Democrats are facing new charges of election fraud going back to 2021, despite their party pushing back on election integrity and voter fraud claims since the 2020 presidential election.
While Democrats have long criticized Republicans who are concerned about election integrity by smearing them with the pejorative label “election deniers,” new allegations regarding election fraud are being made against Democrats. Five Democratic Party members in Bridgeport, Conn., and Philadelphia have been criminally charged with numerous counts of voter fraud on both the state and federal levels regarding mail-in ballots.
Bridgeport had to redo primary and general elections last year after evidence surfaced of alleged ballot harvesting in the Democratic mayoral primary in September 2023.
Ballot harvesting
The incumbent Democratic mayor, whose supporter was the reason for the redo elections after allegedly committing ballot harvesting, won the redo elections. The mayor denied any knowledge of the alleged ballot harvesting. The Democratic Connecticut secretary of the state sent multiple referrals of alleged election malfeasance to State Elections Enforcement Commission from the redo general election last February.
Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee Vice Chairperson Wanda Geter-Pataky, and Bridgeport Democratic City Council Members Alfredo Castillo, Jazmarie Melendez, and Maria Pereira were all criminally charged, as well as a woman from Stratford. Geter-Pataky has the most criminal charges against her, with 92 in total, including 42 counts of Possession of Ballots and Envelopes Restricted.
Other charges filed against the five people accused include fraudulent voting, being present while voters filled out those ballots, and misrepresenting who is eligible to vote absentee.
Castillo and Geter-Pataky were criminally charged last year for allegedly taking possession of voters’ absentee ballots during Bridgeport’s 2019 Democratic mayoral primary.
Being targeted for “political retribution”
“The Office of the Chief State’s Attorney takes allegations of voter fraud seriously and I commend the Statewide Prosecution Bureau’s investigative efforts that resulted in these arrests,” Chief State’s Attorney Patrick Griffin said in a statement on Friday.
“To protect the integrity of our voting process in Connecticut, it is important that our elections are fair and free from fraudulent activity and criminal intent. These prosecutions hopefully send the message that deters tampering with election results in the future in Connecticut.”
The respective lawyers for Geter-Pataky and Pereira declined to comment when reached by the Associated Press on Friday. Pereira said while leaving the police station on Friday that she was going to win the case. Castillo’s attorney said his client plans to plead not guilty.
Melendez’s lawyer said that his client “categorically denies the baseless allegation” and is being targeted for “political retribution.” He also said that since Melendez was only charged with mispresenting people’s eligibility to vote absentee, prosecutors would have to prove that she deliberately did it, which he believes it “highly, highly doubtful” that Melendez did so.
The woman from Stratford who was charged has been unable to be reached for comment. All five charged in the 2023 election matter are to appear in Bridgeport Superior Court on March 6th.
“Since the beginning of this investigation, the CT Democratic Party has said the law is clear about how to handle absentee ballots and ensure that voters rights are not violated,” Roberto Alves, the new chairman of the Connecticut Democratic Party, said in a statement on Friday. “If individuals are found guilty of election-related violations, they will be held accountable and have no place in party leadership.”
In Millbourne, a Philadelphia suburb of about 1,200 people, three politicians were indicted by a federal grand jury last Tuesday for attempting to win a 2021 mayoral race by illegally casting about three dozen mail-in ballots.
Allegedly forged voter signatures
Mohammed Nurul Hasan, who was vice president of the borough council, Mohammed Munsur Ali, who had won the Democratic primary for borough council, and Mohammed Rafikul Islam, who lost the Democratic primary that year in seeking to be reelected to the council, all allegedly conspired to register people to vote in the election who lived outside of Millbourne.
Hasan had lost the Democratic mayoral primary that year and ran as a write-in candidate in the general election that fall. He lost the general election, 165 votes to 138. Hasan, Ali, and Islam had mail-in ballots sent to them, then completed and returned the ballots to the Delaware County elections board.
The federal grand jury alleged that Hasan and Ali told friends who lived outside Millbourne to register in the municipality and “that they would not get in trouble as long as they did not vote in another election in November 2021,” according to the indictment. However, other voters were unknowingly registered to vote in Millbourne, per the grand jury.
The three men allegedly forged voter signatures on return envelopes and are charged with fraudulent voter registration, false information in registering, and conspiracy.
Islam’s lawyer, Robert Keller, said Friday that his client is “the least culpable” of the three, according to the indictment, and that Islam is only accused of aiding in the scheme “in a minor way.” Islam has agreed to turn himself in to the court, Keller said.
“He has no prior record. He’s a U.S. citizen. He’s lived an honorable life and we’re going to do everything we can to protect his interests and see what kind of case the government has, and then act accordingly,” he added.
Hasan and Ali could not be reached for comment and did not have lawyers listed.
Jim Allen, the Delaware County elections director, told the Philadelphia Inquirer last week that the prosecutions should be a deterrent to others tempted to commit voter fraud.
“I view this as evidence that investigators are not going to let passage of time or the lack of an impact on the election result prevent them from pursuing the case, however long it takes,” Allen said.
