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Judicial Complicity in Fraud

Posted on Tuesday, February 18, 2025
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

President Trump wants to end government waste and fraud. Consistent with Article II and anti-fraud statutes, he reflects the American people’s deep frustration with unresponsive, often corrupt bureaucrats, contractors, and politicians. Now, activist federal judges are getting into the act.

Trump’s efficiency czar, Elon Musk, discusses the links between physics and government. His point is well-taken. He notes that the hardest thing to stop is entropy or the universe’s never-ending expansion, and the second hardest is bureaucracy, the government’s never-ending expansion.

To this, we might add Newton’s First Law, “objects at rest will stay at rest unless acted on by an external force,” the power of inertia. Bureaucracy’s immovable nature is the same. Bureaucrats want to stay right where they are unless forced to move. Some politicians … are like that.

But the shocker is how many activist, ideologically motivated, non-objective federal judges are now surfacing to help the bureaucracy stay unaccountable, wasteful, and misuse federal tax dollars.

Whether motivated by animosity toward President Trump or ideological kinship with Democrats, like those protesting across DC to keep waste and fraud undiscovered, the opinions are laughable.

A few make the point. Certain to be reversed, they seem written to permit more time for scrambling bureaucrats, contractors, and politicians to cover their misdeeds, reprogram money, and delete emails.

Still, that sitting judges would try to halt a president’s use of Article II powers to examine payment records for waste and fraud or to stop ideologically abusive programs, is stunning.

Nevertheless, a Rhode Island judge, John J. McConnell, declared he was unilaterally stopping the president from freezing programs to review them for waste and fraud, saying he found “no legal authority” for him to exercise such powers. Moreover, the “unilateral” executive act offended him.

Let’s re-read Article II. “The Executive power shall be vested in the President of the United States of America…” who has authority over “each of the Executive Departments.” He may appoint “officers of the United States” and “shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.”

Longstanding caselaw makes clear a president is empowered to enforce laws, conduct foreign policy, and defend the country. Congress makes laws, courts interpret text. This is called “separation of powers,” and is a central feature of our founding structure.

Did the Founding Fathers intend one of some 870 Article III federal judges to assume the mantle of the president, and stop all the constitutional powers expressly given to a president? No, not likely. 

But this judge thinks so and has now gone further. On February 9, he had a virtual breakdown, and said the President was not obeying his sweeping order to restart all federal funding. He was livid, as leftist judges sometimes are, that the President “refused to resume disbursement of appropriated federal funds” in even a few cases. When Justice pointed out suspect programs, the judge did not care.

Before looking at a few other anti-Trump spasms, the irony in this judge’s words is profound, given President Biden’s decision on multiple occasions to ignore orders from the US Supreme Court.

Then we have a New York district judge, Paul Engelmayer, who decided having Trump’s designated examination team would be blocked from looking at federal payment records – including Treasury – in search of any waste, fraud, abuse, or overpayments.

Now there is a novel theory: That a president has the power to stop waste, fraud, and abuse, and an obligation to assure “laws are faithfully executed,” but cannot look at any of the key federal records.

Said the judge, “sensitive data” might exist, so anything collected now must be “destroyed.” Irony on irony. Trump and Musk hold the highest clearances possible, and the Treasury is where bills get paid, including those that may be wasteful, fraudulent, abusive, or overpayments.

Double irony, the Office of Management and Budget, Government Accountability Office, Inspectors General, and other watchdogs have already pointed out nearly a trillion in overpayments. Hmmm.

The judge then said Trump and Musk were out of line since their review might disrupt “health clinics, preschools, climate initiatives…” Maybe those areas are good places to look for fraud.

The judge was, as ideologues are, ready to throw in the kitchen sink. Any review of records – where else do you look for fraud? – “poses huge cybersecurity risks that put vast amounts of funding for the states … in peril,” he wrote.  Hmmm.

News alert: Trump is not going home. Neither is Musk. Neither are Americans who want answers, even if judges put sticks in wheels and Democrats whine, sue, and protest against transparency.

When you think you have seen the extremes, along now comes a federal district judge last week, Mr., Amir Ali. He demands Trump restart all the crazy foreign aid programs, whether wasteful, fraudulent, unaligned with US interests or not. Trump, Rubio, and DOGE were lectured by the judge, who demanded money be spent, Trump could “not suspend or cancel foreign assistance …”

Really? Well, a closing thought. As an Assistant Secretary of State, I ran two billion dollars in programs under Colin Powell and GW Bush, found waste, de-obligated tens of millions, canceled programs, fand orced contractors to write checks back to the American people – all entirely legal.

Bottom line: When leftist judges get pulled into the bureaucracy’s orbit, watch for those rules of physics. Bureaucratic entropy and inertia may be matched by … the power of power to corrupt.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).

