days ago

Dr. Bhattacharya is great and a real doctor. My friends would not watch FOX where they could have gotten the real news and truth, but went with channels ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and worst of all MSNBC. People are stupid, so they did not know how Fauci lied…or how they suffered.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 days ago

I don’t think it’s science we don’t trust but hacks and opportunists who high jacked it to their own interests and purposes and use it as a shield to hide behind, who would dare question science?

2 days ago

Good luck with that!! During the pandemic years, I lost all the faith and trust that I ever had in the entire medical community and the media played a huge part in that!! I don’t understand why Fauci, Birx, and others got so much attention, oh, wait, it’s all about the money – so, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, how much money did you make by killing millions, lying about the efficiency of the masks AND the vaccinations (which because of their lies, more people died or now have life long illnesses to deal with)!! The power that some of these people have is unbelievable and they need to be stopped!! They used fear tactics and mandates to force us to do their bidding!! I am one of those with a life long illness and I am financially broke now trying to fix what you, your disease or your vaccine have broken!! The trust in the medical community is something else you broke!!!

2 days ago

I think Jay is an excellent choice for this job.

1 day ago

J. Edgar Fauci has righteously earned his place in the Medical Hall of Shame alongside such luminaries as Josef Mengele and Walter Freeman.

2 days ago

Fauci should have been tossed in prison…..and given the 3 or 4 doses of the phony VAX that he was trying to talk everyone else into getting.

Melinda C
Melinda C
11 hours ago

Bhattacharya is a great choice for NIH director. I have watched him since Covid began, he is a brilliant, common sense guy and will return trust to our medical institutions.

Sam Anderson
Sam Anderson
12 hours ago

This could be a good choice to help restore science to credibility. I know I sure don’t have any faith in medicine or science. The masks were a complete joke, the 6 feet distance was comical and the shutdown of churches when topless bars could be open should have brought all Americans to the streets in protest.
It will be a difficult narrative to get thru to the thick skull of many Americans who I still see wearing a face diaper.

2 days ago

I noticed this during the first Trump administration, he has the habit of picking the right people for the job.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
10 hours ago

I learned researching climate change on-line in the late 90s that anyone being funded to study climate change was pro-climate change even if it meant doctoring results (remember the infamous “hockey stick”?) of its existence. “No bucks, no Buck Rodgers”. He science takes a back seat to the money!

12 hours ago

Lock up Bill Gates!!!!!

Gary Gardell
Gary Gardell
1 day ago

I have always liked his style; his views commentary are alway well thought out and easily understood. I think he’ll provide much need much needed new leadership at NIH. We’re in desperate need of fresh, and often contrarian, ideas.

Judy Ross
Judy Ross
1 hour ago

Taking the COVID-19 vaccine stopped my husband’s heart. I’m glad to hear that steps are being taken to make sure that we get the truth from the NIH in the future.

10 hours ago

I really hope that they try Fauci for his lies and the millions he made on the COVID and the graves of its victims.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 day ago

Needed & end mask mandates & lockdowns

Logo of world health organization WHO on mobile phone screen. Blurred flag of USA background
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President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama walk together, Tuesday, June 27, 2023, in the Center Hall of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

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