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Trump’s Big Address Tonight – Historic!

Posted on Tuesday, March 4, 2025
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

When Donald Trump speaks to Congress tonight, history will be made. Only the second president to serve non-sequential terms, he is the fastest off “go.” He will likely address a breathtaking list of early accomplishments, how they mesh with Trump One, and what lies ahead. Meantime, modern Democrats, many Marxist, disrespectful of elections, history, and institutions, will pan the speech.

What will this outsized, accomplished, and historic president say? Already having put a successful term in the history books, big wins in a political hurricane, and then withstood anti-constitutional efforts to keep him from regaining office, delegitimize, bankrupt, and jail him, he is unique.

He is uniquely persistent, determined, courageous, and – when it counts – a winner. Nothing he says can outshine the reality of his life to date, a man firmly against the wind, politically demonized, and then – arguably by divine intervention – allowed to survive two assassination attempts.

That he did after surviving a string of illegitimate, anti-constitutional, stunningly corrupt political attempts to redefine, paralyze, and remove him in his first term, including two malicious, utterly groundless impeachments, engineered by individuals who, on closer examination, were dishonest.

So now, triumphant, he will make clear – just by standing in the chamber, a thoughtful Vice President and House Speaker behind him – that principle matters, odds be damned, the good fight is always worth fighting, love of country and respect for history will prevail, must never depart us.

What else will he say? He will talk about almost 100 executive orders, reversing the arrogance, lawlessness, and disrespect for institutions – Supreme Court to Constitutional process – that his predecessor indulged. He will talk law and order, truth against twisted narratives.

He will report on what six weeks of leadership has done to close our southern border, put drug traffickers, illegal alien felons, and those who protect lawlessness on defense. He will talk about reality, boys and girls, real Title IX law, not Marxist fantasies, and 32 flavors of gender.

He will talk bigger things, the end of reverse discrimination, Orwellian perversions of language, like pushing the majority to accommodate anti-constitutional, anti-American, prejudicial ideas like DEI, CRT, ESG, and more three-letter tricks to concentrate power and end the American Dream.

If Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, never mind Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, and Theodore Roosevelt, Harry Truman, JFK, and Ronald Reagan were alive, they would rise to their feet and applaud this turn and Trump’s determination to limit government.

Nothing did our founders care more about than limiting government, stopping its self-perpetuating tendency to grow, in that way to intrude, disrespect, squeeze out, and oppress fundamental, God-given rights – preserved in the text of our Constitution.

And that will occupy much of his address, for sure. Never, perhaps with the exception of Ronald Reagan, has any president come with a stronger determination to call ut dishonesty, shrink and make accountable the gangly monstrosity that now passes for our federal government.

Trump will talk about the unaccountable, unconstrainted, and ultimately abusive spending in secret and self-designed, often wildly anti-American programs – dishonest,  greedy, unaccountable bureaucrats and contractors, working together to suck money from 2000 federal agencies.

He will likely note that this money comes from hard-working Americans, is spent in ways that undermine rather than reinforce our national interest, and that this weed garden is a mess, has been a mess for decades, and needs to be turned into lean, productive, accountable government.

Whether he gets into the law or not, each and every step he is taking, tracked as they have been by this former litigator, investigator, congressional, executive, and judicial servant – and military officer – has been faithful to our Constitution, and that too is worth noting. He models constitutionalism.

What else? He will likely talk about reenergizing individuals, protecting kids, revitalizing American business, protecting American workers, and restoring energy independence. He will remind us of our better selves, the importance of “the better angels of our nature,” as Lincoln did.

In short, like a breath of cool, fresh, oxygen-rich air – when many of us wondered if we would again breathe free air – he will remind us that this is a nation founded on defending every citizen’s right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

President Trump will also likely refer to prioritizing peace in Eastern Europe and the Mideast, ending the Ukraine-Russia war, and perhaps even mentioning Theodore Roosevelt’s ending another Russian war. He may also mention the Mideast, where peace will again have a rebirth under his guidance.

And who knows, like Reagan – and several of our founders – President Trump has an amusing, often unexpected, spontaneous sense of humor. He may lighten and regale us with that.

Once done, the oddly off balance, seemingly unrecoverable modern Democrats – in and out of the mainstream media – can be expected to double, triple, and quadruple down on their semi-religious Marxist messages, disgracing their formerly honorable trade.

The press will wring their hands, talk smack about whatever they can, blame Trump for not moving fast enough, not shrinking the ungodly national debt, reversing Biden’s four years of overspending, inflation, high interest, and public corruption. But just wait. Trump … has hardly begun.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).

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Charlie Beaver
Charlie Beaver
6 hours ago

This Man Will go down in History as one of America’s Greatest Presidents… He’s one of the rare few who truly put God and Country and the will and the Good of the American People above themselves! May God bless Him , all of us and May God Bless the United States of America

8 hours ago

Well, RBC, your last 2 paragraphs of your article, says exactly what the enemy will do as they mount a counteroffensive against Pres. Trump and his administration after this speech.

