
National Security , Newsline

Chinese Communist Party Plots Response to Trump’s America First Agenda

Posted on Saturday, August 24, 2024
by Ben Solis

Earlier this summer, a spokesperson for the Chinese foreign ministry claimed that Beijing was indifferent to who wins the U.S. presidential contest this fall. But experts with whom I spoke said that is far from the truth, with one describing the Biden-Harris administration as “a gift that keeps on giving” to Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Dr. Shoi-Ming Teng, a distinguished economist and philosopher who defected to the West in the 1980s, told me that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) undoubtedly prefers that the “status quo” remains unchanged with a Kamala Harris victory in November. He emphasized that Beijing fears the “constant surprises” that characterized Trump’s policy toward the communist nation and would prefer to deal with more predictable Democrat leaders.

“The speed and depth of Trump’s policy overwhelmed them,” he added, referring to the CCP’s senior leadership. “Trump threw them on their knees.”

Meanwhile, Teng said, the CCP has shown that it does not take Biden as a serious threat, pointing specifically to an altercation early in Biden’s presidency where Chinese officials berated and ridiculed Biden Secretary of State Antony Blinken during meetings in Alaska. Teng also said that while Biden has maintained many of Trump’s sanctions and tariffs, he has “failed to make the necessary adjustments after the CCP found a way to avoid them.” As a result, China has been able to resume flooding the U.S. with its goods, continuing the hollowing-out of American industry.

Lawyer and economist Jun De Ning, who advised Chinese leader Hu Yaobang and defected to the West shortly after his death, told me that the CCP’s “biggest fear” is Trump’s return to the White House.

As Ning explained, despite false “official” numbers published by the CCP, China is in a deepening economic crisis caused by Xi’s policies and accelerated by Trump’s presidency. Prior to Xi’s moves to tighten the government’s grip over all of Chinese society, many CCP officials assumed China’s economic expansion was unstoppable. But now the country has seen a notable rise in unemployment, increasing debt, and a significant foreign investment and capital outflow, with almost $15 billion leaving between April and June.

Early indications also suggest that China may already be making preparations to weather the storm of a second Trump term, further indicating that they would much prefer another four years of Democrat rule.

China’s increasing military and economic cooperation with Russia may be one prime example of this. Should Trump win a second term, China would need somewhere else to offload the goods that are currently coming into the United States.

One possible answer is Russia, another American adversary. Chinese exports to Russia rose by 4.76 percent in June, more than quadruple the 0.92 percent increase in May.

However, neither Russia’s capital nor its consumer market can come close to supplanting the United States. Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine has also hampered Moscow’s ability to be an effective trading partner.

But Beijing has also adopted a three-pronged approach to potentially insulate itself from renewed tariffs and sanctions in a second Trump term.

First, Beijing is working to aggressively integrate Chinese firms into the American economy. This includes working to remove Chinese companies from U.S. blacklists, forcing Trump to restart the sanctions process if he is re-elected. Chinese entities, including real estate owners and tech firms listed on major stock exchanges, have been directed to discreetly increase their U.S. capital ownership.

Second, Chinese companies are also rapidly expanding their operations in Mexico and Canada. In addition to allowing them to skirt existing tariffs, Beijing is hoping that joint Chinese-Mexican and Chinese-Canadian ventures can capture a large share of the American consumer market and make it more economically painful for a second Trump administration to impose new tariffs. Notably, Kamala Harris’s assertion that Trump’s proposed tariffs on Chinese goods are a “tax” and would raise prices for consumers plays right into Beijing’s hands on this front.

Finally, the CCP intends to continue heavily subsidizing Chinese industry to flood foreign markets with Chinese goods. While this practice maintains the Yuan’s depreciated value, it is also keeping many Western economies on the brink of an economic crisis and decimating their domestic manufacturing capability. Beijing recognizes that if it can maintain its subsidies to keep prices low long enough, manufacturing in the United States and throughout the West will be decimated to the point where the world will have no choice but to rely on imports from China.

Despite what CCP officials may suggest, the outcome of the presidential election this year will have an enormous impact on the future of Chinese economic and foreign policy. With Trump leading in the polls, Beijing is preparing for the worst.

But even if Trump does win a second term, the question remains – will it be soon enough?

