
Elections , Newsline

Plot to Steal 2024 Election From President Trump Revealed

Posted on Monday, August 19, 2024
by Matt Kane

A plot to steal the 2024 election from President Trump is well underway, and not just by suppressing information online or dragging Trump through the court system. Those are instances of throwing anything and everything at the wall hoping something sticks, but not the master plan. The real plots have a much more direct impact on the election results rather than just swaying voter perception. We know this because those behind these plots are openly revealing them.

A recent joint CISA and FBI press release warned of potential “attacks on election infrastructure that support election operations, which could hinder public access to election information.” This was immediately followed by assurances that these attacks would “not impact the security or integrity of election processes.” Essentially, the same FBI that raided President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and recently cast doubt on whether he was actually shot is now telling us that, although we may not have live access to election night results—an unprecedented situation in American history, especially just four years after a highly controversial election—we can trust the results whenever they eventually appear on our television sets without question.

Democrat Congressman Jamie Raskin has also revealed what appears to be a Plan B in the event the CISA/FBI election night plan that is disguised as a “warning” fails to prevent a Trump victory. In a clip that deserves far more scrutiny, Raskin painted a grim picture of how January 6th, 2025 (the day Congress would meet to officially certify Trump’s general election win) might unfold. According to Raskin, it will be “up to us (Congress) to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he’s disqualified, and then we’ll need bodyguards for everybody due to civil war conditions.” Raskin alludes to language regarding insurrection found in section 3 of the 14th Amendment as a means of disqualifying Trump from taking office even if he wins the election. In layman’s terms, section 3 bars anybody who has ever engaged in insurrection from holding public office.

However, Raskin is either unaware (which is unlikely) or intentionally dismissive of other language in that same section, which states that for someone to be disqualified under these circumstances, they must be convicted by at least two thirds of the Senate. That threshold was already tested during President Trump’s second impeachment and was not met. Nonetheless, Raskin sharing this very specific and detailed scenario indicates that congressional Democrats (and perhaps some Republicans) are considering it. Despite Raskin’s plot being highly unconstitutional given Trump’s acquittal, he casts Trump supporters as the antagonists in this hypothetical scenario by ignoring how justified they would be in resisting such an overtly unconstitutional scheme.

Beyond these admissions, the Democrats’ current campaign strategy, which mirrors their “unconventional” 2020 approach, suggests they are relying on more than just winning over hearts and minds to stay in power. While many believe looking back won’t help Trump, those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Given the Democrats’ overt hatred for President Trump, their lethargic campaigning throughout the 2020 election cycle should have set off alarm bells, as it was naive to assume they would punt away a general election to him. Even before Trump became president, the Uniparty establishment made their political and personal hatred for him well known and spent his entire term working to delegitimize his election and remove him from office. Despite these attempts, the Democrats 2020 campaign did not suggest they were serious about beating him. They nominated a feeble and fading, two-time failed primary candidate in Joe Biden, used COVID as an excuse to shield him from the public, and ran on a radically left agenda that was the antithesis of Trump’s increasingly popular America First one. It wasn’t until the early hours of November 4th, 2020, that it became obvious why that was the case: It wasn’t President Trump versus Joe Biden, but rather their election theft machine. Now, we are once again seeing them use similar tactics as we approach the 2024 election.

Democrats are even more desperate to prevent Trump from returning to power now than they were four years ago, making their familiar uninspiring campaign methods all the more suspicious. They are once again running on a platform that repulses moderates—an essential bloc for anyone seeking to win the general election. In fact, they didn’t even seek input from their own voters during this election’s “primary,” opting instead for party elites to undemocratically replace primary winner Joe Biden with one of the few people less popular than he is, Kamala Harris. Harris’s continuous avoidance of unscripted media appearances during the three weeks following her coronation is particularly notable, given how reminiscent it is of the Democrats’ 2020 Biden-basement strategy that miraculously resulted in a Biden “win.” Couple this with Kamala’s selection of equally radical leftist Tim Walz for Vice President—who, as Governor of Minnesota, changed laws to shield information about the deaths of abortion survivors, expressed a warmness to socialism, strongly advocated for child mutilation disguised as “gender-affirming care,” and vehemently opposes a border wall—and it once again appears that they have no interest in “winning,” which contradicts their obvious and desperate desire to remain in power.