Twice losing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has repeatedly said that the election was “stolen” from her. She has often declared Trump was an “illegitimate president” and suggested that “he knows that he stole the 2016 presidential election.”
However, multiple Democrats sued each other over alleged election fraud in 2023 and dozens of them have claimed election fraud and irregularities since at least the 2000 presidential election.
Reprinted with permission from Just The News by Natalia Middlestadt.
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.
All one has to see is the graph showing Dem and Repub voter levels from 2016, 2020, and 2024 … there is a 10 MILLION VOTER spike for Biden in 2020… which drops back to historic norms in 2024. A 10 million voter spike from a guy who campaigned from his basement !!! We have the 3 branches now … PUT VOTER REFORM THRU BEFORE 2026.
Holy Smokes!!! Democrats committing election fraud? Who’da thunk? I would have been surprised if they were found NOT committing election fraud!!
Anyone surprised?
The sad truth is that a lot of election fraud simply can’t be proven because there is no audit trail to follow. It can be prevented by solid, reasonable, and sensible measures such as in person voting with ID and proof of citizenship and residence to register. Absentee balloting usually has some pretty fair assurances of validity, but generalized mail-in balloting has no such audit trail of verification that the ballot was completed without coercion by the one and only intended voter. Mail-in voting along with ballot harvesting and unsecured drop-boxes are ripe for fraud that simply cannot be proven after the fact. The instances illustrated in this article are welcome, but they are not even the tip of the iceberg. I have said repeatedly that no nation dependent on democratic elections, as ours is, will survive if the people can’t trust election results to be honest and fair. Ours are not, the 2020 election was the worst ever, and we have seen only modest improvement while those most likely to benefit from a tainted election fight every effort to ensure honesty.
Meanwhile in Arizona: In 2024, Kati Hobbs stole an election she was in charge of! She stole the election from Kari Lake. 2020 election had a movie made about the cheating called 2000 Mules. Too many leftists from Seattle bailing out of their own State to ruin Phoenix and Arizona. That’s the problem with the Left: They poop in their nest and then relocate to a Red State and vote for the same stupid stuff they just escaped from.
Go figure. Birds of the same feather.
Pretty much the entire Democratic Party is corrupt!
When the dems are doing something illegal. The first thing they say. Can you prove intent? Excuse me if you coerced people voting your way. Intent is already proven. What H said after the 2016 election was the same idiotic statement. Then she proceeded to put together the Steele dossier. She deleted 30,000 emails from her server. No charges. But the election was stolen from her. When Trump cited fraud with tge 2020 election she called him an election denier. She did the same in 2016 only she called it a theft. To this day they call Trump’s call of fraud a lie. Like the Jan 6 is a lie that it was an armed attack to take over the capitol. Nobody killed anybody. The capital police killed Ashley Babbitt. None of those entering the capitol did anything. 5 hours afterwards the congress was back to count the electoral votes. Some coup. The truth of what the dems have been up to since 2008 will come out. We have already found hundreds of things in just 4 weeks. How much more will they find in the next 4 years. Be afraid democrats be very afraid. The people are in charge and we are coming for you. Remember Chuckie? You threatened the Supreme Court judges that way and almost got one killed. And you call Elon or Trump dangerous?
This is a test for the new administration. Is anyone going to jail?
The demons in their element. Rats indeed!
Are there names attached to those findings, are there sentences attached to those names?
The more of the “deep state” President Trump and Musk are uncovering, the more sick to my stomach I become. I knew the radical leftists were illegally affecting the outcomes of elections….they have been for many years now. With USAID now totally uncovered, we begin to see just how corrupt these Marxists are. Then today, out comes the disgusting DEI emails sent by employees in the FBI that show sickening genital discussions and worse relating to transgenders. These people are truly depraved and morally bankrupt! I am so glad that all of this corruption and the people engaging in it are ALL fired and prosecuted. God help us!!!
I’ll bet THAT IF every one of these lying, low-life sleaze bags were sentenced to 20 years in prison, corrupt, election fraud and abuse would come to a screeching halt. Make examples out of these deadbeat criminals.
DIMMs have been fraudsters for decades. Go back to Boss Tweed in NYC, William Daley in Chicago, Frank Rizzo in Philly, etc. LBJ stole his first congressional seat and JFK [through his daddy] stole the presidency from Nixon in 1960.
I am shocked! The Democrats doing something illegal and unethical? Be still in my heart
I’m watching these DBs obstructing CBP from arresting MS13, child molesters, Tren del Argua, rapists, murderers, … so WHY NOT dabble in election fraud? I mean when your party platform apparently defends criminals, election fraud is nothing!
Geeee Democrats said there is no election fraud!
Throw the book at ’em!!!!
And we were called sore losers and crazy.
If a person is guilty of election fraud, it doesn’t matter if he has had an honest past. Every criminal that’s guilty of any crime had to break the law beginning at number one. He’s as guilty as anybody else who has committed a crime. What kind f sneaky excuse is this?