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3 days ago


The Democrat Party has been packing the federal district court slots with like-minded “progressive judges” for decades. I looked at a few YouTube videos of long-form interviews of Judge John J. McConnell over the last few days, and you would be hard-pressed to think this person could ever be an unbiased, constitutionally centric Judge of anything. He’s nothing more than a progressive activist with a black robe.

It’s NOT surprising that Democrat state AGs or NGOs race to get in front of a “favorable” judge appointed by Clinton, Obama or Biden to issue an emergency stay order to prevent any sort or review or reform activity. Did you think the Democrat Party would leave themselves no way to block or substantially slow down any kind of audit of what they were doing behind the scenes? You’ll notice that none of these judges are citing any sort of case law or constitutional basis for their rulings. That is because there is none. This is just a bunch of progressive activists in black robes providing cover and support to the Democrat Party to try and stop a perfectly legitimate audit, conducting at the direction of the POTUS, of the various agencies and departments that the Chief Executive oversees and controls.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
3 days ago

This article presents the kind of information that is needed in order to keep balance in the way government operates. This is appreciated RBC as keeping these matters in balance is at the root of having an ethical approach based on rules, based on laws. Trends can get started silently sometimes and much can develop without people being aware of activities that they should be aware of. That goes against the idea of a system that values truth . Let all right thinking Americans defend the idea of honor and respect for principles. That is the standard that builds a strong society.

3 days ago

RBC, isn’t amazing that stirring the pot has now sent “the Rats” scrambling to “cover their tracks” as much as possible before law enforcements show up with the necessary warrants for arrests of those officials who have forgotten to enforce the laws of the land and lined their pockets with $$$$$.

Diana Downs
Diana Downs
3 days ago

Great article filled with truth and great style!!

3 days ago

Judges can be impeached! We need to get started. Faster than waiting for an election, assuming SOME of them are actually elected. I’m 66 and can’t recall the last election where anyone in a particular district even had a competitor. This has to STOP!! Impeach these judges so that Trump can replace them!!! We may only have two years, although I suspect the Dem party has pretty much kicked themselves too far down the road.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 days ago

Democrats had no qualm cutting military funds so much in the 90s that toilet paper issued to tenant commands at NAVIMFAC Pearl Harbor wasn’t issued by “roll” but “sheet”! Shops had to rely on the kindness of others (me) to supply TP at work! Now they’re Defenders of the Waste?

2 days ago

All of the shows being put on are the same ones against anything that President Trump does. Still part of Killarys “insist to resist”. President Trump needs to get this to the SCOTUS and when these nut cases try to invoke an unconstitutional ruling, have them disbarred and derobed. We or I knew it was going to be this way. It’s time to quit being the nice guy and do what needs to be done.

3 days ago

Judicial System is not worth a dime!

2 days ago

Obviously these Judges are getting their share of this fraudulent money. They need to be investigated and removed if found to be corrupt!

2 days ago

More valuable observations from RBC, on a topic that appears stranger, and more sinister, with each passing day. We, evidently, have had what appears to be an embezzling, ruling class right under our noses, for many years. This is the big, enticing payoff that attracted the likes of Biden to national politics. Unless someone out there wishes to float an argument that would defend their “virtues”, we have now begun our investigative journey into a fraudulent draining of our federal tax revenues that has seemed to have lasted for decades, giving undeserving “democrats” (how’s THAT for a redundancy?) and their allies, a river of wealth that, to most of us, would be unimaginable. …and all while falsely browbeating conservatives for being “heartless”, “capitalistic”, and “stingy”. Just think of how many opportunities in medical research this wealth could have sponsored… instead of cheating grandparents out of huge amounts of Medicare and Social Security money’s that could have kept them alive and healthy long enough the see their grandchildren grow up more, and graduate high-school or college. What about the medical advances that children with terminal illnesses could have benefitted so enormously from, had these money’s been managed by non-democrats? Or the moneys that could have funded REAL education… without any “woke” garbage. What a bug nut to chew on… and it WILL get bigger…

2 days ago

DOGE Is doing a fantastic job of locating the Graft and Coruption in our Government.
I’m glad Elon and Vivek are on top of this issue.

Pat R
Pat R
2 days ago

Can those judges be recalled or otherwise FIRED? Can a federal judge be sued for not abiding by our own law, or case law? There must be a way to stop this politicization of courts by judges.

2 days ago

As disgusting and frustrating these “jurists” are in their politically motivated rulings, the process and the time it takes to get appeal up to the Supreme Court is doubly frustrating. Why isn’t there some kind of fast track process to do this? Trump’s term in office is only 4 years and we can’t wait to get appeals of these ridiculous rulings to the SC and still have time to complete the job of draining the swamp.

2 days ago

RBC: Good article. Explicated and explained very clearly. Despite all the swamp rats, I am confident that President Trump will prevail, because “We the People” have made a clear mandate. I suspect there will be even more angst and acting out amongst the many deep state players.

2 days ago

Trump has the authority to uncover and stop wasteful and fraudulent spending. The democrats may b***h and whine but lead, follow or get out of the way. The Trump train has arrived at the station.

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