Instead, it appears they still aim to benefit from schemes that influenced the 2020 election. Or, perhaps they plan for some of the 10-20 million new illegal aliens who have entered the country since then to vote, as evidenced by Biden’s opposition to the SAVE Act which would prevent illegals from voting. Many are still under the false impression that the main cause of election fraud was the exploitation COVID-centric voting laws. But with COVID no longer a factor, this thinking is exactly what those behind the schemes want, as it breeds complacency in correcting the many other mechanisms such as outdated voter rolls, an absence of voter ID requirements, missing ballot images from vulnerable electronic voting machines, signature verification errors, lack of chain of custody records, and much more that all still pose a serious threat to the 2024 results truly reflecting the will of the people.

Democrats seemingly self-defeating actions make sense once you understand that they aren’t trying to convince people to vote for them. They are fully committed to advancing the radical left cause regardless of how unconvincing they are when explaining how someone like Joe Biden received the most votes in U.S. history. The widespread belief that they wouldn’t cheat again because it would be too obvious is a fantasy. They wouldn’t have dispatched the will of the Democrat primary voters without at least having some schemes in place to intervene in the general election as well if need be. They have attempted to remove Trump by any means necessary and openly refer to him as the greatest threat to democracy. It is clear they are long past the point of no return. Given that all these events have made Trump even more formidable, does resorting to stealing another election—one that would likely result in them acquiring power in perpetuity—really seem beneath them?

While the establishment machine is undoubtedly powerful, their plans to steal this election are far from guaranteed. The RNC has already implemented measures to combat potential issues, and drastic shifts in voter registration favoring Republicans have reduced the Democrats previously held breathing room. Moreover, as we saw on July 13th, God’s power can override any sinister human plot. While we don’t know His full plan, many view President Trump’s survival of the attempt on his life as evidence of millions of prayers being answered. In less than 100 days, we will know if His plans entail a victory for President Trump that is “Too Big To Rig.”

Matt Kane graduated from Stony Brook University with a bachelor’s degree in political science. His work has been posted by President Trump and published by Human Events, Real Clear Politics, American Thinker, and AMAC. Follow on X/Twitter: @MattKaneUSA, Truth Social: @MattKane

This article was originally published through American Thinker under a different title here.

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1 month ago

What is the really scary part is that the Dems don’t just hate Trump any longer, they actually hate ANY and all Americans that do not support THEM! In true Marxist playbook fashion. I tell everyone who will listen that this election is NOT about either candidate, its about saving our country!

1 month ago

Here is the hard truth and the facts, all and I mean all of the people in the stop Trump movement are either Hardcore Communist or war mongers or both, look at their policies, Anti-free Speech, Anti-Christianity, Anti-2nd Amendment and mostly racist, and Pro-destruction of America, and the rule of law.
Every one of them should be investigated for foreign ties!

1 month ago

Democrats may hate Trump but Iv’e never felt (and I am one of multiple millions) who hates the Democrats even more. The contemptible, toxic, hypocritical, power-hungry, lying frauds want to take over the nation with empty promises they don’t even believe. They are the new Fascists who want communism to prevail here and work overtime to conspire against anyone who does not like what they have to sell. Their bench is short of talent, ideas and ability so they elect puppets easily manipulated by the Obama “fundamental change” cabal, as corrupt as they are conniving and evil. Should it happen as the article suggests, there will be civil war and it will not be Trump or MAGA that started it.

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
1 month ago

Great article, and this just proves what I heard this morning and several weeks before when Nanci Pelosi said on a national news interview; We and and I we will never allow Donald J.Trump to ever be in the White House ever again..And this article says it Plainly !!!!!

1 month ago

I’m praying that the steal doesn’t works, we will end like Venezuela, Cuba only money for the communists

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 month ago

Been planning under Obama day 1 to date

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

Watch China, Russia, and Iran… doesn’t anyone here NOT believe they want Comrade Harris over Trump in office?

1 month ago

Thi is the 2020 election steal, but now on steroids. The liberals don’t care that they’ve been exposed for their election interference and cheating. They won’t be held accountable for their actions, so they’ll continue their corrupt practices. We can only pray that those who casted legitimate votes for Biden (just to get rid of Trump) have realized that they’re worse off now than when Trump was POTUS, and Kamalanomics will surely flush our country down the crapper.

Old Silk
Old Silk
1 month ago

Democrats have committed many coups, and it is getting easier and easier to see them. It seems also that they are committing them in such a way that we can see them openly while they finish the country off, as if to say, “Ha ha we got you at last.”

1 month ago

Anybody that is not on board with the leftist movement aka Obama/Biden, Kamala/Walz ideology are domestic terrorists. Trump has a base that is growing dynamically. Democrats stooped to a low on an attempt on Trump’s life. They are in desperation mode but the Almighty wasn’t having it. Thank You Lord for providing Your care on our next President. President Trump needs continued prayers to get through this.

