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On Abortion, Kamala Harris Is the Extremist

Posted on Friday, September 20, 2024
by Outside Contributor

At one point during the Sept. 10 presidential debate, former President Donald Trump accused Democrats of not only supporting unlimited third-trimester abortions but the “execution” of babies after birth.

Once Trump wrapped up his rant, Linsey Davis, one of the ABC News moderators, “fact-checked” the former president, helpfully noting that “there is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born.”

If Trump had been better prepared, he could have pointed out that a senator named Kamala Harris, while running for president in 2020, opposed legislation that would have compelled doctors to provide infants who survive abortions the basic care they would any other human being in distress. So, not exactly “executing” babies. Just negligent homicide.

And ironically, it’s because the contemporary left’s position on abortion is so morally unfathomable that the media can gaslight voters.

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, after all, simply required medical professionals to “exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age.” Yet Harris and 40 other Democratic senators opposed it.

Most Democrats, however, argued the bill was superfluous because this sort of thing never ever happens — just like the late-term abortions of viable babies never happens. Tragically, this is untrue.

Just ask Tim Walz, Harris’ running mate. The Minnesota governor might not believe free speech is an absolute right, but he has no problem making abortion one. Indeed, Walz overturned laws prohibiting coercing of women into abortions. He defunded pregnancy centers. He removed requirements for informed consent on abortion — or any consent, for that matter. And then he stripped any protections for babies who survived abortion attempts. Five babies were left to die in 2021.

Notwithstanding Harris’ contrived laugh mocking the very notion she supports unfettered government-funded abortion from conception to delivery, as it stands, seven states, as well as Washington, D.C., have no gestational limits on the procedure. One allows abortions in the third trimester. Sixteen allow abortions after viability.

Indeed, during the debate, Trump was compelled to do the job of the ABC News moderators when he asked Harris to name a single restriction she supported. The vice president’s word salad offered none. Harris, instead, claimed she wanted to codify the “protections” of Roe. 

Let’s remember two things about this misleading talking point.

First, by the time Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization was decided, Roe had no enforceable protections. Zero. When the Atlantic interviewed the Colorado butcher Warren Hern last year, he’d already spent 50 years terminating the lives of completely viable babies in the third trimester. He did it under Roe v. Wade.

Hern also admitted most of his victims were physically healthy. Which is unsurprising. Not long ago, the Charlotte Lozier Institute found that most medical literature showed late-term abortions weren’t sought because of “maternal health complications or lethal fetal anomalies discovered late in pregnancy” despite what we are incessantly told by activists. A pro-choice Guttmacher Institute study similarly found that most late-term abortions were not “for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment.” (As far as I can tell, they’re no longer conducting inquiries into this inconvenient matter.)

It is difficult — purposefully so, one imagines — to calculate how many viable babies are aborted every year. It is probably around 1.3% of the total. Which is to say thousands, perhaps over 8,000, viable babies are killed every year; most, if not all, having nothing to do with “saving the mother’s life.” (There’s no law anywhere in the country that bars a doctor from protecting the life of the mother.) There are far more healthy babies terminated than school shooting victims every year. And Democrats want to enshrine the practice into law.

Of course, sometimes these decisions are often fraught with complicated ethical questions. No one should diminish this reality. It’s not the pro-lifer who treats the issue frivolously.

Two, Democrats want to go way beyond codifying Roe. The Women’s Health Protection Act, for instance, would not only have made it impossible to enforce any fetal viability limits, but it would have unconstitutionally overturned hundreds of existing state laws, including ones banning sex-selective abortions, protecting conscientious objectors, upholding parental or guardian notification for minors, and many others.

On abortion, there is only one extremist on the ballot.

David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist. Harsanyi is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of five books — the most recent, “Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent.” His work has appeared in National Review, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Reason, New York Post and numerous other publications. Follow him on Twitter @davidharsanyi.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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15 days ago

The elephant is this discussion is “sex”. These people want the right to have sex whenever, wherever and with whomever with no consequences or repercussions except, if necessary, the inconvenience of an abortion. The other group sees only $$$$. Abortion is a very lucrative business, not only the charge for the operation but also the money from the harvested body parts. The later in term the abortion, the more valuable the body parts. Kill a human being? Murder? They could not care less!

David Millikan
David Millikan
15 days ago

Every election cycle for decades from democrats is everybody is a racist and about abortion. Thy never talk about real problems that they created or how to solve anything. Communist harris campaign is all about hate and the hate they have for President Trump. Today, Communist harris main talking point was nothing but about abortion. She never answers real questions about her and Dictator Beijing biden’s Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion or how many Terrorist they let in. Just like she ordered the former Head of the Border Patrol to lie and hide the number of Terrorist (Millions) they have let in. Another reason I am voting for President Trump is we had the safest and most secured Borders under his Leadership in U.S. history.
God bless the United States of America.

16 days ago

How many times must I say it? . . . If it HAS a heartbeat, it’s ALIVE! . . . Aborting a “live” human is MURDER, plain and simple!!!

15 days ago

she has ok’ed the killing of already born babies. what is to prevent her from oking the killing of 90 year olds? and if that is ok what about 70 year olds? where does it stop or start? that power is far to much for someone with no morals or ethics to have. fact is that is too much power for a democratic/republic government to have.