6 hours ago

Let’s kill two birds with one stone. Take the Marxist Democrats and offer them all of Gaza. Democrats gone, Gaza gains the “wisdom” of said Democrats. They should be able to get along nicely with Hamas.

6 hours ago

God Bless President Trump, the right man at the right time for America

6 hours ago

I just hope that this “speech” will be THE MOST WATCHED event in human history! And I HOPE that Trump will be speaking directly to the people and that he tones down the bragging and sticks to facts. Most Americans can now fact check that kind of stuff so when the dems lie about what Trump said or means, people can see their lies and STOP being members of the Dem party. I know they can go lower than 21% approval.

5 hours ago

So thankful that God put this man back into office again- “For Such A Time As This.” This world has gone totally insane. May God continue to protect our President, his family and everyone in his administration.

6 hours ago

The communists will stay away tonite. I say stay away. You are destroying America anyway. Will those that are there have decorum or are their guests, laid off federal workers, do their interruptions and boos. The disrespect the dems show for the American people will be evident. They have props and noisemakers ready to interrupt Trump and that is suppose to show leadership by the dems? All it shows how inept they are in leadership. They all must be suffering from Biden syndrome. Dementia.

Paul Filipowicz
Paul Filipowicz
5 hours ago

I look forward to this with great anticipation!

5 hours ago

Watch and listen. After his speech tonight the crats will pan everything he said while making their fairy tale progressive socialism seem like it’s where the US should actually be. And they’ll do it all while ignoring their debt producing failed policies.

6 hours ago


6 hours ago

I know DJT is doing his best to put America first, but my retirement investments are tanking because the market doesn’t like the tariffs. I hope he covers this in tonight’s address, I could use a little encouragement that retirement will be a financially-feasible reality for me.

3 hours ago


4 hours ago

I just read that the bill blocking transgender “athletes” from women’s sports FAILED in the Senate. I hope President Trump gives the senators a verbal ass whooping tonight.

5 hours ago

We should also be thankful he is not a politician. He is from the civilian side of society and not beholding to the special interest groups.

Linda Meyer
Linda Meyer
5 hours ago

President Trump is a good president!

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
4 hours ago

There is a lot that President Trump and his team have done so far that are great look forward to what will happen as he goes on in the years to come look forward to a changed economy here and just a better country all around President Trump and Elon Musk and the rest of his team are making changes.

4 hours ago

If the Democrats boycott the speech, they will be acting like kids at a playground, refusing to play nicely with the other kids.

2 hours ago

I wish he would mention the democrats who had a secret meeting with Zelensky just prior to meeting with our president. What dirty rotten dogs they are for dishonoring him and all of America.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
3 hours ago

Mr. Charles nailed it in the finish. The demonic rats hate America. However, they’re not “semi-religious” They are full blown marxists since their beginning. They never did have an “honorable trade” They just had the capacity to fool people into believing what they were doing was for “the people,” when they were actually the personification of the very statism our founders fought to save us from.

4 hours ago

Thank you Mr. Charles. You said it all.

3 hours ago

Maybe one of the things he needs to discuss is the negative impact these tariffs are having on just about everyone now. Will there be long term gains in return for short term setbacks? Will the markets recover? Will farmers recover? Food prices will go up again, because they aren’t high enough now! He ran on fixing the economy, but now it gets worse every day because of this power struggle. People are struggling, so he better explain how all this is going to work, because the left and the media are loving this and will run with it as far as they can. So if you are going to fix the economy, you better be able to explain in simple terms how all of this is going to work.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 hours ago

Watch for childish tricks and reactions from the DIMMs! And, of course, the media will play right along with them. They will emphasize the “unemployed” bureaucrats who were producing NOTHING. However, they never cared about the thousands of energy-sector workers that Biden put out of work and told them to get training for a new job! Such hypocrisy!!

21 minutes ago

I would NEVER refer to Trump as “one of the greatest presidents ever”.
He is, without a doubt, THE GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER. Period

Joe Roberts
Joe Roberts
33 minutes ago

I expect the opposition to react with their usual immature puerile antics during his speech. Also, their toadies in the liberal media will have the usual libs on to mouth their “viewpoints” afterwards. He could announce they’ve found a cure for cancer, are eliminating all taxes and developed free energy and they’d still be against him because they have some sort of mental block.

Linda Meyer
Linda Meyer
5 hours ago


trump state of the union address
tax cuts and jobs act
Lakeview Terrace, USA - June 18, 2016: U. S. Customs and Border Protetion Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk helicopter during Los Angeles American Heroes Air Show, event designed to educate the public about rotary-wing aviation.
joe rogan and president trump

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