Hope McCloud
Hope McCloud
1 month ago

Every state should require paper ballots in order to allow an honest recount. Scan the paper ballots into a computer but count them physically on recount.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 month ago

Democrats are determined to “win” and took preventative measures well before the event. Jan.6 insurrection was a good one, pandemic was another good move Pandering to the fringe does not hurt, the bag of tricks is still pretty full. Tragedy is that people want and demand to hear the Siren song. That it will smash them on the rocks they refuse to see.

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
1 month ago

If you read the definitions of Treason and Sedition as it is defined in the Constitution you will find that these actions include not only the actions but writings and speech which insights. What Raskin and others within the Democrat party and doing falls under these definitions and should be used to stop the Democrats and their tracks.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
1 month ago

Jamie Raskin is a lifelong Communist from a family of Communists and, if anyone is engaging in “insurrection,” it is Raskin.

1 month ago

Raskin has objected to certifying the election of every Republican president since 2000

1 month ago

Please Lord, deliver our country in this time of great need and bring us back to you. In Jesus name, Amen!

Kathleen Rowlands
Kathleen Rowlands
1 month ago

God doesn’t do coincidence. He saved Donald J. Trump on July 13th so Trump could save America! All the evil deceit and continuous lies by the Communist, Marxist liberal Left will implode. Goodness always prevails over evil. They forget they will have to answer to our maker on judgement day. God Bless America, AND Israel! We can get this done, folks! Lets continue the fight for freedom!

1 month ago

The Demonrats are so evil! But God spared PRESIDENT TRUMP for a reason! Trump is a living miracle! We need to pray harder than ever, and put our faith ad trust in Jesus!

1 month ago

We better get in gear and do something more than type on a blog to secure these elections – congress seems to have no interest in making things right.
i am extremely fearful that this next elections will be lost by fraud before we even vote.

Robert Belcastro
Robert Belcastro
1 month ago

Remember when Hillary Clinton warned the Democrats that “if we don’t stop Trump, we are all going to swing!” She is referring of course to the penalty for Treason. They fight so desperately because they know that Trump will put an AG in office who will enforce the laws. That is their biggest fear! It is true that Trump will “destroy democracy”. But omitted is the designation of whose democracy. Democracy meaning freedom. They will loose their freedom to roam the country and the globe as lawlessly as they have gotten accustomed to do over the past many decades. When we get Trump in office, I’ll bet that many of them will be departing the country before inauguration day.

1 month ago

God will give the reins to whomever He will. If He is judging USA and the world, Satan’s demonic Democrats will succeed. It’s as simple as that. God will want those of us who love Him to do our civic duty regardless.

Fred Vanley
Fred Vanley
1 month ago

I find that the total disingenuous actions of the Democratic Party has caused me to see them as an enemy of the people and country.

Their view of America has been tainted by academic elites who are Communist in profession.

When the Civil War comes, they will falter due to the fact that they have no core values that would undergired them.

1 month ago

Thank you for being in the fight

D Hiltibrand
D Hiltibrand
1 month ago

These Democrats forgot one thing, GOD is in charge.

John Steidley
John Steidley
1 month ago

I think it would behoove any and all Political Candidate to remember this…”The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” America is one of those “nations”. America will get what she deserves, and nothing less.

Pat R
Pat R
1 month ago

we will know if His plans entail a victory for President Trump that is “Too Big To Rig.” Pray every time the thought comes to mind that God indeed gives Trump a victory in November.

1 month ago

Mr. Kane, I’m going to buy a ticket for your ‘ train of thought ‘; win lose or draw our Savior of Sin God has a purpose no matter whether we like it or not. ‘ my ways are not yours and vice versa’ He has said. He didn’t need us for Creation ; that We are His Crown jewel of it. I don’t think He needs our take on USA’s destiny; besides If we go down it’s just a move in the order of Him destroying the planet, actually the Universe that He wants to return to perfection ; it would’ve stayed that way Only our First Adam was responsible for Dissing Him. The one and only thing Any of us can do is Get Right with Him through Christ( the Godman and purpose of the Cross) Good night; make an expression of His Faith that He has marked every person with, Plead for forgiveness of your Dissing Him. One time offending Him equals Sin.

Louis Lafreniere
Louis Lafreniere
1 month ago

Sorry, that’s not an article, just a list of conjectures and hothouse fantasies. Try this one instead.

1 month ago

Trump lost the last election due to his abrasive personal attacks that turns people off! He needs to focus on what he’s going to do and tell us how his ideas are better. That will win the race!

Neal M Christensen
Neal M Christensen
1 month ago

There is the final option, a second assassin waiting for the word.

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