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.

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Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
1 month ago

The signal that is clear, should be clear, to all Americans who understand freedom is that people here should make things. — make whatever is within their ability — and keep in mind that if it can be made in China it can be made here in the United States of America. In 1974 I started making tools ; at first I made very simple tools and tools parts like handles for files,handles for saws — then after about a year started making wood tool boxes ,a couple years later started. making tripods. Eventually made tools for carpentry, plumbing, electrical and mechanical use. And made parts for certain navigation instruments ,weather instruments and microscopes. The more people here in this Country there are making things that are needed the better . Because that will mean less will be coming from China . What Ben Solis wrote toward the end of the article is important — about the Chinese Communist plan to decimate manufacturing here by flooding this Country with their products . All of us freedom loving Americans should let it be known we are not interested. in having our manufacturing decimated And that we can do something about it !

1 month ago

China’s getting what they paid biden for: compliance, complicity, corroboration, and cooperation. Of course, China prefers biden or harris in the White House! But a safe America needs Trump as president because he sees the future…and that future, in the eyes of the CCP, focuses only on our devastation and their dominance.
Kick out all Chinese-based businesses and reclaim land bought by them. We have to protect our homeland for Americans and for our future as a free and independent country.

Brenda G
Brenda G
1 month ago

Well, we already know China especially has been buying up land,businesses. Being very diligent looking for these these encounters, upcoming purchases to protect our country is crucial. Unfortunately we all need to be focused, realizing we have many selfish politicians, individuals who look at this as no problem. They apparently don’t realize how stupid they are, they will not be considered by Chinese, Terrorists when the crap hits the fans.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 month ago

If the CCP’s biggest fear is really Trump getting reelected, that’s all the more reason to vote for him.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 month ago

My response to Communist China is get over it. The United States must never be put last like it is under biden/harris. Especially with both of their ties with Communist China and selling our National Strategic Oil Reserves to Communist China including allowing their Spy Ballon’s over U.S. Military Bases for weeks, and their Communist Chinese Police Stations illegally here on U.S. soil which is an Act of War including Espionage and High Treason violating National Security and our Sovereignty by biden/harris. Not to forget the selling of our Farmland to Communist China and destroying our Food Supply along with their Inflation while the Fake News (State Media) still protects them and their lies. President Trump ALWAYS put the United States of America FIRST.

1 month ago

Gee, doesn’t it make you feel sorry for the Communist Chinese? We wouldn’t want their plan to control the world to be interrupted. At least the Communist democrats won’t stand in their way.

1 month ago

Trump winning will be everything to not just America but the world. We can stop trading with Canada and Mexico anytime we want to.I could careless about the economic devastation it will being upon them.We are already paying stupidly high prices for everything.So there really isn’t any reason not to make the products here.Especially since the Dummy crates have brought in 20 million low skill labor that we can use.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

China is, has never been, nor will ever be a “good friend and trading partner” (John Kerry) so long as China remains an expansionist, communist nation. WWIII is already be waged in the Spratley Islands with skirmishes being waged almost daily… not that the MSM ever reports it! So when their carriers launch the first wave in California, smile: we paid for them with our money!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 month ago

As i have said a dozen times, stay out orf wal mart. < Kyle L.

John Shipway
John Shipway
1 month ago

Mr. Solis, please let me know how this “Dr. Teng”, whom you state immigrated from China to the US “in the 80s”, would have more of a clue than do I as to what President Xi Jingping thinks or doesn’t think about potential upcoming US Presidents.
This purile nonsensical article is merely food for the ever war promoters. Those waiting for the last Ukrainian to die so that they can redirect American taxpayer funds toward the next “enemy” the US cannot compete with. Their STUPID plan to get regime change in Russia sure went to hell with western European countries, our “allies”, left broken with leaders in danger of being hung from lamp posts by citizens left with no future in a country with no affordable energy. Now it seems that turd munchers such as Mr. Solis wishes to get into a conflict with China because……….well, because they can produce and market products while all we can do is build low level munitions to stick into the hands of proxy forces but never in sufficient quantities because we forgot how to…………
Go to hell Mr. Solis and grab Lindsay Grahams soft widdle hand and take it with you.

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