David Millikan
David Millikan
15 days ago

Excellent article. Go to and watch how she treated parents who missed school while AG in California. She threw them in jail and the sentence is for 1 year. One black woman with a disabled daughter was arrested and lost her home and everything including spending 2 years fighting in court over this Communist act by Kamala. I was SHOCKED by how this woman and other parents were treated by Communist harris. She wants to do this to every American parent with children. This is serious people. NO BS.

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
16 days ago

This article exemplifies the need for straight talking and straight thinking on the abortion issue and how the Leftists are dedicated to twisting the facts around in order to present an opinion that is as twisted as a corkscrew. Praise for David Harsanyi for defending the truth, defending Donald Trump from false accusations and defending the unborn from abortion. This article should be appreciated by Americans who respect life, respect law, respect the will of God .

anna hubert
anna hubert
15 days ago

Rather than pushing and fighting for abortion, would it not be healthier to urge women to not get pregnant and to protect themselves not only from pregnancy but diseases and infections that are there. Have they any idea what all is waiting to be transmitted?

Archangel Mikey
Archangel Mikey
15 days ago

I would like to see someone make birth control free! Why wait until you are pregnant to take care of your body? This is ridiculous to the nth degree! Women should quit using abortion as birth control. Birth control is cheaper, doesn’t hurt unborn human beings, doesn’t cause pain and doesn’t go against the moral fiber of a woman’s being. Women should be protecting their offspring, not killing them in the third trimester or after birth. If a woman cannot use birth control, let her have a tubal ligation free! Free birth control and free tubal ligation would not cost as much as the millions upon millions of abortions have cost our government. One has to wonder, also, what would make a party like the democrat party want to pay for this? Are they getting a kick back from Planned Parenthood, given to their campaigns? I think this is a great possibility. Think of abortion and Planned Parenthood like a money laundering operation! The cherry on top would be the money Planned Parenthood makes off of selling the fetal tissue for research. The bigger the body of the unborn, the more tissue it provides. They are sickening…..

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
15 days ago

There is absolutely NO reason for a woman to get pregnant if she doesn’t want to. Birth control pills are nearly 100% effective as long as you remember to take them daily. The IUD is implanted, is totally safe and there is also the “morning after pill” for someone who forgot to use birth control. We should be teaching and pushing using birth control in a big way!! It is FREE to anyone who wants it. Instead, the Marxists will keep telling their lies and acting as if the only way to prevent having a baby is by killing them. And they use this ploy to get votes! It is disgusting.

13 days ago

In this day when the religion of wokeness is being ground into our lives,from the preschool/kindergarten to the workplace/bullying little martinetts, Americans better pull their heads out of their collective rear ends and wake up.Otherwise if we get the “whore of Babylon Harris and her master Obama in charge,it will be,WELCOME TO RUSSIA!

14 days ago

Obama,when he was a Senator voted several times to with hold any care to babies who survived the abortion procedure.Abortion supporters should bear in mind, wether or not they believe in God, that one second after they shake off their mortal coils,they will have to answer to HIM for the slaughter of these,the most innocent of his children.By that time it will be too late for them so I would strongly urge them to reverse course now.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
14 days ago

Abortion is a big business and knows this most women that push for this so much they want open sex with whomever they want to and they do not want the birth of a baby to stand in the way of that now with birth control pills in this country it would avoid many unwanted births this would be the way to go but for many abortion is just as easy sad that a life has to end but when you have a vice president pushing abortion as her main talking point and then the hate for President Trump which you can see is there in Harris as well as Biden.This is sad times in this country Harris does not have a clue how to run this country she never answers a question when asked just goes around it. This is what the Dems in Washington want as a president.

Kathleen Chapman
Kathleen Chapman
14 days ago

In fact one state, you guessed it, CA, does allow a mother to kill her baby up to 10 days after birth (CA’s defined gestation period). CA 2021 SB2223 chapter 629 was passed 9-27-2022, allowing self-induced abortions by pregnant persons during the gestation period. (Sec 7)

15 days ago

The Democratic Party are extremely evil.

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
15 days ago

Mrs Harris needs to be reminded that the law’s are from God, and the government has no power above Gods laws. She,and her followers are on dangerous ground, when they ignore God, and makes their own laws. God does not allow us to murder, and if we do, there’s a price to pay. You had better humble yourselves, fall on your face, and beg for forgiveness.

Doc Durden
Doc Durden
13 days ago

Didn’t even mention Dr. Kermit Gosnell from Phila. and of movie fame.

15 days ago

Abortion is a very important issue today & has become a political issue more than anything else. Women should have a lot more say in this issue than male lawmakers. This issue needs a compromise so that doctors can make a call based on their medical experience and not a law that makes them a criminal.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
15 days ago

No surprise none of these “journalists” ask if she’d put a time limit onnwhen you could get an abortion… but we already know that answer. NONE. I’m betting Biden pardons Dr. Kermit Gosnell when he leaves office…

15 days ago

dem women too stupid to use birth control? has harris ever experienced an abortion?

16 days ago

Looks like the troll is at it again with negative thumbs down.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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