Democrats have been stealing elections since the 1800’s and always accuse the other side of doing what they have been doing for centuries. They are the devil’s sidekicks on all illegal activities!
You could only claim election fraud if you were a Democrat… maybe that will change once Trump totally dtains the swamp…
With Democrats all screaming about elections being stolen from them and the rampant fraud that exists throughout, you’d think they would all be “for” election integrity laws! But alas, they are not! I guess they stand to gain more than they lose from all the malfeasance!
You know, I’m a former Democrat now Independent. I will never be a Republican because I have some major differences in thoughts and beliefs, but I love my Country and as long as the Republicans are doing what’s right for the Country and Citizens, instead of themselves and other countries, I’ll back them.
I sit and listen to all these so-called “democrats” spewing their ridiculous vitriol about “rebranding the party” and “becoming a party of the people,” but never mentioning how they’re going to clear the Democratic Party of the communists, socialists marxists, maoists, and other vile anti-American elements. You don’t hear any of them talking about how they want to clean up the corruption, fraud, waste, and abuse that’s been discovered and that the party has been perpetuating for the last 12+ years. It’s just more of the same lies and BS, spun subtly “new.” It’s just SSDD. They have their heads buried so far into the rectal train that they still don’t get it. They’re so far removed from reality I don’t believe they’ll ever get it. People are sick and tired of the same lies and garbage. We’re sick of being pillaged and plundered by cretinous criminal politicians only interested in lining their own pockets and bankrupting our Country.
I hope beyond all hope that people are finally starting to see just how corrupt and destructive this “democratic party” is. I hope they vote every one of them out of office. Maybe then we’ll be able to start cleaning up the party. I have my doubts though.
Demorats are natural-born thieves and liars, elections are their specialty.
Hillary who?
They’re so casual about it. We had to live through 4 years of the Biden Dysfunction, when we knew there was evidence of cheating in multiple locations thoughout the states that circumvented OUR right to inaugurate OUR candidate who ACTUALLY WON. Not only the cheating, but also the polling and the demographics in many areas that Biden “won”, pointed to TRUMP. Impulsive lying is something most problem kids grow beyond by the time they’re 20. Many of these “democrats” still aren’t there yet. Hope they “sit it out” forever, now that their scandals are catching up. Of course they’ll expect hugs and gold medals the first day they all start aiming for the toilet.
Voting fraud by democrats is nothing surprising. It has been going on since Prohibition in the USA (1920 – 1933; cf ). Therefore, it isn’t anything new or unique, nor is it limited geographically.
As long as mankind is in charge of governing himself, you will have “voter/election fraud”. Money corrupts and power corrupts; yet, more so, power corrupts universally. Where “power” is, so too will be fraud; and none are immune regardless of party, loyalty, or philosophy.
Who is surprised. How else could they win?
There will be millions of democrats prosecuted and executed for election fraud treason in the next couple years!
What kind of sneaky excuse is this is what I meant.
A few years ago, I had to exit the Interstate at 2:30 AM to get gas in Bridgeport. I was the scariest night of my life. It is just a really low-rent town.
ALL for Power & Control day 1
Put them all in jail for a long time. Make the penalty hurt and the crime will stop.
Newsmax featured a very long program on election fraud during that time. 7 poll workers were interviewed during the program and only 2 had voted for Trump. All 7 signed federal affidavits attesting to ballot fraud with the knowledge that if they’d signed fraudulently they would be looking at 3 years in a federal prison. One of the group had been told by a person who may have been the “overseer”, was told to take a truck load of blank ballots into another state. There was also at the end of day in one state that had Trump at something like 85,000 votes. Lo and behold the next morning Biden had the exact same count and Trump didn’t. To say there was massive fraud in that “election” is an understatement of massive proportions. The only “good” that may have ultimately come out of it was that we the people saw how horrific Biden was.
One thing that’s really bothered me tho’. Hussein Obama was seen and photographed numerous times “visiting” the Whitehouse. He is also the one who during one of his first presidential run speeches said: “I’m going to fundamentally change America”…why wasn’t he “interviewed” as to why he was there? He is also the first “president” to erase our border. Biden was the second. Another thing that really concerns is the total lack of fight back by Republicans at having our border erased and compromised by first Hussein Obama and then Biden no doubt at Hussein’s “suggestion.” To erase a border allowing millions of unknows and really bad types known by border guards and sheriff’s should be a Capitol offence that should also require the death penalty. American’s carefully ignored by the far left “media” were murdered. Known enemies of this country waltzed across our non-existent border….and sadly again, the Republican party did nothing.
Just a little historical note about democrats; they were the party of slavery, bridge hangings, cross burnings, brutal whippings and fought a war to keep their slaves. Robert Byrd now deceased congressman apparently of some rank…was the “Grand Wizard” of the clan…Why should anyone with even a speck of history ever trust a democrat.
they never stop it must be hard to be true to oneself they don’t get it. Mr. Trump is and his are trying to save America competing with russia and china they have a common enemy(America) BUT if they succeed How long do you think they’ll get along with each other